The White Wizard's efforts will yield a hundredfold rewards

Chapter 202: Ten Years of Harvest (Part 2)

"During the 10-year planning period, our college has also made great achievements in diplomacy."

"The academy has established friendly commercial relations with 80% of the large and medium-sized forces in the Misty Coast. At the same time, it has also established a strong alliance with Bright Fire Academy and Frank Tower Academy through the biological warfare armor development project. In addition, In addition, our college has attracted a large number of small-power wizards and casual wizard elites in the past 10 years, establishing a huge reputation among the bottom wizard groups of the Misty Coast Wizarding World, and also established the transcendent status of the center of the Southern Region of the Misty Coast."

"At the same time, Mr. Joyce took a large number of official wizards to the wizarding world of Middle-earth. The forces behind these official wizards have also formed a good relationship with us. As long as nothing serious happens in our academy, these forces will also The city gave us some face and started various exchanges with our college.”


“However, our college still encounters some challenges.”

"The first is the issue of the conversion of old and new driving forces in economic development. Some of the pillar industries of our college are declining rapidly. For example, the real estate industry is already a sunset industry. However, this industry is too large and involves the cornerstone of our college's stability. So how can we make it more sustainable? Real estate lands smoothly, which is a big problem.

Some industries are growing rapidly, but are extremely short of manpower. For example, the industry of cultivating magical plants has many barren lands waiting to be reclaimed. However, the pay in this industry is low. Today's young people are not willing to farm. How to ensure this? The security of magical plant resources and the realization of self-sufficiency is also a big issue.

Finally, there are the strategic issues of population retirement and western development faced by the college. As the economic development of the college becomes stronger and stronger, a large number of wizards have postponed their retirement age, hoping to work for a few more years and take advantage of the college's dividends. For this reason, there are still many who have retired and are about to reach the end of their lives. All the old guys came back from the secular world and participated in the construction of the college.

This has also led to the college's western development strategy encountering great difficulties. There is not enough manpower to guard Xilin County developed by our college. According to college statistics, in Xilin County, over a thousand wizards have returned to the college in the past 10 years. A large number of wizards have returned to the college. The territory was abandoned, and some of the newly developed territories returned to a state of desolation due to lack of manpower. This had a great impact on the college's destiny accumulation plan.

To sum up, the 10-year planning period is an important stage in the development process of our college. During this period, the college made great progress in economics, intellectual research, and diplomacy, but it also faced some challenges.

In the future, we need to continue to work hard to promote the comprehensive development of the college, realize the great rise of the Heart of Plants College, and inherit and strengthen our school of botany. "


"Pa bang bang..."

The entire venue burst into thunderous applause.

Many wizards attending the meeting were very excited. This was the first time they had a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the Plant Heart Academy.

Lines of data write the history of their struggle.

The red growth arrows one by one reveal the hard work they have put in.

"It's amazing, it's amazing. Who would have thought that our college could create such a big miracle! It only took 10 years. 10 years, it's probably more fruitful than other colleges' achievements in 100 years."

"This can't be said to be a miracle. This is simply a fairy tale. Who can do it? In 10 years, a wizard college has undergone such earth-shaking changes! The economic means are simply unbelievable. This is what is called Economics?”

"Fart economics, this is the outstanding wisdom of our Lord Green, who uses great prophetic methods to guide us. When everyone questions, denies, and opposes, only the great wisdom of Wizard Green firmly implements Regarding the reform and opening up policy, I wonder if Mr. Green has the means to predict the future. He has seen it before and knows that he will achieve such great achievements? "

"It must be the favor of fate. I heard that wizards favored by fate are like the sons of God. They often have wisdom that ordinary people can't imagine, and they also perform actions that ordinary people can't understand. But, in the end, They will definitely reap a huge harvest that ordinary people will never understand in their lifetime. This is the son of destiny!"


Some wizards who joined later also discussed loudly.

"Fortunately, as soon as I heard the four announcements issued by Mr. Green, I immediately sensed the opportunity and led all the elites of the clan to join the Plant Heart Academy. Sure enough, our vision was accurate, and the Plant Heart Academy was fully developed. Now, we will become prosperous together..."

"Hehe, this clan leader, you are still awesome. Why did I hesitate? I only brought half of the people here, and the time difference was three years. Oh my, I missed the best part of this wave of bonuses. I really regret it. Already......"

"That's great. Our boss has a good vision. Although he packaged us up and sold us to the Heart of Plants Academy, along with our decades of savings, we made money back later. Now our assets are higher than they were in 10 years." It has more than doubled, and the team has continued to grow, becoming the number one construction contracting team of Plant Heart College..."

"Yes, we have to thank the boss, Your Majesty, the Balance of Truth, please bless my boss to have a smooth journey to Middle-earth. The boss sells well, and sells well. If the boss didn't sell us, how could we have such a good life now?"

"The Heart of Plants Academy is really extraordinary. I have heard that the wizard world in Middle-earth is the holy land of civilization in our world. A wizard academy founded by a formal wizard who escaped can create such an incredible miracle. Sure enough, the holy land is worthy of being a holy land. I must hold on to this thigh tightly. In the future, I will rely on the Heart of Plants Academy for everything I eat and drink..."


"The Academy Let's end the summary meeting here."

Wizard Green stood up and said:

"Everyone has worked hard for 10 years, but hard work will be rewarded. I am very pleased to see such a generous return from our school."

"This is the credit of everyone. Therefore, I decided to give each wizard in the school a red envelope of 1,000 magic stones to celebrate."

"Everyone, please be happy. The harvest is not easy to come by, and it is worth celebrating by the whole school."

"However, there are also many crises and problems. After the celebration, we must cheer up, jointly implement the crisis rehearsal plan, face the problems together, and stand together through thick and thin. In the next ten years, or even 100 years, we will move forward bravely and be unstoppable!"

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