The White Wizard's efforts will yield a hundredfold rewards

Chapter 185 Convincing Teacher Joyce (Part 3)


"It's up to you, Green, to recruit more people, the better."

Teacher Joyce thought silently for a while, adding the country complex into the revenge plan, and found that Green's idea was indeed feasible.

Teacher Joyce's previous idea was to invite some white wizards with good connections and good character to go to the wizarding world in Middle-earth. Now it seems that the recruitment conditions can be further relaxed.

Anyone with an idea can be recruited, except of course dark wizards.


"Teacher, the second advantage is the location."

Green showed a malicious smile:

"This trip to the ancient elves' secret realm, the Castle of Blood suffered heavy losses. In terms of the apprentices' top combat power, they fell into a comprehensive disadvantage. They will not be able to recover in the next twenty or thirty years. This is an excellent opportunity. It’s a window of opportunity.”

"If we don't expand at this time, wouldn't we be sorry to the many academy instructors who have worked so hard in the secret realm?"

"On the Misty Coast, whoever has a bigger fist has always been more justified and can occupy more territory and interests."

"According to the rules of the Seven Towers Alliance, formal wizards cannot personally fight for turf between wizard towers. Everything is fought over by wizard apprentices."

"Haha, these wizards from the Blood Castle used to take our territory when we were weak. Now that we have strong troops and horses, why can't we take it back?"


"I don't have any objection to this."

Teacher Joyce said simply:

"When I first founded the Plant Heart Academy, the wizard apprentices were very weak and did not even have peak combat power. Now the academy has developed. It has developed a biological armor with more than a dozen peak combat powers. continues to increase.”

"Green, I don't object to you expanding your territory in the direction of the Castle of Blood Academy, but remember to be careful and don't step into their base."

"Don't worry, teacher."

Green patted his chest, very confident.

"I will not step on the red line of the Seven Towers Alliance so stubbornly. I am the most disciplined person. Fighting within the rules will show how smart we are."


"Teacher, the last one is peace."

Green got a little excited when he talked about people and people.

"This reconciliation is different. There are two aspects of reconciliation."

"On the one hand, it's the people within our college. Teacher, if you haven't been around at the grassroots level of the college in the past few decades, you don't know how involved our college is!"

"After more than a hundred years of development, the academy has long been saturated with wizards. From the first day I entered Plant Heart Academy, I have been taking papers, my classmates are taking papers, and the instructors are also taking papers."

"After five years of assessments and screenings, I relied on extraordinary efforts and a little bit of luck to become the king of scroll kings, win the final victory, and become an official wizard."

"But, teacher, do you know? Behind me, how many wizards have fallen into disgrace, and how many wizards have been forced to destroy their dreams and paths forward?"

"Hundreds? Thousands? No, that's tens of thousands."

"Our academy has developed for more than a hundred years and has tens of thousands of wizard apprentices, but I am the only one to become an official wizard. What a cruel probability this is."

"This is not the worst thing. This is not what I want to talk about. After all, for most wizard apprentices, formal wizards are too far away for them."

"What I care about is the intermediate level wizard apprentices in the academy."


Teacher Joyce:

"Oh, intermediate wizard apprentice, are there any problems with this class?"

"The problem is huge. The most serious problem in the college is the intermediate wizard apprentice class. Our college's training system is very relaxed, and the benefits during the welfare period are really good. More than 80% of wizard apprentices can Reached Intermediate Wizard Apprentice and got stuck at this step."

"Therefore, the intermediate wizard apprentice has been involved in a situation that is simply unbearable to look at."

"Teacher, let me give you an example."

"Thirty years ago, in our college, for a job worth 1,000 magic stones per month, an intermediate wizard apprentice only needed to work an average of 22*8u003d176 hours per month. But now, for the same job, an intermediate wizard A wizard apprentice needs to work 26*10u003d260 hours a month to get the same magic stone, and the work intensity is increased by about half.”

"Moreover, this is the same job. Thirty years ago, a novice who had just entered the intermediate wizard apprenticeship could find this job and complete it well. However, thirty years later, the content of this job has not changed, and the recruitment requirements have changed. There is a higher level, and only experienced intermediate wizard apprentices can find the same job."

"Has the job content changed?"

"Has the work become more difficult?"

"No, it's not the same job. It's still the same job."

“There’s just an oversupply of talent.”

"There are more and more wizards in our academy, and more and more wizards are stuck as intermediate wizard apprentices. However, the jobs in the academy have long been saturated."

"This has led to a phenomenon that many new wizard apprentices will become unemployed after 20 years of welfare training."

"They graduate but cannot find a job, and without the welfare support of the academy, how can these wizard apprentices grow and develop?"

"It is estimated that they will even have difficulty surviving."

"So, as long as we start to develop and expand the resource acquisition area, we can solve these class contradictions, and countless grassroots wizards in the academy will raise their hands to support."


"I don't know much about this."

Teacher Joyce said lightly:

"But, based on the facts, what you said does make sense."

"Since the wizards inside will Agree, then you can try to do it. "

"I can figure out the people inside and I, but where do you get the people outside from?"

"Teacher, the people outside still depend on you."

"The premise of the large-scale development, large-scale development, and large-scale expansion strategy I proposed is inseparable from one word-money."

"The initial investment must be real money, so that it can be done, especially the construction of a large project such as the sub-tower of the wizard tower, which requires a huge amount of resources."

"Our wizard academy is now out of money. The accumulation of more than 100 years has been consumed in preparing for the battle in the ancient elf secret realm."

"So, we need to find other sources of funds."

"And who has money on the Misty Coast?"

"I have studied it, The resource allocation in the wizard world is in the shape of an inverted pyramid, that is, a very small number of formal wizards control most of the resources. "

"As for being rich, wizard apprentices are a bunch of workers, very poor, only formal wizards have money."

"So, we can take advantage of the fact that these formal wizards need your help and invite them to participate in the development of the sub-tower of the wizard tower."

"As long as their money is in place, the construction of the sub-tower of the wizard tower will be very fast."


"Green, Green............"

Teacher Joyce couldn't help but laugh:

"You really want to squeeze out every penny of value from your teacher."

"Are you a capitalist?"

"Teacher, I am wronged!"

Green shouted Complaint:

"I am a genuine country bumpkin, how could I have anything to do with capitalists? Isn't this for the sake of the college?"

"As long as the college can develop, it doesn't matter if I work harder."

"Okay, got it."

Teacher Joyce smiled kindly and said:

"Teacher, I can't help you too much. Before I leave, just order me around."

"I will cooperate with whatever you need me to do. Just do it."

"But I also have a requirement. You must devote at least 60% of your energy to accepting the inheritance of my botanical school. In the past 10 years, I must teach you everything I know. Needless to say, you must at least get started."

"As long as you can meet this condition of mine, you can do whatever you want the rest of the time."

"Okay, teacher. No problem!"

Green was particularly excited:

"It's a deal."

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