"Hinata, I have a plan!"

"you say!"

"The power of the Sound Ninja Village was almost controlled by Konoha during the last Konoha collapse plan. Maybe they have another trump card, but the strongest one is none other than Orochimaru!"

Shikamaru seemed very confident and said emphatically: "And Orochimaru was seriously injured in the battle with the Third Generation. If we can borrow Naruto's power, we may not be able to sneak into the Sound Ninja Village... and bring Sasuke back! "

Hinata was stunned.

Shikamaru, you are so crazy now!

Or Orochimaru can no longer hold the knife?

Chapter 131: The Sound Ninja Village Hidden in the Legend

'Snapped! ’

Putting the fifth pheasant skeleton on the ground, Hinata lamented in her heart, she really had no appetite at all.

Eating the fragrant barbecue, Hinata felt for the first time what it meant to be chewed.

The whole meaning of life is - even if there are tears in your eyes, you must live up to the awesomeness you once boasted about.

Hinata took the sixth roasted pheasant and ate it while mentally calculating the combat strength of the Sound Ninja Village.

Orochimaru, Kabuto Yakushi, and Kimimaro are all considered strong.

The four sound ninjas probably have the strength of elite jounin when they activate the second curse seal.

I remember that in the original work, the four sound ninjas once fought against Shiranui Genma and Tamaki Rai, and beat them half to death in the second cursed state, but they themselves were also very tired.

In addition to these seven people, there are probably some cannon fodder Xiao Luo in Sound Ninja Village.

And on my side...

Hinata looked around.

If Naruto explodes the Kyuubi and uses Sage Mode, plus the Kyuubi's chakra...

It may not be without the strength to fight.

Moreover, Orochimaru still has hundreds of test subjects in his hands, but these test subjects have been tortured by Orochimaru for too long, and are either numb or completely crazy.

It's okay to rely on them to create some chaos, but they can't be used as a boost.

Seeing Hinata looking thoughtful, Shikamaru turned around and asked, "Hinata, what are you thinking about?"

Hinata said depressedly: "Am I calculating the difference in combat power between the enemy and ourselves?"

Shikamaru knew that Hinata knew much more about Orochimaru than he did, so he asked, "What's the result?"

Hinata really wanted to say that the few of us are actually a Teletubbies team.

But when the words came to his lips, they turned into: "Humph! It's totally fine!"

"Orochimaru's strength isn't that great either. Except for Orochimaru, the others are just trash. As long as Naruto doesn't have any accidents, we still have a chance to defeat Orochimaru!"

After finishing her words, Hinata turned around and burst into tears: "To save face will really kill people!"

Inuzuka Kiba said at this time: "When I was hunting just now, I smelled the smell of blood nearby. Someone should have fought over there."

Shikamaru thought for a while and said: "The person who kidnapped Sasuke must have encountered our Konoha ninjas!"

Naruto said anxiously: "Let's go after Sasuke!"

Shikamaru looked at the sky, stood up and said, "Is everyone almost rested?"

"Let's go to Tian Country to collect information first, and then find a town to rest for a while. Once we find the location of the Sound Ninja Village, we'll go bring Sasuke back!"


Running all the way to Tian Country, although there were many traps along the way, I didn't encounter any enemies.

After walking out of the forest, Hinata turned on her Byakugan for a week and said, "There is a town ahead, but there is no strong chakra reaction. It should be a wandering ninja, but it cannot be ruled out that it is the spy sent by Orochimaru."

Shikamaru nodded and said: "If it's Orochimaru's eyeliner, then we look too conspicuous like this."

Hinata glanced at a few people and ordered: "Akamaru, you first go to the town in front to investigate and investigate the building layout of the town. Then we use the transformation technique to enter the town from different directions, and then go to the designated Meeting at the hotel.”

Ya said dissatisfied: "Why should I go? Your Byakugan should be better used!"

Hinata explained: "My Byakugan is too conspicuous. If you bring a dog with you, you can disguise yourself as a stray orphan."


Kiba left alone, and Hinata looked at Shikamaru and asked, "What are your plans next?"

Shikamaru took out a pen and paper, motioned for everyone to sit down first, and then explained: "Although Orochimaru's Sound Ninja Village is hidden in Tian Country, it is not easy to find the Sound Ninja Village."

"I have discussed with Hinata before that the location of the Sound Ninja Village is likely to be top secret."

"This means that no one in Tianno country should know the specific location of the Sound Ninja Village."

After a pause, Shikamaru continued: "We started chasing Sasuke 24 hours after he left Konoha. Sasuke's scent has basically disappeared. So for us, everything has to be investigated from the beginning."

Shikamaru drew a circle on the white paper and gestured: "This is the country of Tian."

"Leaving aside towns, mountains, villages, and places where people often go, the scope we need to explore is actually very small."

"And the information we need to investigate next...is the terrifying legend of Tian Country."

Hinata's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she gave Shikamaru a thumbs up: "Smart!"

Naruto and Choji looked at each other, completely out of touch with the situation. Xiao Li was even more stubborn, a thug at best.

Shikamaru explained: "I once discussed with my father about Orochimaru. Orochimaru was expelled from the village by the third generation because he was discovered doing human experiments."

"If Orochimaru continues to do experiments, then people in the Land of Fields must often disappear inexplicably..."

"And if there are too many missing people in a place, it will become a terrible legend among the local people!"

Hinata reminded: "Orochimaru is a veteran ninja, and he has been hunted by our Konoha for many years. He may not do it near the Sound Village."

Shikamaru nodded and continued: "That being said, there must be a very terrible legend circulating in the place where the Sound Village is located to prevent people from approaching there and exposing the Sound Village."

Hinata thought about it and agreed: "Although it is a bit troublesome, this is our only way at present!"

As long as Orochimaru continues to do experiments, he must have a large number of experimental subjects.

In the Land of Fields, many people must have disappeared over the years.

These places where people often disappear will become all kinds of terrible legends among civilians.

And Orochimaru's Sound Village may be hidden in a horror legend.

Of course, this is just the speculation of Shikamaru and Hinata. Orochimaru is so insidious and cunning that the village he built may not be found so easily.

After waiting for a while, Inuzuka Kiba returned from investigating the information.

Spreading a simple map drawn on the ground, Kiba explained: "There are a total of thirteen hotels in the town. Among them, this hot spring hotel has the least guests because of its high price, which is more suitable for us to hide our identities."

"In addition... life outside the town is very poor, and there are many gangs entrenched in it. In order to avoid exposing our identities, we should try not to go to these places."

As he said, Inuzuka Kiba drew a few circles on the map, indicating that it was the territory of the gang.

Hinata shook her head and disagreed: "The gangs are often the most informed places. Akamaru, tonight you disguise yourself as a stray orphan and go to the gang's territory to explore the news and investigate the places where people often go missing in the Land of Fields."

To be honest, Kiba took Akamaru to disguise himself as a stray orphan, and even the transformation technique was not needed...too similar.

Shikamaru nodded and said, "That's fine, Kiba, I'll leave it to you!"

Kiba looked at Akamaru in his arms with some depression, and Akamaru also cried "woooo"...

Shikamaru continued, "As for us, we will first use the transformation technique to sneak into the town, gather intelligence separately, and then check into this hot spring hotel. At night, you can meet up in my room!"


"Let's go!"

Chapter 132 This place must be related to Orochimaru

Hinata used the transformation technique to turn into a fat man of more than 200 pounds to sneak into the town.

The reason why Hinata wanted to become a fat man was that this body shape would not arouse suspicion even if she ate a lot of food, and it could perfectly cover up her extraordinary appetite...

It's just that this town is really a bit depressed, and the pedestrians on the street are also in a hurry. There are a few small shops on the roadside, but there are not many customers.

The garbage dump on the roadside has not been cleaned up for a long time, and even if you are far away, you can smell the stench.

Some ragged stray orphans used the garbage dump as their base, holding sticks to drive away stray cats and dogs that were snatching food from them.

Hinata felt a little uncomfortable.

This country has become like this, no wonder Orochimaru's subordinates are all loyal to him.

Even if Orochimaru treats their lives as worthless, they don't have to worry about starving to death if they follow him, and they have the opportunity to learn powerful ninjutsu and become a superior person one day.

Entering the center of the town, it is completely different from the outside world.

The lights are bright and the people are drunk.

Taverns, hotels, casinos, and tea houses can be seen almost everywhere, and groups of strong men are drunk and swaggering through the streets from time to time.

This town borders the Land of Fire, and it should be extremely prosperous.

Merchants from the Land of Fields who want to enter the Land of Fire will stay here for one night.

However, the gap between the rich and the poor in this town is so serious, which may be inseparable from Orochimaru's Otogakure.

Of course, Danzo has to take the blame!

Hinata walked into a tavern, found a chair at the bar, ordered a glass of wine from the bartender, smelled it, and took a sip.

The tavern was very noisy and smoky, but a lot of useful information could be heard.

These people certainly couldn't talk about the ninjas of the five major ninja villages. At best, their topics were about how a certain gang was, how powerful a certain wandering ninja was, and so on.

Hinata listened quietly. Although there was no important information, the appearance of the town emerged in Hinata's mind bit by bit.

There are three major gangs in the town, and there are often fights between gangs. Every time there is a fight, many civilians are innocently implicated.

Because of this, there are so many wandering orphans in the town.

Because most of their parents were implicated in the gang fights.

Either dead or disappeared without a trace.

Hinata almost immediately thought of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru's power is intertwined, and he has many secret bases in various parts of the ninja world.

Although Otogakure was founded by Orochimaru, he may not care much about Otogakure.

For Orochimaru, Otogakure might just be a place to get experimental funds.

And the gangster forces in this town might be supported by Orochimaru behind the scenes.

The gangsters provide experimental materials for Orochimaru, and Orochimaru sends people to protect them.

Because the fighting between gangs can just cover up the disappearance of people, and at the same time, they can also serve as Orochimaru's eyes and ears to monitor all parts of the Land of Fields.

After roughly understanding the situation, Hinata paid for the wine, came to the hot spring hotel agreed with Shikamaru and others, and booked the most luxurious room.


Falling on the bed, Hinata released the transformation technique and felt that the whole person was alive.


"Let's go to the hot spring first, and then come back to sleep..."

"Soak in the hot spring???"

Hinata suddenly thought of a question. The fat man she transformed into before was a man!

Go to the men's hot spring room?

Absolutely not!

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