Lu Yuanze felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

He was in a daze, his figure was swaying, and he felt a basin of cold water pouring down from the sky.

The whole person shivered.

" don't mean the pregnant woman next to your mother?" Lu Yuanze's voice was trembling, even mixed with fear.

"How can it be!!"

"The poor monk was not blind at that time!"

"The old lady is leaning against her unborn granddaughter. She is covered in red light and has great luck. As her mother, how can the poor monk not see her?"

"You don't even need to think about it, her mother should be from a very good family. How can she be an outsider?"

"The granddaughter that the poor monk refers to is the daughter of the main wife!"

"Referring to your legitimate daughter!" With so many merits, how could she be the daughter of a foreign wife?

What was Lu Yuanze thinking? !

"Pfft..." Lu Yuanze spit out a mouthful of blood.

He only felt that his heart was being held by a pair of invisible hands. The pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe. His face turned purple, and he opened his mouth wide as he struggled to suck in air.

He held on for a breath and didn't dare to fall down.

Staring hard: "Main wife? Xu Shiyun's daughter?"

"You mean Lu Chaochao?" Lu Yuanze's voice was stern and his eyes were bloodshot. Goosebumps appeared on his body and he shivered.

He lifted Lu Jingyao away.


Lu Jingyao was knocked to the ground by him and his head was covered with blood.

"Dad! Dad, what are you doing? I am Yaoyao...your beloved Yaoyao." Lu Jingyao was shocked. She was so proud of herself that she...

It's Lu Chaochao! !

"Dad, there must be something wrong..." Lu Jingyao was flustered.

how so?

She is a time-travelling girl, a chosen one loved by God. Isn’t her luck enough?

"Go, go, go!" Lu Yuanze was so painful that he couldn't straighten his back and felt that the sky was falling.

"Wrong, wrong. Wrong! It's all wrong!! The noble person you are referring to is Chao Chao? Is it Chao Chao who was abandoned by me?"

"I...I have already kicked her out of the house!!"

Not even on the family tree! !

Tick ​​tick tick, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Impossible, impossible, abbot, the Pei family was right in front of you at that time. How could you be referring to the Xu family?" Lu Yuanze almost begged.

"Ms. Pei stood in front of the old lady with a bulging belly. We thought it was Mrs. Pei!!"

When Lu Yuanze looked up, he saw Lu Chaochao sitting cross-legged on the futon and eating snacks.

"Wait, wait..." Lu Yuanze hurriedly wiped away the blood.

He rushed down the high platform in a hurry.

He came straight towards Xu: "Chaochao, come with me to see the abbot!"

"Why are you so crazy??" Mrs. Xu slapped his palm away, preventing him from touching Chao Chao.

Lu Yuanze has never been so crazy as he is today. He seems to be crying but not crying, and seems to be smiling but not smiling.

"Yun Niang, please, please let the eminent monk touch Chaochao's bones. Is that okay?" Lu Yuanze's lips were trembling.

When Pei Jiaojiao and the old lady went to the Buddhist temple to pray for blessings, they happened to meet the abbot.

The abbot concluded that the old lady's house was going to have a noble person, and the future heirs would be extremely valuable.

He and the old lady simply defaulted to Pei Jiaojiao next to them.

I never thought that it was the Xu family in the Hou family! !

"Why don't you let the eminent monk take a look? The abbot said that giving orders for others will lead to karma. He rarely gives orders for others. This is a rare good thing." Princess Jingxi looked at Mrs. Xu with burning eyes.

She knew that Mrs. Xu had concerns, so she said: "There are countless guards here, can Mr. Lu still be able to escape with Princess Zhaoyang?"

Xu glanced at Chao Chao: "Do you want to go?" She respected Chao Chao's wishes.

Lu Chaochao nodded heavily.

She wanted to see which old man with no eyes was so careless!

Lu Yuanze wanted to lead Chaochao, but Xu shook his head and personally led Chaochao to the stage.

She would not give her daughter to Lu Yuanze.

Lu Yuanze staggered and looked at Lu Chaochao without blinking.

This daughter was not liked by him since she was born, and he had never even looked at her.

She has chubby cheeks and a pair of eyes that are always running around, making her look smart and clever. The fleshy little hands were clenched into fists, with a candy hidden in them.

Her eyes are clear and always smiling.

Only when he looked at himself, he would snort heavily, and then turn his head away angrily.

In just a few steps, Lu Yuanze thought of many things.

Many things he ignored.

A few days after giving birth to Lu Chaochao, I was struck by lightning while meeting Pei at night.

Xu suddenly woke up and quickly counted the dowry. She and Pei sold everything to plug the gap.

Xu originally blindly trusted him, but from then on, she also began to resist.

After taking his three sons and one daughter away, Yanshu stood up and won the third prize.

The emperor favored Chao Chao and became the only titled princess in Beizhao.

Zhengyue began to enter the army.

The third child, who is ignorant and has no skills, strives to make progress.

And what about your own family?

Since leaving Chaochao, things have gone downhill like a cliff.

Lu Yuanze's face was shockingly white, with almost no trace of blood. The more he thought about it, the more shocking it became. He probably...

Really wrong.

Preconceptions, thinking that the fetus in Pei's belly is a chance!

As soon as Lu Chaochao reached the high platform, the abbot knelt on the ground with a thud.

The abbot's tightly closed eyes suddenly overflowed with traces of blood.

The abbot sighed.

‘It turns out that he was not unjustly blind. ’

The real owner was kicked out by Lu Yuanze!

"Why did you kneel down to her before you touched her bones?" Lu Jingyao looked at the abbot unconvinced, with deep resentment hidden in his eyes.

"Even if the poor monk is blind, he can still see the golden light of her merits."

Like a small sun, it emits strong light.

It's impossible to ignore.

"It was the poor monk who was ignorant and made the girl suffer." The abbot saluted Lu Chaochao.

"No wonder, no wonder Beizhao suddenly became prosperous and recognized you as his adopted daughter?"

"Your Majesty, what a blessing."

This was the first time Abbot Shikong saw such a dazzling golden light of merit, comparable to the sun.

The little novice monk couldn't help but sigh: "Mr. Fugui Lu didn't catch this splash, and even threw it out with his backhand. Your Majesty got a big advantage!"

Lu Yuanze felt the blood surge in his heart and his vision turned black.

[Hey, this monk can actually see the golden light of my merits? 】

【He's not a liar. 】

"Why don't you make it clear? Why don't you make it clear! I always thought..." Lu Yuanze couldn't accept it, he couldn't accept it! !

Mrs. Xu understood it.

My heart is filled with joy.

Lu Yuanze kept thinking about the indescribable nobleness, but it turned out to be Chao Chao?

He regarded Lu Jingyao as a treasure and co-authored it. Was it a mistake?

"Isn't this retribution?"

"Master Shikong is a monk, so he naturally refers to the main wife. Who knew you secretly raised an outside wife! Could it be that it wasn't you who had evil thoughts in the first place that led to the result?"

"Every cause must have an effect!" Mrs. Xu sneered.

"Your retribution will be me..." Lu Chaochao showed his little head and said to his father.

Every cause has its consequences, and your retribution will be me...

But isn’t it true that if you succeed, you will face the court, and if you fail, you will face the court?

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