In a blink of an eye, it was time for the seminar to start.

Green arrived at the No. 8 classroom early.

He took a seat in the front row, facing the podium in the middle. This was the best position for asking questions and the exclusive seat for good students.

Time passed by.

While Green was sorting out the questions he was going to ask, he was paying attention to the apprentices who came in.

Everyone was from the same class. After ten years, most of them knew each other. When they met someone familiar, they would say hello.

Green counted silently in his mind.

Sixty-three students came, a few more than expected.

In the first five years, Green's batch had 148 people, divided into five classes.



A tall and thin man wearing a pure white square-pointed wizard hat walked in.

He looked about thirty years old, with a neatly trimmed mustache. The whole person looked particularly neat and energetic, and obviously he had dressed up in advance.

"Good morning, students..."

"I am the speaker of today's discussion."

"I entered the Plant Heart Wizard Academy two years earlier than you. I have only a little accumulation of low-level witchcraft runes. I hope I can bring you some inspiration during the exchange."

"By the way, you can call me Senior James..."

"Hello, Senior..."

"Okay, please sit down..."

"Now, let's talk about the basic principles of constructing 0-ring low-level witchcraft runes..."

The senior on the podium talked freely, using various classic examples at will, and explained them very thoroughly.

Green listened attentively and took notes quickly.

I just felt that the senior was worthy of being a senior, and his level was almost catching up with the tutor.

In addition, the senior did not hide his own privateness, and analyzed some key points and difficulties that must be tested in depth, which made Green fascinated.


Two hours later, Senior James also finished speaking.

After a short break of ten minutes.

The seminar entered the second stage, the question-and-answer session.

Green seized the opportunity and raised his hand first to ask a question.

Senior James also gave Green face and let him ask questions. Green immediately raised the biggest question that had been bothering him for more than a month:

"Senior, why does witchcraft have to be blessed by spells?"

"This is how I understand it..."

"A spell is a referential action. Low-level spells use the names of some existing things to call a weak natural force, while high-level spells directly call on the power that has been named or engraved in the rules of the world, and this name is a vague rule-like language that is not in everyday language."

"And witchcraft can activate the corresponding power after being blessed by a spell, giving the witch The incomparable power of magic."

"This spell blessing phenomenon has appeared in many places in the history of human wizards from the ancient wizard era to the present."

"From vague witchcraft spells to the unspeakable God of Cthulhu, this unspeakable power is a mixture of terror and sublimity, which has a profound impact on us humans (in the ancient wizard era, the God of Cthulhu, as an unspeakable person, represents terror, and the Morning Star Wizard represents sublimity).

"Borrowing the point of view of a certain ancient Morning Star Wizard-Lafur Kang, in fact, this infinity is an inevitable remainder in the process of symbolizing the rules of the wizard world."

"I can use enough symbols to describe a red-fleshed green-skinned melon: it is round, green, thirst-quenching, sweet, and even life-like, etc."

"But if you ask a person walking in the desert, "What is a red-fleshed green-skinned melon?\

,"he will answer: "Your previous descriptions are all correct, but a red-fleshed green-skinned melon is much more than that." It is this "far more than this" that represents the infinite possibilities contained in things themselves, which is also the infinity that cannot be captured by the violence of symbols. "


"We now see the second action of the activity of chanting witchcraft spells, that is, how to use many "this" to refer to a universal "this", which is the mysterious power corresponding to witchcraft. "

"By borrowing a statement from another great ancient wizard, Hegelsellen: Now I write "It is night now", and tomorrow I write "It is daytime now". Both are very sure of their own knowledge and cognition, but one truth disappears in another truth. "

"In this case, what does not disappear is a universal self. This universal self, through this pointing activity, negates each specific "this", thereby negating a universal other. "


"The reference activity performed by the low-level spell is to negate the unspeakable things shared in the specific spell you chant, and negate a mysterious power with universal significance. ”


After James finished speaking about his understanding, he did not end the discussion directly, but encouraged other students to speak about their own understanding.

Suddenly, various different opinions were heard at the scene, and the atmosphere became lively.

Green found that everyone had different opinions.

Although some of them were one-sided, they gave people a refreshing feeling, which prompted Green to think more comprehensively and deeply. For the problems accumulated before, he also got answers in the exchanges and arguments again and again.

Green also took the time to speak enthusiastically and brainstorm with his classmates.


For three whole hours......

Green's mind was in a highly excited state.

Some sparks of thought popped up in his mind from time to time. In the collision with various different views and ideas, Green's understanding of this course deepened a lot and gained a lot.

Until the end of the seminar, Green still did not stop thinking.

Holding a notebook, he stayed up all night in the library on the fourth floor and finally sorted out all the notes and knowledge points.

Now Green can say with confidence that he will definitely pass the course assessment and get a good score.


On the third day.

Green also spent a day to sort out the existing plans.

The importance of the seminar was raised by two levels.

In the future, as long as there is an opportunity to attend a seminar, you must attend it.

Green deeply realized that it is not feasible to work behind closed doors.

If you want to go further on the road of wizards, then the power of group and collaboration must be used well.

Green only attended a seminar, and the gains he got exceeded the results of his ten-day study alone.

Not to mention some key nodes, without the guidance and guidance of the pioneers, Green might be stuck in the same place for a long time, and might never understand the right direction, but go further and further on the wrong path.

This is also the advantage of the white wizard.

In the wizard world, the ratio of white wizards to polymaths and high-level secondary professionals far exceeds that of black wizards and gray wizards.


Half a month later.

Green participated in the assessment of the course of thirty-six phenomena constructed by runes of 0-ring low-level witchcraft and passed with high scores.

So far, it took Green more than two months to cross over.

Half a year ahead of schedule, he passed the second five-year exam of the Plant Heart Wizard Academy and obtained the title of junior magic plant breeder.

He completed the long-cherished wish that his predecessor Green had pursued for ten years without sleep and food.

Unfortunately, he fell on the road of pursuing truth and dreams.


Green stood at the window of the library on the fourth floor of the wizard tower.

Through the thick crystal window, overlooking the huge misty forest.

The colorful magic plant plantation is like a huge colorful canvas, extending to the edge of the hexagram guarding magic array. The sunlight in the distance sprinkles on the layers of clouds covering the entire forest, reflecting all kinds of gorgeous magical colors.

The scenery of the other world also has a unique charm.

In various large and small botanical gardens.

One by one, young or old figures are busy taking care of various strange and bizarre magic plants.

They are now working hard, and they will be rewarded with rich rewards in the future. The whole wizard academy is filled with a stable and peaceful atmosphere.


Just then.

A team of figures hurriedly ran over.

It attracted Green's attention.

The leader was a tall and strong man wearing tattered chain mail, which was covered with knife marks and traces of fire burning, and was black.

The strong man carried an unconscious green-robed apprentice on his back.

Green was high up, with a wide perspective...

At a glance, he saw that the right arm of the green-robed wizard apprentice was being held by the second wizard apprentice in the team, and the broken arm was tightly holding a small staff inlaid with green gems.

Green was deeply shocked by this scene...

Put yourself in his shoes.

He couldn't imagine what kind of misfortune he would encounter if he were the green-robed apprentice, and how he would face the future of his life.


In the wizard world, there are both peaceful and stable learning and research, and naked fighting and blood.

And this happened in a different world just separated by a wall.

Praising the great official wizard-the Heart of Plants-Lord Joyce for his blessing, Green silently thanked in his heart.


"Wait until I have enough self-protection power, and then go out to face life and death." Green prayed to His Majesty the Scale of Truth.

"I'm not afraid of death, I'm just being steady."

"Your Majesty, the Balance of Truth, I promise you that I will do my best to improve myself, study and fight, and do both well."

Let's set a small goal first.

Five years later...

I, Green, am still looking at the scenery in front of this crystal window.

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