It's like, when we saw the battle between the third generation and Orochimaru for the first time, we would inevitably underestimate the power of the first generation and Madara, thinking that the strongest power in the ninja world was probably at this level.

Although Kado hired Zabuza, he had never seen Zabuza's true strength.

That's why he naively believed that as long as he had enough people, he could defeat the strong.

So...he jumped on the street.

The only enemies were the minions in front of her. Hinata closed her eyes, looked at Kakashi and asked, "What should I do?"

Kakashi scratched his head in embarrassment, thought for a while, and finally said helplessly: "Just think of it as doing it for this country and Konoha."

Hinata nodded, Kakashi's words undoubtedly declared that Cardo's death had come.

Ninjas have the iron law of ninjas. Take this mission to the Land of Waves as an example. The mission of Team 7 is to protect Dazuna until the bridge is completed.

If the only enemy is Kado, it can be considered a C-level mission. But if Zabuza is added to the enemy, the mission level will be raised to A level or above.

But if it is the task of assassinating Cardo, even if he is just an ordinary person, the difficulty of the task will be raised to A level, and even many ninja villages will not accept such a task.

Although Kado is nothing to the Ninja Village, in the circle of ordinary people, Kado is a well-known rich man.

If such a big shot is killed casually, the ninja will cause dissatisfaction among some rich people, officials, daimyo and others.

Even though Cardo is a bad guy, he can't be killed casually as long as he doesn't hinder the ninja's mission.

But this time it was Cardo himself who took the initiative to die, so killing Cardo wouldn't matter.

Protecting Dazna is the mission of Team 7. Anyone who wants to kill Dazna and takes action can be killed by Team 7.

The person who did it was Kakashi, and Kado was instantly killed.

After driving away the samurai, Hinata picked up a katana and bumped was worthless.

"Kakashi-sensei, since Cardo is dead, can we take over his property?"

In this mission to the Country of Waves, Hinata always felt like she was at a huge loss.

Kakashi took out "Intimate Paradise" from his ninja tool bag and continued to read. After hearing this, he casually replied: "Cado's property will be handled by the country where he is located, and we cannot interfere."

Hinata glanced at Kakashi and sneered: "Only minions will abide by this kind of rule!"

"Yes!" Kakashi turned over a page of the book and said calmly: "So don't even think about it, you little guy."

Hinata originally wanted to struggle, but that was a lot of money!

For Hinata, who was in financial crisis, this was a life-saving straw.

But something suddenly occurred to her, and Hinata immediately stopped the topic.

Kakashi's father, Konoha White Fang, committed suicide because he did not abide by ninja rules and could not withstand the pressure of rumors.

Although the appearance of Obito made Kakashi realize the importance of companions again, the rules of ninja may always be a thorn in Kakashi's heart.

"Huh~ I finally got Kado, and it seems that this mission can be ended successfully. Kakashi-sensei, would you like to treat me to dinner when you return to Konoha?"

"Okay!" Kakashi suddenly became interested, glanced sideways at Hinata, and said with a smile: "Hinata, you have made a fortune this time. The beheading sword is your trophy, and you have gained the village. After receiving the reward, it’s really time to treat your teammates and teachers to a big meal.”

"No problem!" Hinata said with the same happy smile: "Then let's go to Kakashi-sensei's house to eat! We in Class 7 cook by ourselves, that would be more meaningful. All the money for buying ingredients will be spent Let me do it.”

As long as Kakashi is willing to cook, Hinata doesn't mind breaking the bank once.

After Cardo's death, Team 7 stayed in the Land of Waves for another three weeks, and Dazna finally completed the final work and built the bridge.

The new bridge in the Country of Waves was eventually named the Bridge of Courage, symbolizing the courage of the people of the Country of Waves and the rebirth of the Country of Waves.

It is worth mentioning that during the sparring session with Naruto, Sasuke finally realized that he had actually opened his Sharingan a long time ago, and relied on his newly acquired ability to beat Naruto up.

"Konoha! I'm back!"

Standing in front of Konoha's gate, Hinata shouted loudly.

This is not the first time Hinata has left Konoha, but every time she leaves for a long time, Hinata will feel a touch of intimacy when she comes back here again.

This is Hinata's second hometown.

Kakashi went to hand in the mission alone with a decapitating sword. As for the previously agreed dinner party with Hinata, when Hinata decided to have a dinner party at Kakashi's house, Kakashi never mentioned it again.

And Kakashi didn't intend to treat him.

Although the dinner party of Team 7 was blown, this time when she went to the Land of Waves, Hinata brought back a lot of seafood, which Hinata asked the fishermen of the Land of Waves to help salvage.

Hinata sealed some large, delicious-looking seafood in scrolls and packed them all back to Konoha.

Hanabi and Neji were still at home.

"Bye, see you tomorrow!"

After saying goodbye to Naruto and Sasuke, Hinata quickly ran back to Hinata's house, taking the scroll with the seafood sealed in it and delivering gifts from door to door, giving a little to each house so that they could have a taste.

After all, these people will be Hinata's subordinates from now on. If you give them a little favor now, they will be easier to use in the future, right?

When it comes to being good at being good, I, Hinata Otsutsuki, can't lose to anyone.

At the end, Hinata still had some seafood in her hand.

After thinking about it, Hinata gave some to the Ino-Shika-Chou family, the Inuzuka family, the Aburame family, Sakura and others.

We are all in Konoha, and we will see each other sooner or later. Giving some benefits now is called doing favors.

As for the village chief of Konoha, the Third Generation... forget it!

Sometimes people have to be more realistic, after all, the Chunin Exam is about to begin.

Chapter 58 What preparations does Tsunade have to make when she returns to the village

Hyuga Hiashi was very pleased.

At first, when he received a report from Hyuga Tokuma that Hinata was taking the family's seal scroll and preparing to go to the Land of Waves to seal seafood, he almost thought Hinata was stupid.

To manage a large ninja family, not only does one need to be strong enough, but one also needs to learn how to make money.

After all, the Hyuga family has more than a thousand mouths waiting to rely on the clan leader for food.

Although the seal scroll is nothing to the Hyuga family, its value is far beyond that of seafood.

This is a high-tech product in the ninja world, full of technical content.

Prodigal son!

But... Hinata brought back fresh seafood from the Land of Waves, and the first thing she did was to give gifts to each family.

Although seafood is not worth much, Hinata is only a twelve-year-old child, and this gift is a token of her heart!

As the saying goes: A gift of goose feathers from a thousand miles away is a token of her love.

Hinata went to the Land of Waves to perform a mission, and brought back local specialties for everyone. This is a token of her heart, which means that Hinata is thinking about you.

After discovering that her eldest daughter's diplomatic ability is MAX, Hyuga Hiashi was extremely satisfied.

The Hyuga family will be handed over to Hinata in the future, and Hyuga Hiashi can rest assured.

For a whole day, Hinata received countless praises and likes, and went home contentedly.


When Hanabi got out of school and Neji finished his mission and went home, Hinata called the two to her yard and held a seafood buffet party.

Okay! It's called self-service, but Hinata, Hanabi, and Neji can't cook, let alone handle seafood.

In the end, Hinata paid for a chef from outside, so that Neji and Hanabi could eat hot seafood.

Hinata sat next to Hanabi, helping Hanabi handle some seafood that was difficult to handle, and asked, "Hanabi, is it delicious?"

"Yeah!" Hanabi nodded her head heavily and smiled at Hinata, "Thank you, sister."

Seeing that the topic had been opened, Hinata began to brag, "We are talking, this time I went to the Land of Waves, but I almost couldn't come back."


Hanabi opened her mouth slightly, holding Hinata's arm tightly, and looked at Hinata with worried eyes.

Hinata pinched Hanabi's little face and continued, "Do you know who I met? Zabuza, the demon who defected from the Hidden Mist Village and is well-known in the entire ninja world, was once one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Hidden Mist Village."

"At that time, we did this... then that... and finally I did this... then that... and only then did I barely defeat Zabuza and bring his beheading sword back to the village."

"There were heavy casualties!"

Hanabi looked at Hinata with admiration, her sister is really amazing!

Ningji quietly listened to Hinata's bragging on the side, he dared to swear that Zabuza, who was called a demon, must have died miserably.

Otherwise, Hinata would never say that this battle was so hard, but would say that she killed Zabuza in a few moves.

The more difficult the matter, the simpler it is in Hinata's mouth; the simpler the matter, the more difficult it is in Hinata's mouth.

After bragging about herself, Hinata turned her eyes to Neji and said innocently: "Brother Neji, how are you doing recently? I heard that teacher Akai is a very powerful ninja."

Ningji has a strong desire to survive. Hinata just boasted about herself. What Hinata wants to hear at this time is definitely not his bragging.

Ningji said lightly: "We have been carrying out D-level missions in the village recently. It's very boring."

Hinata nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Our team 7 just defeated Zabuza and needs to rest for a while. It is estimated that we will also carry out D-level missions next. It seems that we can meet often in the future."

Ningji didn't dare to say that Akai took another C-level mission today, and they will set off tomorrow.

Hanabi's eyes were shining with stars, and she looked at Hinata with admiration. She liked to listen to her sister's stories the most.

Everyone was satisfied with the seafood dinner, and life had to go on. The next morning, the team 7 gathered on time and started the journey of the D-level mission.

The beheading sword was handed over to the village by Kakashi. After all, this sword belongs to Kirigakure, and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are the face of Kirigakure.

No matter what the relationship between Konoha and Kirigakure is, this sword must be returned to Kirigakure, and some benefits must be asked from Kirigakure.

After all, it is a peaceful time now.

Of course, it is not impossible for Konoha to keep it, as long as there are ninjas in the village who can use this ninja sword.

Speaking of Kirigakure, Hinata couldn't help but think of Ao, the guard of Mizukage Terumi Mei.

No matter how Ao's Byakugan came from, Hinata, as the heir of the Hyuga clan, needs to take this eye back.

And it must be before the Five Kage Conference is held three years later.

Although Hinata can ask the village to exchange the Byakugan with the beheading sword, Kirigakure may not be willing to trade.

For the ninja village, the strategic value of the Byakugan is undoubtedly greater than the beheading sword.

Taking back Ao's Byakugan was the first thing Hinata wanted to do after coming to the ninja world, and it was also Hinata's responsibility.

Life returned to the rhythm of the period just after graduation. Every day, they took some D-level tasks, and the extra time was for their own practice.

According to the timeline, the Chunin Exam is coming soon, and Orochimaru's plan to collapse Konoha is also imminent.

Hinata didn't plan to tell this matter in advance, and Hinata's words were not taken seriously, and it was estimated that no one would believe it if she told it.

Although Hinata wanted to be a Genin for life, and then retire and go home before the Ninja World War three years later.

But Hinata's identity meant that Hinata had to take the Chunin Exam.

Hinata not only had to become a Jonin, but also a strong man who was famous in the ninja world, so that she could repay Hyuga Hiashi's expectations.

Since she was going to take the Chunin Exam, some things had to be planned in advance.

In the second round of the Chunin Exam, Hinata didn't want to fight with Orochimaru, and Orochimaru was not a novice village boss like Zabuza, and Hinata really couldn't beat Orochimaru.

Hinata still has this self-awareness.

So how to avoid meeting Orochimaru, you must make a plan in advance.

Then when the Konoha collapse plan begins, immediately return to the Hyuga family to protect the clan members.

When the third generation dies, Tsunade will become the fifth generation Hokage of Konoha Village...

Wait, Tsunade?

Hinata slapped her thigh fiercely, it's Tsunade, how could I forget such an important thing?

The legendary big fat sheep Tsunade is going back to Konoha to be the Hokage, what preparations do I need to make in advance?

Nonsense, of course, practice gambling skills!

If you don't win tens of millions or hundreds of millions from Tsunade, can you be worthy of your wallet?

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