The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 185 You want to kill my nine tribes

Xie Yunan was trembling with anger.

With a ferocious look on his face, he gritted his teeth and said, "I, my king, only broke your one bowl!!" You jumped on your horse and sneaked under my bed!

Lu Chaochao climbed out slowly.

"I just want to beg for food..."

"But you kicked my bowl to pieces!"

"It's very shameful to make me sad!" This affected her face very much.

"What kind of dignity do you want for your two-year-old baby?" Xie Yunan looked shocked and saw his wife's face turning red and staring at him.

He hurriedly lifted up Lu Chaochao's clothes with one hand and took her out.

"The child's face, isn't it a face?" Lu Chaochao refused.

Xie Yunan was so angry that his brain went numb.

"I won't ask for it, what do you think?! You have revealed my biggest secret to Wanwan! I have nothing that you can threaten!" Xie Yunan grew up arrogant and dared to speak to the emperor in court. How could he endure being threatened by Lu Chaochao several times?

He admits that he has no dirty secrets.

Lu Chaochao glanced at him.

Glanced at him again.

Xie Yunan didn't know why, but he always felt that there was nothing to hide under his gaze.

It was as if she had seen through it.

"What do you think this king is doing? I have nothing to hide from Wanwan!" Xie Yunan raised his head and held his chest high!

Lu Chaochao was lying next to the flowers and plants, moving his head little by little, looking at him in surprise from time to time.

"You hid private money!" Lu Chaochao looked at him steadily.

Xie Yunan rolled his eyes: "What man doesn't hide his private money?!"

"Under the rafters."

"Under the bed."

"Under the third tree in the garden."

"And in the latrine!" Lu Chaochao pointed out all his private money unceremoniously.

Xie Yunan gritted his teeth and said slyly: "Wanwan, all of them! The worst is, I won't hide anymore!"

See what you can do to me?

Lu Chaochao scratched his head, and Xie Yunan raised his eyebrows: "What else is there to say?"

"Little beggar, get out of the palace!"

"I am not like a minister in the court, giving you face!"

Xie Yunan scolded him lightly. He had never been wronged since he was born.

The late emperor was the eldest brother, and he was the youngest brother. The late emperor raised him as his own son since he was a child.

Lu Chaochao hesitated for a moment: "Actually, I just want to beg for food... I don't want your family to be destroyed."

Xie Yunan laughed out loud in anger.

"You said, I have nothing to be afraid of! How can you beg for food and destroy your family?" He looked disdainful and full of arrogance.

Lu Chaochao said cautiously: "You..."

Xie Yunan looked relaxed and not panicked at all.

"While you were on an expedition, the late emperor died, and he wanted to wear it!" Before the last word could be uttered, someone immediately jumped up.

"Uh huh huh!!" Lu Chaochao's mouth was covered.

Xie Yunan was trembling all over, his eyes showed a trace of fear, and his teeth trembled.

"Ancestor!! You are my ancestor!" His hands covering Lu Chaochao were trembling.

This moment.

The blood all over his body flowed backwards, and a chill rushed straight to Tian Ling Gai, causing all the hairs on his body to stand on his head and his teeth to tremble slightly.

He tried hard to control his expression.

Block the sight of the secret guard.

He had been fighting for years and already knew that the emperor had placed secret guards around Princess Zhaoyang.

He took a gentle breath to calm down and held Lu Chaochao in his arms.

"Okay, okay, don't you just want to beg for food?"

"Please, please, please." Xie Yunan hugged her tightly and entered the study.

As soon as he entered the door, he suddenly felt weak all over, and he held on to the wall to stand firm.

Lu Chaochao weakly slipped from his arms.

"You asked me to say..." Lu Chaochao looked at him innocently.

Xie Yunan snapped and knelt down directly.

"You beg for food, how can you kill my nine tribes!" He lowered his voice with a look of despair.

Damn it, how does she know everything! !

"Please, ancestor, you are my ancestor, I will never talk to you again, please, please don't mention it!!" This time, he was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat!

"Don't mention it to anyone."

"My children are young, so I hope Princess Zhaoyang will be merciful."

"If you can, don't talk in your sleep at night." If she wasn't Princess Zhaoyang, he could break her neck right now.

Kill the secret in the cradle.

In just an instant, all his clothes were soaked.

He regrets it now.

Why did you kick her bowl! !

He just wished he could slap himself to death.

Why did he want to die, why did he want to challenge the power of the Nine Clans.

Although he and the emperor belong to the same clan, he has his own bloodline and his own heirs.

"I can control my mouth, but how can I control what I talk in my sleep?" Lu Chaochao looked at him speechlessly.

Seeing Xie Yunan's face pale, she paused.

The elder brother said that when negotiating with others, you should pause appropriately.

Put psychological pressure on the other party.

Xie Yunan was at a loss for words, who taught her this?

Knowing that she was acting, he was really scared.

Who allowed this secret to implicate the nine clans! !

"Unless... okay, give me some money..."

"I won't talk in my sleep when I'm full."

"Also, give me back the bowl."

My original intention was just to beg for food! ! It was you who kicked my job first!

Xie Yunan had a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat, unable to swallow or spit it out.

Going around and around, just for kicking her bowl!

A bloody case caused by a broken bowl, a murderous case that killed nine tribes! !

"Here you go, give it all to you." Xie Yunan waved his hand feebly.

Yes, he has a big secret.

A secret that is enough to be washed away with blood.

He is the son of his father, who passed away not long after he was born.

The late emperor was the eldest son and raised him personally.

While conquering the world, he raised his young brother at the same time. He devoted more effort than he did to Emperor Xuanping.

At that time, the late emperor suddenly fell seriously ill and he happened to be away fighting.

The late emperor made three urgent calls in succession, asking him to return to the capital.

Each one is more urgent than the other.

He was trapped by the war and could not escape.

Until the third urgent call.

The messenger was a young eunuch. The young eunuch handed the letter to him and committed suicide on the spot by biting his tongue.

He opened the urgent call, and there was only a jade pendant inside.

It is the personal jade pendant of the former Emperor Xue.

The late emperor overthrew the previous dynasty and quietly left it as a memorial.

At that moment, he understood the meaning of his elder brother's three urgent calls.

The late emperor wanted to pass the throne to him!

By the time he returned to Beijing without rest for three days and nights, several horses were killed in the process, and the late emperor had already passed away.

The new emperor Xuanping succeeded to the throne naturally.

Afterwards, he ground the jade pendant into powder and sprinkled it into the moat himself.

Don't dare tell anyone.

Now that the matter has come to this, if the news is leaked, his entire lineage will be wiped out.

Xie Yunan cried.

The little emperor's uncle, who had been fighting on the battlefield for decades, was so strong that he burst into tears.

"Lu Chaochao, you are my nemesis."


Lu Mansion.

"The next day, did Chao Chao realize his mistake?"

"Did Prince Yunan kick her out?" Xu asked.

Dengzhi's eyes were dull and he said, "The prince of Henan has invited her beggar gang members into the prince's palace for a feast."

"Oh, she has unified the Beggar Clan." (End of Chapter)

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