Lu Yuanze suddenly felt dizzy at this moment. He felt his heartbeat speeding up, his eyes felt dizzy, and he couldn't help but feel like retching and feeling sick.

He was clinging to the tree, his face frighteningly white.

It was as if something had separated from his body.

Lu Chaochao loosened his hands in the direction of the old lady.

Inside the mansion, a burst of joy suddenly erupted.

Yushu ran out in a hurry, with tears still in the corners of his eyes.

"Little miss, the old lady just died."

"But for some reason, I suddenly came to life!"

"The imperial doctors said it was a miracle. Ming Ming watched helplessly as his pupils were dilated, his body felt cold, and his breathing was cut off. It's so strange... the old lady can even sit up now!" Yushu stomped his feet excitedly.

"Now the Xu family is opening a temple to worship their ancestors and thank them for their blessings."

Lu Yuanze was holding on to the tree, his face turned pale and his throat felt sore.

"What...when did it get better?" he asked in panic with a white face.

Yushu didn't want to see him, but he was in a good mood at the moment and couldn't help but said: "It's just a matter of time, just a cup of tea."

"It's all superstition, it's all superstition." Lu Chaochao waved towards him.

"But thank you anyway."

"The imperial doctors said no, they all died. I actually came back to life, thank you..." Lu Chaochao sincerely thanked you. These ten years of yours have been enough for this old lady to live.

Lu Yuanze was extremely panicked, but at this moment, his whole body was so weak that he could only watch Lu Chaochao leave.

Lu Yuanze stayed where he was, doubting his life.

The Xu family was as happy as if they were celebrating the New Year.

"Strange, how did your pulse become vigorous and strong, stronger than before?" The imperial doctor was puzzled.

"The pulse condition is strange. I will check your pulse once a day for the next three days." The imperial doctor was shocked.

[Hey, I gave my grandmother ten years of life in exchange for my scumbag father. 】

[Tiandao, you are not allowed to hack me...]

[You heard it, he said it himself! Chao Chao didn't force him, he gave it to him voluntarily! ! 】

[Moreover, Daddy gave me twenty years, and you still received ten years of benefits! ! My grandmother had it for ten years! 】

Lu Chaochao looked at the sky mischievously, and looked up from time to time, fearing that heaven would strike at her.

She is experienced in bribing the way of heaven.

The uncles paused after hearing what Lu Chaochao was saying.

It's Chao Chao!

Mrs. Xu cried with joy while hugging Chao Chao, and Lu Yanshu and others gathered around Chao Chao unconsciously. Waiting for the thunder to strike down, block it for your sister.

[Hey, God has eyes, and he didn’t hit me. 】

Lu Chaochao raised his tail proudly.

What surprised the imperial doctor even more was that as soon as he left the house, he was asked to leave by Lu Zhai.

Lu Yuanze lost his title of Marquis of Zhongyong, but the imperial doctor missed his old friendship and stopped by.

"Oh, why is the pulse so strange today?" The imperial doctor fell into deep suspicion.

"The old lady of the Xu family lost all vitality, and then resumed breathing, and her pulse became vigorous and strong. There is no problem in living for another ten years!"

"Master Lu, his pulse is clearly in his prime, why is his pulse so weak? As if he has aged ten years?"

The imperial doctor joked casually: "I didn't know, I thought you had been providing subsidies to the old lady for the past ten years."

Lu Yuanze coughed violently.

The speaker had no intention but the listener had intentions. Lu Yuanze was so panicked that he doubted his life.

"Master Lu, you must take good care of yourself. Your tooth can only be inlaid with metal." The imperial doctor knew about his entanglement with the Xu family, so he did not stay long and left quickly.

Lu Yuanze was flustered and called for Pei.

"When do you think the abbot of Huguo Temple will return to Beijing?"

When Mrs. Pei knew that he had gone to look for the Xu family again, she looked unhappy and said coldly: "Go back to Beijing next month."

She lifted the skirt of her clothes up to cover the red mark on her neck.

"Are you trying to win her back again? And you were beaten so badly that your nose was bruised and your face was swollen?" Seeing the embarrassment on his face, Ms. Pei couldn't help but taunt her.

I once boasted of true love, but now there is nothing left.


Lu Yuanze slapped Pei on the face, his eyes full of hatred.

"If you hadn't plotted against me, how could we and He Meimei's family be separated from each other?" Lu Yuanze missed the former Hou Mansion very much.

Mrs. Xu has taken good care of her home, and now...

"Plan? You climbed into my bed back then!"

"Didn't you say that Xu Shiyun is a dog you raised? He came and went away as soon as you called him. How can you save him now? Hahaha, Lu Yuanze, this is your retribution!"

Mrs. Pei was so angry that she rushed out of the room and went directly to the small Buddhist hall.

Ever since Mrs. Xu reconciled, the house has been full of chicken feathers, and Ms. Pei has not lived the life she imagined.

Instead, Xu, who left in despair, became the white moonlight in Lu Yuanze's heart.

Like mosquito blood that can never be wiped away.

At this moment, Mrs. Xu was nestling in front of the old lady.

The old lady's face was blue and purple before, and she was so frightened that she was completely confused. Now she squeezed the old lady's palm. The nails are red and warm, and they feel extremely happy when pressed against the cheek.

"The imperial doctors said everything is fine, don't worry."

"You and General Rong, don't have any worries. I see that General Rong is sincere..." The old lady knew that her daughter was hesitating.

"Mom, I just hope you can live a good life. Even if mom leaves, she will leave with peace of mind." The old lady clapped her hand.

Xu's ears are reddish.

"If Mom doesn't leave, she will live for another ten years." Mrs. Xu snickered. She never expected that Lu Yuanze would live ten years longer.

"Wait... wait until the inkstone test is over." Xu glanced at Rong Che.

Hearing this, Rong Che was so happy that he couldn't speak.

He happily kowtowed to the old lady several times.

"The inkstone examination is about to take place. There is no time to delay. Go back quickly. My bones are in good condition." The old lady felt that she now had endless strength in her body.

At night, Mrs. Xu took her children back home.

Lu Yanshu was already preparing for the exam and returned to the hospital early to rest.

"It's your first day of school. How do you feel today?" Xu asked Chaochao.

Chaochao held the milk bottle in both hands: "The snacks after class are delicious, and the lunch is also delicious. But the classmates love to cry..."

"Crying?" Mrs. Xu was stunned.

"Yeah, it's so weird for them to read."

"They didn't just listen and remember at the same time. They couldn't remember it even after listening to it once..." Lu Chaochao shook his head in disgust.

Lu Yuanxiao said quietly at the door: "I can understand that you were beaten in the academy."

Her intelligence is not terrible.

The scary thing is that she thinks that everyone has this kind of intelligence.

The ninth day of February.

Will try on the first day.

Xu got up before dawn and worshiped the Bodhisattva, asking him to bless everything safely.

The atmosphere in the Imperial College today is also extremely tense.

Everyone is thinking about Chunwei.

As for Lu Chaochao, as soon as he entered the door, he heard someone boasting: "How smart is Princess Zhaoyang?"

"Sister Jingyao is really smart."

"Jing Yao is obviously her father's daughter, but Princess Zhaoyang can't even tolerate Jing Yao!"

"It's so vicious." The person who spoke was a boy of five or six years old.

His eyebrows are full of arrogance, which shows that he has a good status.

"Who is this?" Lu Chaochao asked.

Xuan Jichuan replied: "He just returned to Beijing yesterday. You only went to school for half a day and never saw him."

"His father is His Majesty's younger brother, King Jingnan. He has been in the fiefdom all year round and has never returned to the capital. It is the Queen Mother's birthday this year that she has to be recalled to the capital."

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