Then by merging bloodlines, turning his own bloodline into Kaguya Otsutsuki's bloodline, and then assimilating the power of the nine tailed beasts, became Hinata's only way.

Seeing Hinata's persistence, Black Zetsu could only agree with Hinata's opinion.

In addition to these things, Black Zetsu also told Hinata about what he said to deceive Obito, and asked Hinata not to reveal any flaws in front of Obito.

Hei Jue's mind is also very powerful. He also talked about controlling the past and future. It would be great if he was really that powerful.

When I returned to Konoha, it was already August, and the second Chunin Exam of the year had begun.

However, now that the ninja world is in chaos, not many people are focusing on the Chunin Exam.

As soon as Kakashi returned to the village, he was called away by Tsunade.

This time going to the Kingdom of Iron to attend the Five Shadows Conference, Tsunade planned to take Kakashi and Nara Shikaku as escorts.

It's not that Tsunade doesn't want to take Hinata with her, but once she takes Hinata with her, the shadows from other villages may not dare to come...

Back at Hinata's house, Hinata took a comfortable bath, then put on her pajamas and got into bed to read.

Going out this time was really boring.

Although there is nothing to do even if you stay at home, at least the bed at home is comfortable!

At night, Hinata got dressed, secretly left the Hyuga residence and came to the back mountain of Konoha.

The repulsion force was activated, Hinata's feet left the ground, and then accelerated into the air.


As soon as she flew into the air, Hinata suddenly scratched her head in embarrassment.

Perception enchantment!

There is an invisible layer of perception barrier over the entire Konoha sky. Whenever someone passes through the perception barrier, the barrier team will immediately feel it.

But this was not a problem for Hinata.

During the time when she served as Tsunade's secretary, Hinata already knew the village's defense arrangements.

Quietly leaving the range of the perception barrier, Hinata once again rose into the sky and flew towards the clouds high in the sky.

Hinata wants to try to see if she can survive freely in space now.

"It should be possible!"

The higher she flies, the more Hinata can feel the pressure from outer space.

"Physique is still not enough!"

Hinata directly entered Tsanseigan chakra mode and continued flying towards outer space.

After passing through the troposphere, ozone layer, stratosphere, and mesosphere, the starlight in the sky becomes extremely clear. The dark outer space is boundless and exudes a mysterious beauty.

Hinata looked down at her feet and saw the panoramic view of the ninja world at a glance. This is a beautiful planet.

Looking up, the sky is filled with twinkling stars, the moon has become extremely huge, and everything on the surface is clearly visible.

Further away, there are bright stars. They are countless stars in the boundless universe. Their light comes from countless light-years away and spans a long river of time. Only then is it reflected in Hinata's eyes. In eyes.

"It's so beautiful!"

Hinata murmured: "This is my world!"

Chapter 346 The last time left for Uncle Snake

Standing outside the planet for the first time and admiring the scenery of space, Hinata was extremely shocked.

Compared to the boundless universe, the ninja world is really too small.

In this endless void, there are still many powerful civilizations hidden. Perhaps even the seemingly powerful Otsutsuki clan is just a speck of dust in this boundless universe.

Perhaps deeper in the universe, there are powerful people who regard Kaguya Otsutsuki as an ant.

The frog at the bottom of the well thinks that the sky is only as big as the mouth of the well.

And if Hinata uses her knowledge of the ninja world to peer into the vast universe, isn't she also a frog in the well?

Standing outside the world, Hinata felt her own insignificance for the first time, and felt that her previous thoughts were so ridiculous.

But thinking about the Five Shadows Conference, which was valued by the whole world, Hinata felt that they were also insignificant.

Light green chakra flames enveloped Hinata's body. Hinata stood quietly in the void, looking at the boundless universe. The shock in her heart could not calm down for a long time.

Hinata clenched her fists, and her inner thoughts gradually became firmer.

Hinata didn't know what thoughts would arise in her heart if others saw such a vast scenery, but Hinata's heart was already filled with the world in front of her.

After all, the world under your feet is just a starting point. This world will support Hinata to touch a vaster world.

As far as the eye can see, every moment of bright stars is a colorful world.

Countless worlds make up this vast universe.

Hinata couldn't imagine that she would conquer this universe, but she would at least travel to every corner and witness the origin, change, and destruction of the universe...

"I have this ability!"

Hinata's heart was extremely determined.

The path he takes may run counter to the sentient beings in the ninja world, but it is not a mistake, but because they cannot reach the more distant world.

Hinata suddenly understood what Black Zetsu said before.

Konoha will eventually become a drag on Hinata and hinder Hinata's progress.

Strong people are lonely. If they cannot enjoy this kind of loneliness, they will not be able to leave the crowd and eventually become a member of all living beings.

Compared to Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama's behavior is undoubtedly great. He established the ninja village system and improved the ninja's way of survival.

However, Senju Hashirama's behavior limited himself.

Therefore, the world in Uchiha Madara's eyes is much larger than the world in Senju Hashirama.

Turning his head and looking into the distance, it was an asteroid... maybe it wasn't even a planet, it was just a meteorite at most.


Otsutsuki Urashiki was sealed in that meteorite by Sasuke, and the meteorite was so small that it couldn't be seen in the ninja world. Compared with the moon that sealed Otsutsuki Kaguya, the difference between the two is like heaven and earth.

"...Next time!"

After hesitating for a while, Hinata decided not to destroy Urashiki's seal for the time being.

It's not that Hinata is not confident in her own strength, but Hinata thought of the words of future Sasuke, Urashiki's chakra also has Naruto's share.

Although future Sasuke left, Hinata didn't want to break her promise.

"Go back!"

After seeing the whole world clearly, Hinata was full of fighting spirit and turned around to fly back to the ninja world.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

No matter how big Hinata's dream is, she must complete it bit by bit.

Without the help of Otsutsuki Kaguya, Hinata couldn't travel in space at all. Hinata knew nothing about the cosmic star map and didn't know how to plant the sacred tree.

If Urashiki is killed and the sacred tree of Urashiki is absorbed, Hinata will probably be able to obtain the ability of "Yoizumi Hirasaka".

Urashiki has merged with the sacred tree, so the only way to absorb the sacred tree is to transform Urashiki into a chakra fruit and eat it.

The world in front of her eyes gradually became clearer from small to large.

The land, rivers, mountains, lakes, towns... until Konoha appeared in Hinata's vision, this space travel came to an end.

After releasing the Chakra mode of the Samsara Eye, Hinata passed through the perception barrier, entered the back mountain of Konoha, and then returned to the Hyuga residence.

In the bedroom, Hinata's heart was still shocked and could not calm down for a long time.

'Knowing it for a long time' and 'seeing it with my own eyes', the two bring completely different feelings.

Hinata, who is small in stature, has an extremely huge inner world and yearns for a wider world.

"Get ready!"

Hinata murmured and began to pack up.

When Tsunade and the others set off for the Iron Kingdom, Hinata will also leave Konoha and meet Orochimaru privately.

At that time, White Zetsu will use the "Transmutation Technique" to transform into Hinata's appearance and lurk in the Hyuga House. Hinata will also inform Hyuga Hiashi not to let outsiders contact her for the time being.

This time when meeting Orochimaru, Hinata not only brought Kimimaro's blood, but also prepared a gift for Orochimaru.

White Zetsu has already obtained the Death Mask. According to Black Zetsu, Orochimaru has unlocked the Shiki Fuujin and got his hands back.

However, the Nine-Tails must be sealed for the last time, so the Akatsuki organization has not yet asked Orochimaru to summon Minato Namikaze.

For Orochimaru who has recovered his heyday, what he wants most, in addition to Sasuke's body and the fusion of Hashirama's cells, may be to learn the Sage Mode.

However, Hinata does not want to increase Orochimaru's power. If Orochimaru's power grows to the point where he can suppress Indra, Sasuke will be in danger.

This gift is a document.

Through the conversation with Black Zetsu, Orochimaru has deciphered the secret of the Samsara Eye.

The information Hinata prepared for Orochimaru was about natural energy and the secrets of the three holy places.

With Orochimaru's ambition, once he understood the secrets of natural energy, he might not be able to resist attacking Ryuchi Cave.

Hinata wanted to fool Orochimaru and use Orochimaru's power to eradicate Ryuchi Cave.

Orochimaru had absolutely no feelings for Ryuchi Cave, and Hinata would not have as many ties to deal with Ryuchi Cave as she did with Myoboku Mountain and Wet Bone Forest.

Ryuchi Cave can be said to be the easiest place to be defeated among the three holy places.

Do the snakes living in Ryuchi Cave have the effect of spiritual beasts?

"Just try it and you'll know!"

Hinata picked up the blank scroll and pen and recorded all her understanding of natural energy. This also includes Hinata's interpretation of the three holy places and her speculation on the nutrients of the sacred tree.

I believe that with Orochimaru's thirst for knowledge, these things are absolutely fatal temptations for him.

"Uncle Snake, Uncle Snake! You are known as the world's number one scientist in the ninja world, how far can you go?"

"You don't have much time left!"

In at most one and a half years, Orochimaru will take action against Sasuke.

In one and a half years, how far can Orochimaru go?

Chapter 347 Daily life of three siblings

In the Konoha venue, Hinata sat in the audience, holding a bunch of snacks in her arms, eating happily.

There was a row of Genin standing below the venue, with a few new faces and some old acquaintances of Hinata.

"The format of the exam hasn't changed much!"

The Chunin exam is held twice a year, and although the system of each exam is different, it remains basically the same.

Ninja-related knowledge, intelligence gathering, team tasks, and individual battles.

'Click! Click! ’

Hinata ate potato chips and said leisurely: "It's a very nostalgic scene!"

"After this time, most of my classmates will be promoted to Chunin, right?"

Ningji sat next to Hinata and disagreed: "I heard that the Sand Village is about to select the fifth generation Kazekage. In order to show the national strength, the Sand Village will probably hold a joint Chunin exam next year, and Konoha will also participate."

The joint Chunin exam is a small-scale war. There will be wealthy people and nobles from all over the world watching the game. All the major ninja villages will send their best Genin to take the exam.

Konoha can't fail to take this into consideration, so they probably won't promote too many people in this Chunin exam.

Compared to the large-scale grand ceremony of the joint Chunin exam, the village doesn't value the title of Genin or Chunin at all.

Hinata nodded slightly. So there is such a thing.

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