"Zhui Feng, why are you running around?"

Lu Chaochao put Zhui Feng on again.

The little guy kept mumbling: "What's going on, Zhui Feng?"

"Why did grandpa run away crying? Is it just that the dog disappeared?"

Lu Chaochao looked confused and couldn't find the reason.

late at night.

The baby crawled out from the mass grave, with no blood on his body. He pointed at the empty place and shouted that my friend was not a human being.

Just ask, who is not afraid? ?

Lu Chaochao didn't understand. She crawled back to the grave without any psychological burden and fell asleep again.

The little guy huddled up in the dog's hair, covered with a small blanket, and his body was warm.

It seemed that even the wind had become gentle, fearing to wake her from her deep sleep.


It's bright.

"Chaochao...Chaochao, little potato is up..." Lu Chaochao waved his hand, why did he hear his mother's voice?

Lu Chaochao didn't have time to react.

He was pulled into a warm embrace.

I sniffed, hey, is it the smell of my mother?

【Did I dream about my mother? 】

[No, I have never dreamed about my mother even once. 】

[There were only chicken legs in the dream. 】

Xu: It hurts my heart.

Lu Chaochao forced his eyelids open and saw Mrs. Xu looking at her with a smile.

"Mother!" Lu Chaochao's eyes lit up, he hugged his mother's cheek and chirped fiercely.

[My mother, it smells so good...]

"Mom, why are you here?"

"Are you also coming to seek refuge with the Chao Dynasty?"

Lu Chaochao's big eyes flickered, looking expectant.

Mrs. Xu was extremely helpless: "Mom, I don't want to hang out in the world. Mom took you home... It's been three days, it's time to go home, right?"

Lu Chaochao paused.

【I will be the boss today! 】

【what should I do? 】

"Mom has discussed with His Majesty to postpone admission for another month? Do you think it's okay?"

"Besides, I only study for half a day every day." Mrs. Xu said slowly.

Lu Chaochao was hesitant.

"There is also a snack every day between classes."

"Okay, Mom, I'll go home right away." Lu Chaochao nodded immediately, fearing that his mother would regret it if it was too late.

"Brother Biao, brother Biao..." When Lu Chaochao returned home, Scar and others waved loudly to her.

Lu Chaochao thought for a while: "Mother, I want to say goodbye to my friends..."

Xu nodded in agreement.

Lu Chaochao handed the small package to Scar.

"This is the money I asked for, you can settle my little brother."

"I will come out to see you..."

Scar took the package and said loudly: "Brother Biao, don't worry, I, Scar, will definitely settle the brothers well. I will never let you down! You will always be our Brother Biao!"

Lu Chaochao climbed onto the carriage with one step and three turns.

Xu: "Little Tudou, why do they call you Brother Biao?"

Lu Chaochao sat cross-legged on the carriage, looking obedient and honest: "Mom, I don't know, I'm a potato."

In just three days, the legend of Brother Biao spread in the world.

When passing through a civilian area, I heard a man crying and wailing: "Honey, I don't want to fish anymore. I will never fish again in this life."

“Mass graves are haunted.”

"She has a chain in her hand, and she is looking for a scapegoat to arrest her soul!"

Lu Chaochao was lying by the car window, always feeling...

This person looks familiar.

After Lu Chaochao returned home, Yushu burst into tears.

"Little miss, you have lost weight! How could you not bring Yushu with you?" Yushu hugged Lu Chaochao, his eyes red from crying.

Mr. Xu, hey, what you said is really against your will.

"Chaochao, are you back from your travels in the world?" Lu Zhengyue returned home at night and said with a smile.

"How was the harvest?"

Lu Chaochao hesitated for a moment: "Second brother, I can make more money than you in the world..."

[Hey, my second brother's wandering for half a year is not enough for me to beg for three days...]

[Forget it, my brother is stupid, just keep him. 】

[Just be a mascot]

The smile on Lu Zhengyue's face slowly faltered.

Why should I humiliate myself? ?

Lu Yuanxiao, who had just walked in, silently closed his mouth, his eyes full of gloating.

Hahaha, the second brother insists on kicking the iron plate.

When Lu Yanshu returned home, everyone had dinner together.

As soon as I put the bowl down, I heard the boy coming to report in a hurry.

"Ma'am, something happened."

"What's all the fuss about? Don't scare the young lady." Dengzhi glared at the concierge.

"Sister Dengzhi, we are in urgent need." The concierge wiped away cold sweat.

"Madam, just now Marquis Cai... there was a lot of noise at the Lu residence. I heard that the old lady fainted suddenly, became unconscious, her mouth was crooked and drooling, and her speech was not good, it seemed..."

"Having a stroke."

As soon as these words came out, the whole Lu family was in an uproar.

[Is the old woman mad to death? ] Lu Chaochao sat up suddenly.

[If she dies, will she treat me to a feast? 】

[I won’t go to be a dutiful son. It’s okay to eat at the banquet. I heard that the old lady of a wealthy family had died and the meal was very sumptuous. 】Lu Chaochao touched her belly. She often overate her stomach and had stomachaches at night. Mrs. Xu was now in charge of her diet.

Mrs. Xu almost felt angry at her.

"What's going on? Tell me carefully." Dengzhi heard that this was a big deal and asked hurriedly.

The concierge wiped his sweat and said, "The Lu family is not going well these days."

"Mrs. Pei volunteered to go to the small Buddhist hall to copy scriptures and pray for the Lu family."

"I kept copying for half a month...even resting in the small Buddhist hall at night."

"Tonight, the old lady suddenly decided to go to the Buddhist temple to offer incense. She didn't tell anyone and went alone."

"I don't know what she bumped into. She was stimulated. The old lady suddenly let out a wail and fell to the ground, hitting the table. Her head was bleeding on the spot."

"When I woke up, my mouth was twisted and drooling, and I couldn't speak clearly. I couldn't move half of my body. I had a stroke!"

Everyone was shocked.

"You deserve it. You lied to your mother for eighteen years. This is retribution!" Ten-year-old Lu Yuanxiao couldn't hide his emotions and immediately cursed.

Mrs. Xu shook her head slightly: "Yuanxiao, you can just scold me at home, but you can't say it outside."

"You still have to take the imperial examination, so you must not leave anything to be criticized."

Outsiders can scold him, but if he is scolded by a blood-related grandson, he will be stabbed in the spine.

This is how the world has always been.

【Oh My God! I heard that Mr. Pei shaved his concubine’s head and moved into her home pretending to be a monk! 】

[Old lady, you won’t discover the adultery on the spot, right? ] Lu Chaochao chuckled.

Exciting, really exciting.

[I want to eat melon, I want to eat melon crazily...]

Lu Chaocha is not the only one who wants to eat melon!

Mrs. Xu squeezed her handkerchief, and the corners of her mouth raised crazily, unable to hold it down.

She cleared her throat and coughed dryly.

He had a dignified look on his face, but his tone was rather sad: "Although you have been kicked out of your family and your family tree has been deleted, in the eyes of the world, you will still have the grace to raise you."

"If something happens to the old lady, a quick trip will only stop everyone talking."

Xu sat up straight and said seriously.

"The inkstone examination is coming soon, Zheng Yue has just entered the military camp, and Yuanxiao will take the children's examination next year, so he should spend more time reading."


"Mother will take a trip for you."

Mr. Xu's eyes were burning, he was eating melon, eating melon, eating melon! !

What's the point of life if you don't return home even if you don't return home? (End of chapter)

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