The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 280 Killing the chicken to scare the monkey


"Stop talking! Your abacus has fallen off the old lady's face!!" Lu Yanshu covered his sister's mouth tightly.

[Just kill her, so I don’t have to take the exam! 】

[Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, she must die on time. 】

[She has never done anything good in her life. If she dies on the day of my exam, I can still gain some virtue for her. 】 Lu Chaochao’s little face clicked.

She has no sympathy for the old lady.

Although the old lady is pitiful, when it comes to ruthlessness, no one can compare to her.

It was her and Pei's idea to drown Lu Chaochao.

Originally, Lu Yuanze wanted to frame the Xu family for corruption and bribery. But because of what the old lady said, there is still a chance of getting over the corruption and bribery, so it is better to report them for treason!

With just one word from her, the entire Xu family would be executed.

Lu Chaochao didn't like her at all.

In fact, Lu Yuanze and the Pei family started from the beginning because she was behind them.

I wanted to support my natal family, but it was a pity that I had to support myself until I had no children or grandchildren.

Lu Yanshu was almost amused by her.

He was afraid that Chaochao would kill the old lady. After all, the old lady looked like she was going to die soon.

"Is the exam so uncomfortable?"

"How about I come to teach you for a few days? The first assistant invited me several times to give lessons to the children." Lu Yanshu touched his sister's little face, it was so cute.

Lu Chaochao's eyes rolled.

" is not allowed to leave any homework."

Lu Yanshu responded immediately.

Early the next morning, Lu Chaochao happily went to school carrying his small schoolbag.

"Today, the eldest brother is a wife, and I am very happy..." The little guy held his brother's hand and went out happily.

"Keep an eye on that side. If the old lady dies, ask someone to go over there."

"Wearing linen and wearing filial piety, that's impossible!"

"Create genealogy, cut off family letters, everything is complete. Wearing clothes and wearing mourning is the responsibility of descendants, it has nothing to do with us!" To cut off descendants, we must have the consciousness to cut off descendants.

Xu's expression was indifferent, without any hint of softness.

She had already pieced together her original life from Chaochao's voice.

Why did her children end up like this?

They have never been soft-hearted towards their children, so why should they be soft-hearted? ?

That is the punishment they deserve!

"That's what it's like. It's so refreshing. You deserve it!" Dengzhi smiled.

In the afternoon, Mrs. Xu waited for her eldest brother before Lu Chaochao came home.

"Brother, why are you here today? Brother, please come and sit inside. This morning I was thinking about going to my uncle's house to eat rock candy elbows." Yun Niang welcomed her eldest brother in the door.

Xu Yiting's face was unusually serious.

He waved his hand and backed away.

He also asked his attendants to guard outside and not allow anyone to come near.

"Mother Yun, where is the dragon-patterned jade pendant? Has anyone seen it?" Xu Yiting's eyebrows were filled with worry, and he felt quite uncomfortable when he looked at his sister.

My sister almost froze to death in the snow when she was born.

After working hard to raise him, he met the scumbag Lu Yuanze.

After finally getting engaged to Rong Che, I could live a good life for a few days, but someone from the south came.

Xu frowned and said, "Only Chaochao and Dengzhi know about it."

"And Lu Yuanze."

"When I first got married, I wasn't wary of him. I showed him the dragon-patterned jade pendant. A few years ago, Mrs. Pei also tried to persuade him to ask for it. After I refused, I gave the jade pendant to Chao Chao." Xu Shiyun looked a little guilty.

"Did that jade pendant cause trouble?"

Xu Yiting shook his head: "Put the jade pendant away and don't show it to others. That jade pendant is probably an extremely important thing for the royal family of the Southern Kingdom."

"The envoy from the Southern Kingdom is Nan Mubai, the eldest son of the eldest princess of the Southern Kingdom."

"The bloodline of the Southern Kingdom is special. Daughters are not allowed to marry outside. All bloodlines have the same opportunity to summon gods. Back then, the eldest princess was the first candidate for the empress."

Xu Yiting looked at Yun Niang deeply. When he brought her back, her sister was so red that her eyebrows were frosty from the cold.

Such a weak baby was raised by them to be a big girl.

Have children and have your own happiness.

But now, the other party is obviously a giant.

"Originally, the eldest princess was the old emperor's most preferred successor."

"But one year he was assassinated and the old emperor was living abroad. He was rescued by a peasant girl. When he lost his memory, he married the peasant girl and gave birth to a daughter." Xu Yiting came to the palace to find out this.

Xu's eyelids twitched suddenly and she looked up at her elder brother.

The teacup in his hand was squeezed tightly, and his breathing was slightly stagnant.

"It is said that the old emperor made a living selling calligraphy and paintings at that time. He was found by the eldest princess and was forcibly taken back to the palace. After recovering his memory, the mother and daughter could no longer be found."

"The old emperor once left a jade pendant with a dragon pattern..."

The tea cup in Xu's hand fell down with the sound.

She looked at her elder brother with red eyes, pursed her lips tightly, but didn't know what to say.

"After the old emperor returned to the palace, he has been sending people to secretly search for the mother and daughter. But more than thirty years have passed, and there is still no news."

"Originally, the emperor of the Southern Kingdom wanted to pass on the throne to the eldest princess, but it was shelved all these years." Xu Yiting couldn't help but frown.

"There are even rumors that you have to find your daughter who is living abroad before you can willingly abdicate. But in this case, the eldest princess will probably not be able to tolerate the mother and daughter. The last time you were assassinated, it was probably the eldest princess."

"Brother, I just want to be the daughter of the Xu family. I don't want to leave Beizhao, nor do I want to leave home." Mrs. Xu's voice was choked with sobs.

"I have no feelings for the Southern Kingdom, I have no ambitions, and I have no idea about the power of the Southern Kingdom. I just want to live an ordinary, warm and ordinary life."

"Brother knows." Xu Yiting sighed.

"Don't be afraid. You will always be our little sister, and no one can take you away."

"Nan Mubai is now investigating whether there was an abandoned woman in the capital thirty-five years ago. At that time, my mother had just given birth to a younger brother, and she told the public that you and your younger brother were twins, but now it is a cover-up. No one suspects you. .”

"As for Lu Yuanze..." Xu Yiting frowned slightly.

Dead people cannot speak.

But Lu Yuanze was an official of the imperial court and never left the capital. Now because of his cuckold status, the whole capital was attracting attention.

It's not easy to start.

"Don't worry, there will be a way for the car to reach the mountain. You, the children are very powerful, and General Chao Chao and General Rong will take you away. His Majesty will not agree. In this period of time, try your best Don’t deal with the southern envoys, try to avoid them.”

Besides, Yun Niang is just an ordinary person.

Those people in the southern country were so chattering that Yun Niang might have been eaten up and wiped clean.

Even if there is Chaochao, Chaochao is only a two and a half year old child. What can be done?

The Zongtian God worshiped by the royal family of the Southern Kingdom is in charge of the justice of the three realms. As long as the god is successfully summoned, he has the power to destroy the heaven and the earth.

Chao Chao was afraid that even the bones would be chewed up and swallowed.

Xu Yiting only sat down for a while, then left in a hurry after giving instructions.

He wanted to return home to discuss with his father.

Although my sister is not my biological child, she is the beloved baby of the whole family.

When the old nanny hugged her and fell to the snow, the old nanny was injured. I am afraid that the eldest princess would have discovered her existence and chased her early.

Xu sat there until dark.

It wasn't until Chaochao returned home that Ms. Xu patted her face gently and put on a smile.

Lu Chaochao was very happy before going out, but when he came home, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

"Did the Yanshu class go well today?" Xu asked.

Lu Yanshu smiled: "It went very well."

"Those little classmates from Chao Chao actually obeyed you?" Mrs. Xu was very curious, and even the first and second assistants were so angry that they could write inkstones so smoothly?

Lu Chaochao spoke with a drooped face.

"My eldest brother killed the chicken to scare the monkeys. My classmates are very afraid of him."

"How do you kill a chicken to scare the monkeys?"

"I am the chicken that was killed." Lu Chaochao puffed out his cheeks and glared at his elder brother angrily!

Can he not go well? !

That is based on the pain of my own sister! (End of chapter)

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