"What did you say?!" The eldest prince raised his voice.

Lu Chaochao took out his ears: "If your brain is not working well, your ears are also not working well?"

"I just learned it from you."

"The Three Character Classic, my little brother taught me just now."

"The Analects of Confucius, you taught me."

"After you read it, I will remember it."

Lu Chaochao was speechless: "Isn't this something you can do if you have ears and a brain, and you can listen to it?"

The little guy's confused and taken-for-granted expression makes people...


"You learned it on the spot?!" The voice was sharp, as if someone had stuck it in his throat.

"Yes, you learn and memorize now, isn't that the case with you?" she asked in surprise.

"Why not? Is it because you don't like it?"

She raised her head curiously and asked everyone.

The eldest prince clutched his heart and took a step back.

Why, why give him a critical hit! !

"Does that mean we don't like it or want it?" The scholar next to him almost cried. That’s what we want!

Chao Chao scratched the knot on his head, very puzzled.

"She...she has a photographic memory?" The eldest prince sounded surprised and his face was full of shock. Is the legendary photographic memory true? ?

Yuan Shoufu nodded slowly.

"Chaochao has a photographic memory. If you don't believe it, you can try it by looking for miscellaneous books."

Everyone looked at her in shock.

Two-year-old Little Potato is actually a genius! !

Compared to Lu Yanshu, it is even worse!

Master Zhu ran faster than anyone else and was more active than anyone else. He found a Buddhist scripture from the library.

"Chachao, Master Zhu has read this Vajra Sutra, would you like to memorize it?" Master Zhu was very interested.

Lu Chaochao nodded: "Although it's a bit boring, but..."

"Forget it, let it be up to you." His tone was doting.

Because she found that the senior brothers had tears in their eyes and were about to cry.

"I heard that for a moment, the Buddha was in the Solitary Garden of Savatthi State..." Master Zhu intended to test her, speaking very quickly, and everyone wanted to compete, and they all concentrated on memorizing it.

But as the Master spoke faster and faster, everyone became more and more reluctant to follow.

After Master Zhu finished reading, the scholars were still a little confused.

"I only remember a dozen sentences..." More than a hundred words.

"I can barely remember three to four hundred words..."

"Ashamed, I only have nine sentences..."

"Brother Lu, how much do you remember?" Someone asked Lu Yanshu. Lu Yanshu was an eight-year-old scholar and was recognized as a scholar.

"One third." Lu Yanshu's voice was calm.

Lu Chaochao's voice sounded again in the field.

There was no pause, no hope, proving her excellent talent in front of everyone.

"The original text of the Diamond Sutra is 5,000 words, and she only needs it once. She actually only needs it once!!" A scholar burst into tears on the spot and tore the book in his arms to pieces.

"Five thousand words, only one time!!"

"Han Chuang has been studying hard for ten years, but she is not as good as a two-year-old child. Her talent is enough to defeat everyone present."

"What's the point of trying hard?! What's the point?" The scholar cried and laughed, and was so angry that he collapsed on the spot.

"How many years have all of us spent studying the Four Books and Five Classics? We still can't recite them all, but what about her? She only needs to listen to it once and it will be engraved in her heart. God is unfair, God is unfair." The mentality collapsed.

The scholar cried directly and left the Imperial Academy.

"He has average talent and an average family background. He worked hard to reach Class A. But because of his qualifications, it has been extremely difficult to follow."

"Last month's exam, when I fell from Class A to Class B, my mentality was on the verge of collapse." Lu Yanshu explained to Chaochao.

Lu Chaochao lay on his brother's shoulder: "Brother, I seem to have made my senior brothers cry..."

Sure enough, many senior brothers present had red eyes.

"I started to pick up a pen when I was studying at the age of three. I couldn't hold chopsticks steadily. I thought I could narrow the gap in talent through hard work. In the end, I thought too much."

Everyone was devastated.

Lu Chaochao alone dominated the entire audience.

Yuan Shoufu raised his eyebrows: "I accepted Chaochao as a closed disciple without telling you. It's not to protect her, but just to protect your poor self-esteem."

The scholars lowered their heads with expressions of confusion, as if their pride had been crushed by Lu Chaochao.

"There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. Don't underestimate your opponent! Even if the opponent looks innocent and harmless, he may smash you to pieces." Yuan Shoufu's voice was deep.

"Losing to Chaochao is just a matter of losing face."

"But if you leave the Imperial College and lose to your opponent, it will be a disaster." Yuan Shoufu said in a serious tone.

Their contempt for Chao Chao doomed them to failure.

Lu Yanshu didn't care about the mood of his classmates and walked out of the Imperial College holding Chao Chao.

Lu Yuanxiao followed happily.

"Oh, finally I'm not the only one who was hit."

"Brother, if I memorize all the articles, can I not go to school?" Lu Chaochao made a small calculation in his mind.

"Chaochao, remember the article is just the basis. You also need to understand the meaning..."

"I understand, I understand, I understand everything. If you don't believe me, brother, test me!" Lu Chaochao said angrily.

"What does it mean to have traffic on the streets and hear each other from chickens and dogs?"

Lu Chaochao thought for a while: "It comes from Peach Blossom Spring."

"It means that chickens and dogs smell each other, right?" Lu Chaochao looked excited.

Lu Yanshu paused.

"Forget it, you should go to school seriously. Don't waste your talent." After all, he is young and only understands the literal meaning.

Lu Chaochao was very sorry.

Before the carriage could enter the house, it was suddenly stopped by a servant.

"Quick, quick, let's go to the Xu family first. The old lady of the Xu family suddenly became seriously ill and said she could not survive."

"Quickly, follow me back to Xu's house. Grandma is seriously ill and can't get out of bed!" Mrs. Xu felt weak all over, so she climbed up a branch and helped her out.

Xu's eyes were red, her voice was trembling, and she tied her cloak as she walked.

"The imperial doctor has rushed over, and I don't know what happened."

"How could this happen? You were fine before we left!" Lu Yuanxiao shouted.

[In the original book, when Lu Jingyao was drinking for a full moon, the Xu family was framed and sent to jail. In the end, the eldest uncle took the blame and was executed. My grandmother couldn't stand the excitement and died of illness in prison. 】

[I often use elixirs and life-enhancing talismans to recuperate my grandmother's health. My grandmother is already close to her life expectancy, and there is no problem if she delays it for another two years. 】

[Why did you suddenly become seriously ill? 】

Mrs. Xu's eyes were red and she was gritting her teeth: "Lu Yuanze! I don't know why he is crazy, but he suddenly asked to see the old lady."

"Mother was so angry that she fainted."

"Go see grandma first." Everyone climbed onto the carriage and rushed to Xu's house.

Before Lu Chaochao could reach the door of Xu's house, his heart skipped a beat.

[Oops, the air of death is lingering in front of the door. Grandma is afraid that something is wrong...] Hearing Lu Chaochao's heartfelt voice, everyone's hearts dropped.

The carriage has not yet stopped.

Lu Yanshu, who was always calm, rushed out of the carriage.

He waved his fist and hit Lu Yuanze who was kneeling in front of the door.

"What else are you doing here? Hasn't my mother been harmed enough by you?"

"Isn't it enough that your grandmother has been harmed by you?"


He punched Lu Yuanze directly on the bridge of the nose.

Bright red nosebleeds fell on the snow...

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