The White Wizard's efforts will yield a hundredfold rewards

Chapter 66 It’s graduation season again

Two years passed in a flash.

The tall white wizard tower still stands quietly in the depths of the misty forest.

The tower body only adds a little sense of vicissitudes of wind and rain.

This wizard tower, which has been through a century, has added a lot of historical heritage.


Since Ellie returned from her study tour.

Green and others have seen her very few times.

It is just heard that Ellie is also studying like Westley and refining potions like crazy.

Fortunately, Ellie does not drink low-level satiety potions.

She ordered a home delivery service, and her daily diet is still mainly fruits, vegetables, and fresh milk.


In a blink of an eye, graduation season is coming again.

This time, it is Green's turn.

20 years on the wizard's road, at the end of December.

The iron triangle gathered in the beef burger hut again, and this time a new member was added-Adler, who had just completed a mission and was severely injured and was forced to recuperate in the academy.

Green carefully looked at the three friends in front of him. In this graduation season celebration, Green only had these few good friends left. Ellie did not come, and Green was a little disappointed.

Green had also found Ellie several times in the past two years, advising her to keep a relaxed and moderate study. But Ellie was dismissed by the reason that she needed to focus on the path of wizards.

The huge difference in ideas made the two of them drift apart.


According to the information obtained by Oaks.

Of the 198 apprentices who enrolled together, only 42 apprentices have successfully obtained graduation certificates, become registered apprentices of the academy, and obtained permanent residence in the academy.

As for the remaining 156 apprentices, they were forced to enter the sequence of combat wizards, running around in the tired journey of fighting and doing tasks every day, hoping to accumulate task points in exchange for permanent residence in the academy.

There are rumors that due to the friction between the black wizards and the Light Fire Wizard Academy, the danger of outbound missions has been increasing in recent years, and the number of apprentices lost in combat missions this year has exceeded half.

In the Plant Heart Wizard Academy, these close friends of Green are all apprentices who have studied for 20 years, successfully passed four five-year exams, and are the last laughers.

(Except Adler, who is also not fond of studying and directly chooses the knight path.)


Name: Oaks

Physiological age: 30 years old

Wizard age: 20 years

Wizard realm: Intermediate wizard apprentice (25%)

Awakened bloodline: None

Title: 2-star pharmacist apprentice


A wizard apprentice with money ability, a direct member of one of the four major wizard families in the wizard academy.

During the 20-year wizard apprentice training stage, his grades were stable and relatively excellent, and he was an elite talent.

He has served as the director, vice chairman, and chairman of the current apprentice club.

He is a social bull and loves to show off.

He is currently developing in the two aspects of pharmacist apprenticeship and business management. After graduation, he has been offered the position of assistant to the team leader of a Class B laboratory.


Name: Bigger

Physiological age: 29

Wizard age: 20 years

Wizard realm: Intermediate wizard apprentice (5%)

Awakened bloodline: None

Job title: Intermediate magic plant breeder


A diligent and down-to-earth wizard apprentice, with decisive judgment, chooses the track early and takes the first-mover advantage.

During the 20-year wizard apprentice training stage, his grades were stable and relatively excellent, and he is an elite talent.

No experience in club employment, has been in the botanical garden for a long time, conscientious and down-to-earth, with the tenacity of an old ox, plus a little help from friends, he successfully graduated and got a degree certificate.

Socially phobic, not talkative, but has his own independent thinking and is firm in his choice.

Currently developing in the two aspects of advanced magic plant breeder and education and teaching, after graduation, he received an offer from Lao Moore's large botanical garden to sign a contract for a magic plant breeder.


Name: Green

Physiological age: 30 years old

Wizard age: 20 years

Wizard realm: Intermediate wizard apprentice (55%) + peak of bloodline knight

Awakened bloodline: Fourth-order star-devouring beast

Job title: 3-star pharmacist apprentice


A good student who relies on strict self-discipline to study and actively participates in internal competition.

During the 20-year wizard apprentice training stage, his grades were stable and excellent, and he was a genius.

No experience in club employment, he has been hanging around in the laboratory for a long time, the free food area in the north area of ​​the first floor, the training ground of mentor Jordan, and the library on the fourth floor. He studied hard, ranked among the top three in talent and talent this year, and successfully graduated and got a degree certificate.

Socially phobic, a sultry otaku, likes but dares not pursue, goes with the flow, has a tendency to be masochistic, but also has lofty ideals and ambitions, and is working hard for it.

Currently developing in two directions: pharmacist apprentice and combat wizard, after graduation, he received an offer for talent introduction to the A-level laboratory from Teacher Bridger.


Name: Adler

Physical age: 28

Wizard age: 20 years

Wizard realm: Intermediate wizard apprentice (15%) + peak bloodline knight

Awakened bloodline: Level 3 Earth Bear

Title: Low-level magic plant breeder, 3-star combat wizard


A simple and brave boy, a strong and trustworthy knight.

During the 20-year training period for wizard apprentices, his cultural achievements were average and relatively lagging behind. Later, he turned to developing blood knights and embarked on the road of fighting wizards.

No corporate employment experience. Having served in three combat teams, he is a loyal and reliable shield and protector for his comrades.

He likes to eat, drink, and fight with others. What he enjoys most is having a big drink with a few friends after a big fight, and being free and easy.

He is currently developing towards a combat wizard and a bloodline knight. He has several years of combat experience and is a reliable member of a top combat team.


"Come, let's raise a toast together."

"To our dying youth!"

Green raised his large beer glass and invited everyone.




The four of them were big drinkers and drank 1L of cold rye beer in one go.

"Ha ha ha ha......"

Several people couldn't help laughing happily.

At this time, there is a free dining area on the entire first floor.

There were several tables where apprentices who had graduated and passed the exam were celebrating.

Everywhere is full of happy and happy atmosphere...

It attracted the envy of the young apprentices around him, who were still in the midst of learning.

I really envy these graduating seniors. It would be great if I could graduate as smoothly as them.


"Green, you can..."

Oaks punched Green hard, as if to vent the dissatisfaction in his body.

"Silently, I became a 3-star pharmacist apprentice."

"I'm still stuck on the last intermediate level mental awakening potion."

"Hey, it's just that little bit short,"

"I feel that if you give me another three months, no, two months, I will be able to break through that barrier."

"Ox, I'm lucky too."

"If it weren't for the east wind that the college sent me, I wouldn't have had the chance to become a 3-star pharmacist apprentice."

"I still have to thank the academy for the training." Green sighed.

"Oakes, don't be discouraged. Gold will always shine. Keep at it and you will be able to do it too."

Bigger cheered Oakes up.

"I know, thank you for your encouragement."

"I didn't expect to be a 3-star pharmacist apprentice, but I just missed it. I was really unwilling to accept it, so I complained a few more words. Don't take it to heart."


"Come on, Green is our biggest protagonist today."

"He is the big dark horse among us. This really confirms his status as a genius."

"From now on, Green will be one of the three great talents in our class, and his future is limitless."

Oaks praised loudly:

"Green, do you remember Henry and Elena who mocked you before?"

"That's the Henry who wants to throw you a party."

After speaking, Oaks winked at Green.


Green coughed a few times unnaturally, pretending not to care and said:

"I have an impression that the two of them wanted to work together to defraud me of the magic stone."

"It's a pity that I was superior and didn't let them succeed."

"In my opinion, their taunts are nothing more than clowns. If I have the chance to meet them again, I will definitely slap their faces hard."


"Ha ha......."

"Green, it's a pity that you have no chance."

Oaks said playfully:

"Elena is a person who is unlucky, has low qualifications, and wants to follow evil ways. She also wants to find a backer for herself through the pleasures of sex."

"As a result, when she went on a mission in the third year, her team encountered an unmatched enemy. At the critical moment, her so-called backer ruthlessly abandoned her and died tragically."


Green was surprised: "Is it so miserable?"

"Are all combat missions so dangerous?"

"That depends on one's personal strength. A low-level wizard apprentice like Elena, the intensity of the low-level witchcraft he has learned is only a dozen degrees at most. On the foggy and misty coast, his ability to survive is the worst. At least he has to You need to be at the level of an intermediate wizard apprentice to be able to barely protect yourself."

Oakes explained:

"This is not the worst."

"The worst offender is Henry. He is a deceiver, omnipotent, and has such a great reputation that even I admire him."

"Relying on the fraudulent money, Henry passed the second five-year exam and the third five-year exam one after another, but he failed because of his gambling addiction."

"This guy, in order to get his money back, dared to borrow money from usury, and ended up losing everything..."

"Under the compound interest rate, Henry owed huge debts and was simply unable to repay..."

"Just yesterday, as soon as he ended his apprenticeship welfare period protection, the loan shark quoted the rules set by the college and sold Henry to a tutor at the college who studies death and life, waiting for Henry's future. yes--

An endless career of experimental material. "

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

"So, Green, you probably will never see these two people again, and they won't know about your outstanding achievements."

"How is it? Are you upset that you didn't get to give them a good slap in the face?"


After hearing about the tragic experiences of these two people, Green's resentment also dissipated.

I still remember how arrogant these two people were at the beginning. Even a person with such a good temper like Green couldn't help but write them down in his little notebook, ready to give them a good slap in the face one day.

However, these two people were unlucky. They died before Green could give them a good slap in the face.

This made Green a little melancholy.

Green pretended to be relieved and glanced at Oaks.

"It's not a big deal. I just feel sorry for these two students who have gone astray in life."

"Two flower buds were suppressed by the wind and snow at their most beautiful time and withered. It is always a sigh-worthy thing."

"People should still master the power in their own hands."


"Come on, let's not talk about these unhappy things."

"Don't go home until you are drunk tonight, drink as much as you can,"


"Let's drink to our heart's content, and drink away all the hardships and fatigue we have suffered in the past 20 years. Whoever doesn't drink is a coward... ....”

“Okay, then I will risk my life to accompany you. After 20 years of frustration, I can finally live happily without fear. Come on, I will drink first, you guys can do whatever you want...”

“How can I drink without Adler? I will challenge you three, who will not accept it? Let’s fight!”

“Drinking the enemy’s blood on the battlefield, drinking and eating meat in the back of the battlefield, this is the life I want....”

Several drunkards fought like this...

The security department was particularly quiet today, and no one came to stop these apprentices from reveling.

This is their right.

As long as they don’t go too crazy.

Tonight is the home court of these graduating students!

They are the well-deserved protagonists!

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