The White Wizard's efforts will yield a hundredfold rewards

Chapter 97 Green's Mental Bottleneck


"I think I should know what my spiritual bottleneck is?"

Green said with an uncertain tone.

"What do you mean by should?"

"Yes, yes, no, no."

Ox said seriously:

"This is a serious matter, don't joke about it."

"Oh, that should be it..."

Green recalled carefully:

"Just a few days ago, after I finished a meditation, I naturally knew it."

"I reached the bottleneck, and a thought emerged in my mind."

"That thought is very strong, and it is consistent with the records in the college library. Maybe that is the bottleneck of my mind."



"I really don't know what to say to you?"

Ox said with an envious tone:

"You are lucky to have encountered this one-in-a-million chance."


Green was also a little confused. Before, when he reached the bottleneck of the intermediate wizard, the information about his spiritual bottleneck also emerged in Green's mind.

This is the second time. I don't know if it is a coincidence or Green is special.


"Tell me quickly, what is your spiritual bottleneck?"

"See if I can help?"

Ox looked at Green expectantly:

"When you break through the senior wizard apprentice, you will be really awesome."

"At present, I haven't heard of any apprentice in our class who has touched his spiritual bottleneck?"

"You are ahead of everyone this time, including Ellie..."

"My spiritual bottleneck seems to be the fear of dark wizards."

Green described his inner feelings in his own words:

"That feeling of fear and uneasiness weighed heavily on my heart, making me a little breathless. I had an impulse, that Just break that dark cloud, so that I can welcome the light and the future...."


"No need to say otherwise, we all know the consequences of not passing this level."

Ox sighed and said:


"I didn't expect your fear of dark wizards to be so serious that it has become a psychological barrier for you."

"It seems that I can't help you."

"Go find Mr. Jordan, he is the only one who can help you."


"It's true..."

Mr. Jordan heard what Green said and showed an expression of "I guessed it a long time ago."

"Green, you've brought me another surprise."

"I also know that you will have to pass the dark wizard level sooner or later."

"I just didn't expect it to come so early."

"This phenomenon of being able to immediately and clearly know your spiritual bottleneck after reaching it is extremely rare. The chance of one in ten thousand actually happened to you. Green, you are such a lucky child."

"It seems that the matter will be brought forward."

"Green, don't tell anyone about this for the time being. Keep it a secret and don't make it public. OK?"



Green nodded.

"I told Oaks, and I told him not to tell anyone."

"I believe in Oaks, he is not the kind of person who has no sense of propriety."

"Forget about Oaks, but don't talk about others."

"Just follow your normal schedule and participate in training normally, and give me three months."

Jordan said:

"After three months, I will give you a chance to try."

"Then I will teach you how to solve this bottleneck problem."

"Okay, mentor."

Green replied, and he still trusted Jordan.

In the following days.

Green resumed his normal work and life.

It seemed that a so-called spiritual bottleneck had no effect on him.

Eat when you should eat, drink when you should drink, and don't delay anything.

In addition, Green also increased the time for rest and play.

He also spent more time to get together with friends.


Green knew that the spiritual bottleneck was a natural chasm.

Countless wizards have fallen outside this threshold..........

No matter you are a genius or a fool;

No matter you are a noble from a wealthy family or a lowly serf.

The power of rules treats everyone equally.

If you want to cross this road-blocking gap, you can only rely on yourself.


In order to increase the chance of a successful breakthrough.

Green ran to the library on the fourth floor of the Wizard Tower and consulted a lot of historical records and predecessors' experience stored in the academy.

Unfortunately, nothing was found...

Just like, there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand readers.

The obstacles in everyone's mind are different.

The solutions are also strange.

The mental bottleneck of fear is one of the most common mental bottlenecks encountered by wizards.

And Green consulted the notes of hundreds of predecessors who left successful or failed breakthrough experiences.

The result is that the more he read, the more confused his mind became.

Some did nothing, just slept, had a dream in sleep, and then they broke through;

Some were afraid of certain creatures, so they killed to eliminate their fear, but he killed thousands of them and failed for three years;

Some forced themselves to look directly at the source of their fear every day, and as a result, they became mentally disturbed after three years;


In the end, Green had to give up the idea of ​​looking for information.

That's right, Green realized later:

"If we look for information, we can find a solution, and there won't be so many senior intermediate wizard apprentices who fail to break through in the academy."

However, Green still got some useful information.

Among the wizard apprentices with records in the academy.

The probability of low-level wizard apprentices breaking through to intermediate wizard apprentices is the highest, at 82.8%.

But among intermediate wizard apprentices, only 20.5% can successfully break through to senior wizard apprentices.

As for senior wizard apprentices, there are no breakthroughs to formal wizards for the time being, and there are only more than 30 failed experience notes.


Green simply gave up looking for a method from the wizard world.

Since it involves the spiritual level, Green tried the folk method of Blue Water Star.

Method 1: Standing.

Standing is to adjust the structure and spacing of the body in a standing state, so that the body can relax naturally, and at the same time, with the rhythm of breathing of varying lengths, so that the heart can be calm, comfortable and relaxed, thus entering a state that is different from the impetuousness of daily labor and busyness, and also different from deep sleep and rest.

In this state, the three aspects of "body, mind and mind" can all benefit comprehensively.

Green stood in the Tai Chi standing posture learned from the old man in the park.

He was unemployed for a while, and he wanted to go to the park to relax. He saw an old man standing very smoothly and beautifully, so he had nothing to do, so he learned it for a few days.

Method 2: Sitting in meditation.

Sitting in meditation is a traditional Bodhidharma Zen practice method, which relaxes the body and empties the mind by focusing on breathing or other senses such as hearing and smell. You need to sit on a mat in a quiet environment, with your back straight, your hands on your knees, and your eyes closed.

At the beginning, it will feel a little difficult, but as time goes by, your body and mind will become calmer, and you will gradually enter a deep meditation of no self, no thoughts, and no thoughts.

This is the easiest to get started, as long as you keep your mind pure. But it is difficult to be profound, and it requires long-term persistence and enlightenment.

Method three: fulfill your wish.

This is a traditional metaphysics, just like a person has a last wish before death and regrets when graduating.

In Green's hometown, whenever people are about to do something big, especially when it involves life and death, they will take various ways to fulfill their wishes.

Or go to the temple to burn incense and pray for Buddha's blessing;

Or indulge yourself and do something that you dare not do but always want to do;

Or take various methods to complete your regrets and make up for the people and things you feel guilty about;

Or simply record your thoughts and write them down, hiding your regrets between the lines;


Green tried every method.

And he used the two days after the special training to feel the soul, practice standing, sitting meditation, and wish fulfillment.

In this way, time passed slowly, and Green's heart gradually calmed down.

Time passed in a flash, two months passed, and there was still one month left before the three-month deadline mentioned by mentor Jordan.

But at this time, a very strange thing happened in the combat team.


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