Kakashi: "..."

Chapter 46 The Worst Client

Is two hours a lot?

You still want to be lazy?

Look at Naruto and Sasuke, they are people who will practice hard as long as they have time.

Look at Akai and Xiao Li, a pair of practice maniacs.

They can run around Konoha while sleeping.

Don't you feel ashamed when you say such things?

Kakashi rolled his eyes, indicating that he didn't want to continue chatting with Hinata. The topic of practice had been terminated by Hinata.

Seeing that Kakashi ignored her, Hinata watched Naruto and Sasuke practice.

To be honest, although Naruto inherited some of Kushina's personality, he also inherited Namikaze Minato's talent and fighting talent.

Let's not talk about Naruto's classic tactics, just say climbing trees.

Naruto and Sasuke practiced together, but the progress of the two climbing trees was the same.

You know, Naruto still has the Nine-Tails in his body to make trouble.

But even so, Naruto is not much worse than Sasuke.

Although these two people are the reincarnations of Ashura and Indra, it is also true that Minato Namikaze's genes are better than Fugaku Uchiha's genes.

And the physique of the Uzumaki clan, as long as it can be used well, is estimated to be no worse than the bloodline of Uchiha.

Hinata thought to herself: "These two are really good, so enviable!"


The life of a Genin is simple and busy.

Every day, they are either busy with missions or busy with training.

But Hinata is also happy with it. After all, there are Naruto and Kakashi to have fun with. Every day, she torments them in different ways, and her life is very enjoyable.

Hinata has decided to remove Sasuke from her blacklist. After all, she has beaten him in the ninja school for six years, and Hinata can't bear it.

But Hinata didn't torment Naruto in vain. As long as she didn't die, she would always get some benefits and become stronger.

Naruto survived with the tenacious vitality of the Nine-Tails and the Uzumaki clan, and his strength has also improved a lot.

Sasuke has made great progress recently thanks to Naruto.

As for Kakashi, although he always finds excuses to be lazy, he has also fulfilled his duties as a teacher.

After all, the gap between Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata is too big. If they don't make up for it, the team will lose balance.

Busy with farm work, cleaning up garbage, taking care of children... After doing D-level tasks for more than a month, Naruto and Sasuke finally felt impatient.

Maybe it's good luck, today's task is very easy and the reward is also high.

Help the wife of the Fire Country Daimyo find the lost pet cat.

An ordinary kitten, and it's very thin, not cute at all!

But this cat has escaped from experience, even with the help of the White Eye, Naruto and Sasuke still ate dust for a whole morning.

There is still an afternoon, Kakashi and Hinata are ready to take another task.

The third generation sitting on the chair should be the shadow clone!

The third generation picked up the task list, took a look and said: "The next task for Team 7 is... uh! Help the fourth master take care of the children, or go to the next village to buy things, or help to harvest sweet potatoes..."

Naruto crossed his hands and shouted firmly: "Don't - don't give us these low-level tasks anymore!"

"I want a more important task, give us another task!"

Hinata said weakly: "Or... let's go harvest sweet potatoes!"

I would rather go to the fields to harvest sweet potatoes than fight Zabuza.

Equipment and experience cannot be exploded, and the client concealed the truth of the task, so the reward is estimated not to be too high.

Only ghosts would do such a task.

Sasuke didn't want to talk at first, but after hearing what Hinata said, he still persuaded: "Hinata, don't you want to do a higher-level task? This kind of task is of no help to us!"

After a fierce debate, the third generation finally compromised with Naruto, and said with some helplessness and some relief: "Okay! In this case, I will assign you a C-level task... to protect someone!"

"Let me introduce you first-please come in."

A sloppy uncle with a bottle of wine and a strong smell of alcohol walked out of the lounge next door.

Hinata wailed in her heart, it was indeed this guy.

I am so good at debate, but I still haven't mentioned Naruto.

Is his mouth so good?

Are Zabuza and Haku really the little bosses of the novice village for these two gods to reincarnate and train?

"What are you doing? They are just brats!" Dazna took a sip of wine and said with as much disdain as he could: "Especially... that shorty, looks stupid, are you really ninjas?"

Naruto was still unaware and asked cheerfully: "Hahaha! Who is he talking about? Shorty, stupid..."

Hinata and Sasuke approached Naruto in tacit understanding, so that he could compare their heights at close range.

Sasuke is definitely taller than Naruto. Hinata is now more than 1.5 meters tall, and only Naruto is less than 1.5 meters tallo(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓

Naruto lost his mind and rolled up his sleeves to fight: "I'm going to kill you!"

"Stupid, don't be so impulsive!" Kakashi held Naruto's head and stopped his riot: "He is the person we want to protect!"

Dazna looked at Hinata and the other four and said: "I am Dazna, a super famous bridge builder. Please protect me with your life until I return to my country to build the bridge!"


The mission in the Land of Waves is finally about to start. To be honest, Hinata is resisting it from the inside out.

What a waste of time, going to fight Zabuza.

It would be nice to just do the D-level mission in the village!

No danger, and the pay is good.

But Hinata is so weak that she can't beat Kakashi, Naruto, and Sasuke.

To be honest, even Kakashi seems to have had enough of this boring D-level mission.

Hinata walked on the shopping street of Konoha with more than a month's salary in her pocket.

"Hmm... The Land of Waves is an island country. It seems that I need to buy a fishing rod. In this way, when Dazna builds the bridge, I can fish on the side."

"Yeah! I have to buy a few novels too."

"I really want to read the novels written by Jiraiya himself. After all, he is the Sannin, but why do I have to be 18 years old to buy it!"

Hinata walked around the shopping street and bought a lot of things. Her monthly salary was basically gone.

After all, Hinata is used to spending lavishly, and she buys high-end goods.

"It seems that I have to ask my father for some money when I go home!"

"I am already a ninja, and I still have to ask my family for money. Will it be embarrassing?"

Hinata returned home anxiously and found Hyuga Hiashi in the training room. It can be seen that Hanabi is also there. Hinata is still embarrassed to ask for the face of her elder sister.

Forget it, let's take a look at the reserve funds saved over the years!

Hyuga Hiashi looked at Hinata's big and small bags and asked: "Hinata, are you going out of the village to carry out a mission?"

Hinata nodded and said: "Yes, father! Kakashi teacher accepted a C-level mission and needs to go to the Land of Waves."

Chapter 47 Hinata's painstaking efforts

Hyuga Hiashi nodded and didn't say much.

Since Hinata chose this path herself, it is inevitable to go out of the village to carry out the mission, and with Hinata's strength, Hyuga Hiashi doesn't need to worry too much.

Hyuga Hiashi heard that Kakashi went to the Konoha Hospital on the day of the Genin Exam, but when Hinata came back, she was clean and dust-free.

Did they send Kakashi to the hospital?

Hyuga Hiashi gave a few instructions, and Hanabi looked at Hinata with reluctance and asked, "How long will it take for my sister to come back after she leaves the village for a mission this time!"

Hinata pinched Hanabi's little face and said with a smile, "I'll be back soon. When I come back, I'll bring you a gift, okay!"

"Yes!" Hanabi nodded heavily.

Although the system of the main branch of the Hyuga clan is cruel, Hanabi has figured it out. She was determined to protect her sister. When Hinata inherits the main branch, she will be the branch that protects Hinata.

Although being cursed with the 'bird in a cage' seal means losing freedom for a lifetime, she can still make her own decisions on some things.

After playing with Hanabi for a while, Hinata returned to her room to prepare the package for the trip.

The next morning, the sky was high and the air was crisp, with the sun shining warmly on the earth.

The main gate of Konoha, a huge gate of more than ten meters high, showed the strength of Konoha. The wooden wall was tens of meters high. Anyone who walked here would first feel insignificant.

When Hinata arrived, Dazna, Kakashi, and Sasuke had already arrived.

Hinata was carrying a big schoolbag, and a telescopic fishing rod was slightly exposed.

The fishing rod was covered and shy, but it was enough for people to recognize that it was a fishing rod.

Kakashi put his hand on his forehead and asked helplessly: "Hinata, what did you bring?"

Hinata thought about it seriously and replied: "Like ninja tools, clothes for changing, some seasonings, tableware, etc., oh! There is also a fishing rod, and novels to kill time."

"Isn't the Land of Waves by the sea? When Uncle Dazna goes fishing, I can still fish on the side!"

Dazna said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, hey! I asked you to come to protect me, not to go out for an outing."

Hinata smiled and comforted: "Don't worry! Uncle Dazna. There will be no ninja battles in C-level missions. If ninjas appear, it will belong to the category of B-level missions. That is not a mission we can perform. Someone else will protect you at that time."

We have to take precautions first.

When the ghost brothers appear, I will immediately propose to give up the mission. Only a fool will fight with Zabuza.

The key is that there is not enough money!


Give up the mission?

Am I infected by Naruto? You are planning to give up the mission, why are you still preparing so many things!

I should not bring anything.

It's over, my IQ... I won't just go and never come back, right?

Dazna's eyes dimmed when he heard this, and he didn't argue anymore. Kakashi glanced at Dazna, he had already found something wrong.

But... Kakashi looked at Hinata again, are you saying this with a clear conscience?

After a while, Naruto arrived, and as soon as he walked to the gate, he shouted loudly: "Let's go!"

The Kingdom of Waves is located east of Konoha, across the sea from Konoha, and is a very small island country.

The narrowest part of the strait between the Kingdom of Waves and Konoha is no wider than a large river, and that is where the bridge built by Dazna is located.

Although Konoha's intelligence capabilities are outstanding, a small country like the Kingdom of Waves without ninjas is not worthy of Konoha's attention at all.

This is why Dazna was able to conceal the mission without being noticed by Konoha.

As for Cardo?

Although Kado is considered a wealthy man in the Land of Waves, he is not even a decent person in the Land of Fire.

In a situation like the Land of Waves, even if Zabuza is there, Konoha can easily handle it by sending a few Anbu teams.

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