"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Lu Chaochao looked at his mother innocently.

Xu felt guilty and covered the corners of her mouth with powder.

"There were mosquito bites yesterday."

Lu Chaochao climbed onto his mother's knees and said, "Smelly mosquitoes are annoying mosquitoes. Give me a snort every morning, and it won't hurt or itch..."

The little guy puffed up his cheeks and blew the air seriously.

Mrs. Xu, whimpering, felt condemned in her heart.

"Mom, you smell so good..." Lu Chaochao put his nose at the ends of her hair and sniffed her clothes again and again.

"I probably want to have a barbecue."

"I can smell it in my dreams." Lu Chaochao looked like a little idiot.

Denzhi already covered his face helplessly.

Yesterday, Madam specially washed her hair, bathed and changed clothes, but she could still smell it.

"Ahem, mother will let you eat enough when you go to school. Just think of it as celebrating your first day of school."

Lu Chaochao's face was slightly painful, feeling pain and happiness at the same time.

Then the two of them had breakfast together.

Dengzhi's conscience discovered that he had finally prepared some shredded meat for the little guy.

As the New Year approaches, people in the mansion are making glutinous rice cakes early in the morning.

Several young men took turns beating the stone mortar. After a thousand times of beating, the cooked glutinous rice became very tough and became very soft, chewy and even stringy.

Simply fry it, crispy on the outside and waxy on the inside, then sprinkle with soy flour and brown sugar.

Mixed with the rich rice aroma, it is particularly delicious.

Lu Chaochao carefully stretched out his chopsticks and picked up the second piece. Xu glanced at her.

"Chaochao, glutinous rice cannot be digested and it will make your stomach uncomfortable if you eat too much."

Lu Chaochao looked at the glutinous rice cake reluctantly, with regret on his face.

Xu's eyes flashed slightly, and he took the opportunity to educate her.

"It's not good to overeat. There was once a person whose intestines were completely blocked because he ate thirty glutinous rice cakes in a row. Think about it, how terrible is it?"

Lu Chaochao widened his eyes: "Thirty?"

Mrs. Xu nodded with a heavy expression: "Isn't it scary? My intestines are completely blocked and I'm rolling on the ground in pain."

Lu Chaochao was thoughtful.

Seeing her deep in thought, Mrs. Xu felt relieved, and her persuasion finally had some effect.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Lu Chaochao ask seriously: "Where did you buy the glutinous rice cakes? Mom, go and find out."

Xu looked at her in shock.

I saw her covering her heart with grief: "I have never eaten such delicious glutinous rice cakes before!"

Xu has an old blood clot in his heart.

"Thirty glutinous rice cakes, how delicious they are..." The little guy even swallowed his saliva.

Mrs. Xu was so angry that her head was buzzing.

He had to forcibly lift her off the table and take her out.

Rong Che was already waiting outside the gate.

"It's snowy and the road is slippery, be careful." He raised his hand to help Xu.

Rong Che winked at Chaochao, which was his little response.

[Hey, Rong Che is my dad, and he said he will help me with my homework from now on. 】

[When my mother beats me, he can still stop me...]

【Seems pretty good...】

At this moment, Lu Chaochao didn't know that if he had a father and a mother, he would be a man and a woman.

Xu glanced at Rong Che secretly, no wonder Chaochao always spoke for him.

The carriage drove all the way to the zoo.

The zoo was built by Uncle Xiao Guo, and it often held activities in winter in previous years.

In the past two years, due to floods and the lack of money in the treasury, he did not dare to do anything big, fearing that the emperor would ask him for money.

who knows……


The debt was collected, and the wife and children were separated.

Carriages were already parked outside the zoo, and Mrs. Xu opened the curtain.

I happened to catch a glimpse of Concubine Xiao taking Princess Yining out of the sedan chair to drive her away.

Princess Yining's face suddenly fell: "I hate my grandfather, I hate my grandfather, why would I invite someone I hate!" She saw Lu Chaochao.

"Okay Yi Ning." Concubine Xiao patted her daughter's hand.

"Of course grandpa loves you the most." She held Xie Yining's hand and walked in proudly.

Concubine Xiao didn't want to confront Lu Chaochao. Lu Chaochao had a title, so she had to bow when she saw him! !

The zoo is very large, with viewing platforms all around.

The bottom is deeply recessed and blocked by a special fence.

There are countless ferocious beasts in the center of the zoo.

The snow was falling heavily, and the beast seemed to have been hungry for a long time, and felt the noise and restlessness of the crowd.

Xuan Jichuan followed Lu Chaochao, looking for his sister in the crowd.

As the eldest princess, Xuanyin also came to the zoo today.

Sure enough, she was sitting in front of the eldest prince, nodding to her brother. However, his face was slightly pale and his eyes were somewhat melancholy.

"Today, I have brought a big black bear to the palace, which will definitely dominate the audience." The eldest prince said with a smile, pointing to the unusually strong and fierce black bear in the field.

The big black bear seemed extremely restless and hit the cage crazily.

Open your big mouth and you can even smell the faint fishy smell in the air.

"This black bear has been hungry for seven days. Today, let's see who can conquer it." The eldest prince said with a smile on his lips.

Everyone around him was complimenting him.

The eldest prince was born to Concubine Hui.

When the queen entered the palace, she had not given birth to an heir for many years.

Coincidentally, the eldest prince was so smart that many people in the capital proposed to make the eldest prince the crown prince.

Fortunately, the queen gave birth to Xie Chengxi, otherwise, he would be firmly seated in the East Palace now.

Lu Chaochao just walked in.

Uncle Xiao Guo hurriedly stepped forward and saluted: "Princess Zhaoyang, please take a seat."

Everyone looked confused.

Uncle Xiao Guo, because he was the younger brother of the Queen Mother, had always been lawless and had eyes on his forehead. He was so polite to Princess Zhaoyang?

How is this going?

Uncle Xiao Guo: You know nothing!

"Grandpa!" Six-year-old Xie Yining stamped his feet angrily.

Uncle Xiao Guo led Lu Chaochao directly to the central position.

Xie Yining's eyes were red with anger and he looked at Lu Chaochao jealously.

"Why why?!"

"My father likes her, and my grandfather also likes her. Why!" Xie Yining gritted his teeth with hatred.

Concubine Xiao's expression was gloomy. She was once her father's favorite daughter.

But her mother died suddenly, her eldest brother died for no reason, and her father didn't even give her an explanation.

Now, he is even more indifferent towards her.

Furthermore, her life in the palace was not easy.

Xie Yining was the only princess of the royal family and had always been arrogant and domineering. At this moment, she glanced at the manic beast in the cage. Her eyes were watering...

"Mother Concubine, Yi Ning wants to go to my grandfather." Xie Yi Ning pulled Concubine Xiao's sleeve and said coquettishly.

"Go and coax Grandpa. He always loves you the most."

Xie Yining ran to the high platform with small steps and threw herself into Uncle Xiao Guo's arms.

Push Lu Chaochao away.

"Grandpa, Yi Ning misses you so much..." She did not notice Uncle Xiao's stiff figure at all.

Uncle Xiao Guo took a deep breath.

"Grandfather, Yi Ning misses you all the time in his dreams. Why don't you come to the palace to see Yi Ning?" Xie Yi Ning pouted. Usually at this time, her grandfather would already be coaxing her lovingly.

"Don't you love Yi Ning anymore?"

Why are you so cold now?

It’s all Lu Chaochao’s fault!

It must be Lu Chaochao!

Grandfather likes her, but doesn't like herself anymore.

"Love, why don't you love..." Uncle Xiao Guo was heartbroken.

Sons and grandchildren are not their own.

Could it be the daughter whom I have loved for many years?

The eldest daughter had already married into the palace and was already a member of the royal family, so he could not verify it.

Xie Yining raised his chin slightly and looked at Lu Chaochao proudly.

"My grandfather loves me the most, and my father loves me the most too, hum."

"Your father doesn't want you, so why don't you come and steal my father?" Xie Yining knew how to poke the lungs so well that Lu Chaochao's face fell with his words.

"Your father doesn't want you."

"You are something no one wants!" Xie Yining said with a smile.

The atmosphere around him was gloomy.

Xie Yining is the real princess of the royal family, and Lu Chaochao is the adopted daughter of His Majesty.

The two princesses had a quarrel, and they dared not say anything.

For a moment, the atmosphere was tense. (End of chapter)

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