Lu Jinghuai stood in the snow for a long time.

The little maid who had been around the corner for so long was almost shivering with cold, before Lu Jinghuai quietly left.

When he returned to the house, the little maid had already returned to the house before him.

Jiang Yunjin's face was ashen, shaky and almost unsteady. She had imagined Lu Jinghuai's change of heart, but she had never imagined that the truth would be so disgusting.

"No wonder, no wonder...after the wedding, he has been unwilling to consummate the marriage with me."

"Lu Jinghuai!" Jiang Yunjin burst into tears.

"How dare you lie to me like this!"

She was blind before she fell in love with Lu Jinghuai! !

Thinking of Lu Yanshu, I felt increasingly uncomfortable.

"Madam, please stop crying. My uncle has returned home, so be careful if someone notices something strange. Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year and I have to go to pay New Year's greetings." The maid redressed her makeup to cover the paleness on her face.

"Besides, I only heard about it. I didn't catch him. I don't know whether it is true or not..." the maid advised in a low voice.

Jiang Yunjin bit her lower lip, causing a bloody stain.

"Don't make any noise, secretly send someone to follow him." Jiang Yunjin took a deep breath, not daring to show anything strange.

The marriage she had worked so hard to find turned out to be so unbearable!

She walked to the main hall with a expression on her face.

Lu Yuanze and Lu Jinghuai have returned home and are sitting in the hall waiting for her.

"Father, mother, have a happy new year." Jiang Yunjin bowed his head and saluted, without even looking at Lu Jinghuai.

Mrs. Pei said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I hope you will have a son soon and bring happiness to our family."

Jiang Yunjin's face was slightly stiff.

"Jing Huai studies hard. Jin Niang takes care of Jing Huai." Mrs. Pei said with a smile, only to see Jiang Yunjin's face was ugly and her eyes were unhappy.

"What are you doing with such a straight face? You were treated right when you came in, and your family never treated you harshly. On New Year's Day, if you act like this, your luck will be gone." Ms. Pei said in a resentful tone.

Jiang Yunjin begged to marry Jing Huai. She was quite proud and often acted like a mother-in-law in front of Jiang Yunjin.

This is the only time she can show her identity.

"Okay." Lu Yuanze interrupted Pei.

On New Year's Day, he just wanted to have a meal in peace.

Mr. Pei suppressed his anger, and everyone in the room had different thoughts. Mrs. Pei's eyes were red, Lu Yuanze must be regretting driving Mrs. Xu away!

The last time she saw it, Lu Yuanze chased Xu's carriage! !

At this moment, Lu Chaochao had already sat on the sedan chair to enter the palace.

She is Princess Zhaoyang. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, she is going to the palace to pay New Year's greetings.

"I don't want to enter the palace..."

"But they gave me lucky money and even kept me to eat..."

"Yesterday, the emperor's father also sent a recipe..."

"Can't you just eat three meals in one sitting?"

After breakfast, lunch, and dinner, all in one go without waiting.

Lu Chaochao held the dog and muttered all the way.

Lu Chaochao led Zhui Feng, who ran around as soon as Zhui Feng entered the palace. He was very familiar with it in the palace.

After entering the palace, Lu Chaochao took the lead in going to the Queen Mother's palace.

"Zhui Feng, Zhui Feng, don't go..." Lu Chaochao saw Zhui Feng running around and hurriedly caught Zhui Feng.

Lu Chaochao was so exhausted that he was sweating profusely after chasing the dog in the palace.

This place was somewhat dilapidated. Lu Chaochao had never seen such a scene in the palace.

"Where is this?" she asked.

Yushu whispered: "Princess, this is where the concubines are imprisoned." It is also called the Cold Palace by outsiders.

Lu Chaochao could faintly hear crying coming from inside.

"Concubine, concubine, please spare Ning'er. Ning'er realizes her mistake."

"Ning'er doesn't want to harm mother and concubine, Ning'er is just scared. I beg mother and concubine to spare Ning'er."

"Please let me out quickly. I am my father's only daughter. You little slave, let me out quickly!" Xie Yining cried heartbreakingly. The place was overgrown with weeds and dilapidated. There were only a few maids in the entire palace, and one of them even had her tongue cut off.

"You bitch, don't stop me!" Xie Yining knew her.

The palace servant was originally serving her, but one time the tea was too hot and she didn't pay attention and burned her tongue.

Then he had the palace man's tongue cut off.

But I didn't expect to meet him in the cold palace.

Concubine Xiao was sitting on the bed with disheveled hair, her left cheek was wrapped with gauze, and there was faint blood flowing out.

"You still want to leave? You have made me a human being, a ghost or a ghost, and you still want to leave?"

"I love you and protect you, is this how you repay me?"

"Xie Yining, you evil deed, why didn't I drown you to death in the first place! You made me fall out of favor and put me in the cold palace, but you pushed me into a bear's mouth!"

"You wolf-hearted thing, I am your biological mother!"

"I spoiled you and indulged you, but I actually harmed myself!" She lost her face and had no chance to regain her favor.

Inside the room, there was a sound of applause.

And Xie Yining's sharp cry.

Lu Chaochao had no sympathy at all: "Give me some bad causes and some bitter fruits. The ending is pretty good."

In the original book, Xie Yining and Lu Jingyao have a very good relationship.

Xie Yining was overly arrogant, and Concubine Xiao doted on her to the point of being lawless.

He often takes pleasure in killing people.

Lu Yuanxiao was made into a human pig by her herself, and even made for people to watch, which was extremely cruel.

Lu Chaochao entered Kunning Palace.

Silver charcoal was lit in the corner of the palace, and the room was warm. Lu Chaochao took off his coat.

"Grandma the Queen Mother..." The little guy flew towards the Queen Mother.

He rushed into the Queen Mother's arms like a small cannonball.

"Oh, little Chaochao has grown strong again." The Queen Mother hugged her, almost breaking her waist.

"Because grandma wants me to take care of myself."

"Chaochao, take care of yourself."

The Queen Mother was coaxed from ear to ear.

"You little guy is such a talker."

"Grandma hasn't thanked you yet for purging the Xiao family and almost destroying the Xiao family. Thank you also for helping my useless brother..." The Queen Mother's eyes were full of love. If it hadn't been for Chao Chao, she would have died long ago.

If it weren't for Chao Chao, the Xiao family would have feared that their bloodlines would be confused and even cut off from their descendants.

Her only daughter, the eldest princess, also gave birth to twins because of the gift of a son from the court.

"You are truly the treasure of the Imperial Grandmother. The only good thing the Emperor has done is to recognize you as his adopted daughter." The Queen Mother looked kindly.

"Bring the red envelope." The Queen Mother had already prepared the red envelope, just waiting for Lu Chaochao to come to pay New Year's greetings.

The Queen Mother sat on a chair.

Lu Chaochao knelt on the futon and kowtowed. On the first day of the new year, all juniors kowtow to their elders to pay New Year greetings.

The chubby little guy kowtowed awkwardly.

"Happy New Year, Imperial Grandmother, and may you live a long life."

The elderly like to hear auspicious words. The Queen Mother smiled and said: "I wish our family a happy New Year, peace, joy, and good health."

The red envelope was handed to Chaochao.

The Queen Mother took out another one and said, "I wish our family peace and prosperity every year."

Lu Chaochao caught it with a smile.

"I heard that Chaochao will enroll in school after the new year?"

"Then the Imperial Grandmother wishes Chaochao success in his studies..."

The Queen Mother handed over the red envelope.

The little guy paused his hand, was startled, and silently retracted.

She waved her hands at the Queen Mother in disgust, waving her little hands quickly, with rejection written all over her face.

"Royal Grandma, I am a child with a bottom line."

"I won't take any more money that I shouldn't take."

Queen Mother? ? ? (End of chapter)

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