"Princess Zhaoyang, can you let me have a try?" Duke Protector was very interested. He had heard Nan Guo brag about how awesome the protector beast was, and he had been thinking about it for decades! !

Lu Chaochao nodded.

The Protector stepped forward quickly.

In an instant, several brave veterans stepped forward.

It's not out of curiosity, he just wants to slap the face of the arrogant Southern Emperor.

Seeing that there were only a few seats left, the emperor was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead. But he is the king of a country, so it’s hard to say it directly...

Seeing him sitting on pins and needles, the Queen couldn't help but smile and said: "Coming all the way from the South, it's a rare opportunity. Why don't Your Majesty get to know the beast that protects the country?"

The emperor clenched his fists, coughed dryly against his lips and said, "Isn't this bad?"

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with this? The little emperor will not be so stingy, right? After all, the guardian beasts have agreed." The queen looked at Nan Mubai.

Nan Mubai looked pale and nodded with difficulty.

The emperor thanked everyone in public and walked out of the palace gate with joy.

Rong Che took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention and secretly hooked Xu's little finger: "Mother Yun, do you want to give it a try?"

Yun Niang was startled: "These are all men, aren't they?"

"What's the point? Chaochao is your daughter, why can't you ride her? Opportunities are rare, Yun Niang!" Rong Che saw her heartbeat and immediately pushed her forward.

"This is Princess Zhaoyang's mother, she should be allowed to see it."

No one had any objections.

The civil and military officials even nodded kindly towards Mrs. Xu, their eyes full of admiration.

There are very few Heli in this dynasty, and she is the only one with children.

Nowadays, it is important to obey your father at home and your husband when you get married, and women's harmony and status are low. But who wants the children born in a family to compete with each other? Stomping your feet will make the court tremble three times.

Xu had all the treatment Lu Yuanze wanted.

Lu Chaochao waved his hand, and the nine heads prostrated obediently on the ground.

Everyone looked at each other, and Wang Yuanlu personally helped the emperor climb onto the head with the crown in the center.

After everyone rode on the head, the Hydra slowly raised its head.

Everyone exclaimed: "Oh my god, it's so high!"

It straightened its head and was a bit taller than the palace, which amazed everyone who experienced it.

Ming Lang felt sour in his heart: "Your Highness, I also want to try it. Do you think it can allow me to go up?"

Nan Mubai looked at him suspiciously, and Master Ming had no choice but to shut up.

It felt ridiculous in my heart.

The Southern Kingdom is proud of summoning the ‘mythical beast’. The mythical beast is extremely powerful in the Southern Kingdom, and the Southern Kingdom’s royal family carefully enshrines it.


In front of Beizhao, he is just a licking dog.

When I see Princess Zhaoyang, I almost shake my head!

If the people in the Southern Kingdom knew about it, they would probably be shocked and would be so angry that they would not be able to sleep all night.

The emperor was riding on the head of the ferocious beast, and his heart was full of pride. No wonder the southern country was so proud that he could conquer such a giant beast. He really had a card!

When can Beizhao get one?

"Father, you died too early. No son would be lucky." Emperor Xuanping muttered softly.

The boards of the old emperor's coffin could hardly hold it down underneath.

Hydra even shook its head with great interest, causing everyone to scream in surprise, giving it a full sense of experience.

"Fifth brother, fifth brother, this is so interesting!!" When the sixth prince came down, his legs were weak and he almost sat on the ground.

He excitedly rushed to the fifth prince to show off, and the fifth prince, who was originally not very interested, also became interested.

Several princes looked at Lu Chaochao.

Under Nan Mubai's horrified gaze, the good-tempered Xiang Liu gave them a second lecture.

Nan Mubai almost fainted.

Nan Mubai's eyes turned dark, I brought you here to show off! ! I didn’t bring you here to embarrass you! !

Occasionally, he would put on a smile on his face and pretend not to care.

The envoys from the Southern Kingdom could hardly sit still.

Treatment that none of them have ever enjoyed! !

"Do you in the Southern Kingdom often play like this?" The sixth prince looked at Nan Mubai with envy.

"You people in the southern country are too happy, aren't you? It's really fun to ride around on mythical beasts when you have nothing to do. You must be tired of riding, right?" The sixth prince was far away just now and didn't hear what Qingnan Mubai said at all.

At this moment, the little emperor grandson of the Southern Kingdom felt that the other party was deliberately humiliating him!

His face was bruised and his whole body was a little broken.

greasy? Are you kidding! !

He has only ridden the beast three times in his life! And every time, it can only be satisfied when the mythical beast is in a very good mood and wants to consume divine power.

Nan Mubai's face was expressionless, and she was cursing in her heart.

He's not envious, not really.

He had never seen Xiang Liu smile before. Really, he had never seen it open into nine mouths and smile like a flower.

Baring his teeth, he even brushed the vegetable leaves clean.

What kind of magic power does this Princess Zhaoyang have?

The Sixth Prince curled his lips and said, "Why are you ignoring people? It's so rude." Huh, he must ride the mythical beast enough today!

He queued up and rode back and forth three times.

The Southern envoy's eyes were red with anger.

The emperor was as happy as if he had drank two kilograms of white wine, and his whole body was in a state of ecstasy.

Oops, it’s Beizhao who gets frustrated every time. This time, the pride of the southern country was crushed into dust, crushed again and again.

"How do you think I compare to the late emperor?" the emperor asked the queen with a smile.

The queen's eyelids trembled. You may have drunk too much to ask such a question!

"I feel that the late emperor is not as good as me." The emperor looked embarrassed.

The courtiers looked at him in shock!

"Although the late emperor was the founding emperor and established the foundation of Xia Beizhao, he is not as good as me." The emperor shook his head with emotion.

"Although I can't compare with the great achievements of the late emperor in founding the country, I am lucky. I have a dynasty..." Emperor Xuanping said proudly.

He felt like he was winning.

The queen and ministers......

I don't know what to say.

The Queen's difficult organizational language: "Your Majesty, as long as your Majesty is happy."

Emperor Xuanping's face glowed red. He thought he was going to be slapped in the face again today, but he turned around and inflicted heavy losses on Nanguo. He was very happy.

At this palace banquet, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

Oh, cross that out.

It lasted until late at night before Hydra carried everyone in the audience. Even the unlucky Li Zixi rode a circle with trepidation...

Although his head was bumped against the beams of the palace, he was still satisfied.

As long as you have no arms or legs, you are considered lucky.

The palace banquet was over, and all the ministers of Beizhao drank with satisfaction.

The envoy from the Southern Kingdom left the meeting angrily.

Xiang Liu glanced at Lu Chaochao and saw that she didn't pay attention to him, so he quickly followed Nan Mubai and slipped away.

There is also a willow branch wrapped around the tail.

Return to the embassy.

Nan Mubai said loudly: "Xiangxiang, lower your head, I want to ride!" He followed Lu Chaochao's example of commanding the ferocious beast.

In the past, they offered kind words and persuasion, and offered various offerings, but they had never been able to do so like this.


Xiang Liu looked at him from above, hearing those Xiang Xiang words, and there was a fierce aura in his snake eyes.

Xiangxiang? This is what you can call too! !

The scales stand up…

The tail swung towards Nan Mubai violently, even bringing up a bit of awe-inspiring cold wind, and whipped him away with a single movement of the tail.

There was a bang.

Nan Mubai smashed the door and flew out together with the door.

"Ah!!" The screams shook the night sky.

Nan Mubai's magical power was no match for the ferocious beast, and he immediately fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Nan Mubai punched the ground angrily, he was stabbed in the back by his own divine beast! ! (End of chapter)

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