"Mom, after this plague, my son should return to Beijing to report on his work."

"Mom, please come back to the capital with me." Vice General Zhu bought some food in the city and returned to the courtyard.

"Now that Dongling is in turmoil, I hope it can settle down for a few years," Vice General Zhu said.

The old lady sitting in the courtyard collecting insoles didn't even raise her eyebrows.

"What are you going to do when you go back? You will be laughed at when you go back... People in their thirties don't get married. You are going to piss me off to death!"

"I don't have much hope for someone who has one foot in the coffin... I am a sinner of the Zhu family. I'm sorry to all the ancestors of the Zhu family. The blood of the Zhu family is about to be cut off in my hands. Oh, mother, I'm afraid she won't survive. It's been a few years. This body is getting worse every day." The old lady was sick and had very low energy and energy.

"Mom, please find a marriage for your son."

The old lady who wants to live or die......

He sat up suddenly, his eyes blazing with fire: "Marriage?!"

Vice General Zhu said bitterly: "Looking for a good girl to help me make some pairs of socks! Forget it, let's embroider a purse!"

The old lady threw away the soles of her shoes, her face full of ecstasy, and she didn't look like she was sick and dying just now.

"Okay, okay! Look, look, look, look!" The old lady knelt down with a bang. Bodhisattva bless her!

"Why did you suddenly figure it out?" The old lady came back to her senses and looked at him suspiciously.

Vice General Zhu felt choked in his heart.

He is not that grandson of Rong Che, that brat.

"Excuse me, mother, please look for it for me. This is my son's salary and savings over the years... I will leave the rest to my future wife." Vice General Zhu nodded and left two coins to buy wine.

"Your savings are gone. Mom has already saved them all if you have delayed getting married for so many years. I will give them to your wife when she comes."

"Mom, with her body and bones, she can live for another thirty years, and she will definitely be able to bring up your grandson!" The old lady who looked like she was about to buy a coffin just now is now beaming with joy and full of energy.

Lieutenant General Zhu was tall and mighty, with a down-to-earth temperament and a good military record.

People in Huangcheng often proposed marriage to him, but he resisted so much that it lasted for many years.

"You... why not consider Ronger?" The old lady sighed.

"Rong'er comes to accompany the old lady to relieve her boredom from time to time. Last time I was sick, it was Rong'er who nursed me back to health."

Lieutenant General Zhu looked slightly sluggish.

"Mother, what nonsense are you talking about! I am thirty-seven this year, and Ronger is only twenty-three!" Ronger is the daughter of his comrade-in-arms.

Last time Dongling attacked Huangcheng at night, Ronger's parents died while defending the city. Before he died, he entrusted his daughter to him.

I was only seventeen years old at the time, but due to my filial piety, I have been delayed until now.

The old lady glanced at him: "Rong'er was seventeen when she came to our house. She had been a mourner for three years and was only twenty. Now that she is not married at twenty-three, who do you think she is waiting for?"

Vice General Zhu remained silent.

"Mom, please don't mess with things! If you ruin Ronger's reputation, it will hinder her marriage in the future!" Vice General Zhu waved his hand.

"Am I messing up? You guard the city and often go home late at night. Every time you go home, no matter how late, are there lights at home? Are there warm meals on the table? Even the hot water for bathing and clothes have been put on early Put it on the bedside?"

The old lady rolled her eyes and looked at him disdainfully.

The old lady stepped on her feet and stabbed him in the head.

"Last time, you didn't want the mandarin duck sachet I gave you. You thought it was too fragrant and unsafe on the battlefield. Ronger made it for you too..."

"You didn't ask for it at first, but Rong'er cried all night."

"I originally thought that if you didn't want to, I would accept Rong'er as my adopted daughter. But Rong'er didn't want to... ugh." The old lady sighed, her slender-headed son was not worthy.

"Think carefully! If you don't want to, I will find a husband for Ronger and marry her off gracefully. It would be a pity for me to marry a rough guy like you. Then I will find a scholar for Ronger. The scenery is bright and beautiful, I will be your wife." The old lady waved her hands and went out to prepare things for her return to Beijing.

Lieutenant General Zhu returned to the bedroom with his heart in confusion.

I don’t know since when, the quilt has a faint fragrance, and a bouquet of wild flowers is inserted by the window, bringing a touch of green to the room.

He doesn't understand.

The woman pushed open the door and entered.

Holding clean clothes in his hands, he looked up and saw Vice General Zhu standing in the room.

A touch of red rose unconsciously on his face.

His eyes were slightly averted and his eyebrows were lowered.

"Brother Xuan, why are you back?" The woman was dressed very neatly and stepped forward to put the clothes in the closet.

When Vice Admiral Zhu saw that she was still holding his own underwear in her hand, his face suddenly turned red.

He tried to grab it, but the woman smiled and said, "I always wash it."

The old lady of the Zhu family is illiterate, hardworking and frugal. She only has a few old servants in her family, and her life is simple and warm.

Vice General Zhu opened his mouth when he heard her words.

"Your father didn't entrust you to me as a slave!" Vice General Zhu blushed.

"Since I promised to raise you, I...will raise you well! Why didn't you go see the young talent I introduced to you last time?"

"I have inquired for you. His father and mother are both at home, and he has opened two shops. He has land and shops. He is a scholar and has been admitted as a scholar. I asked someone to find connections and secretly read his articles. "

"You have a great chance of passing the examination. In the future, you will be the lady of the examination!" Vice General Zhu didn't understand scholars, so it took a lot of connections to find out.

"Don't worry about marrying blindly and mutely. You still have to take a look. Your parents entrusted you to me, and I will take good care of you!"

He even divided the moon silver into two halves and left half for her as a dowry.

Half is reserved for household expenses.

"I don't want to marry him..." Her voice was so low that it was almost inaudible.

"Do you only have my parents' entrustment to me?" She bit her lip tightly, and a trace of blood spilled from her lips.

There were tears in his eyes, stubbornly refusing to fall.

Vice General Zhu took a step back suddenly.

"You...me, I am already in my thirties, a rough man who cannot read or write. If you are literate, you should marry a young man!"

"I have prepared a dowry for you and found you a reliable scholar so that you can live a good life in the future." Vice General Zhu did not dare to look at her.

"Look at me!" The woman mustered up her courage and said in a serious voice.

Vice General Zhu was startled.

The woman took a deep breath, stood on tiptoes, and held his face in her hands.

The woman's breath carried a faint fragrance, and her palms were warm, making Vice General Zhu's face turn red.

"Looking into my eyes, can't you really feel my admiration? Do you really only have my parents' entrustment to me?"

"That day, the deserted city was almost captured. My father and mother died in battle, and Dongling slaughtered the people. It was you who rushed over on horseback and raised your sword to protect me. That day, I was happy with you." She looked at it. Vice General Zhu said word by word.

Vice General Zhu moved his eyes away with difficulty, his heart beating like thunder.

He felt like his heart was almost jumping out of his chest.

"You are kind to me. You are young and easily confused. You regard gratitude as love..."

"I'm twenty-three, not thirteen! Why do you think I'm a fool?"

"I just ask, do you like me?" She looked at Vice General Zhu blankly.

Vice General Zhu...(End of Chapter)

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