Emperor Xuanping held back his grievances and cried on the spot.

Zhaoyang from Beizhao ran away and was still a generation below Nan Shian!

He was angry and resentful.

"Daddy, don't cry. He is so good at playing cards. There is nothing to envy!"

"Look, my grandmother is an elf. As long as he lives up to her, he can live hundreds of years. As a result, he died early..."

"You see, originally my eldest brother who passed the rank of Sanyuan, my second brother who was brave and good at fighting, and my third brother together with me were all supposed to be his heirs. As a result... we ended up with no one being able to stand alone."

"And my mother, she hasn't called me daddy yet."

"I was born with the best cards, but my life ended up like this..."

Emperor Xuanping was very happy as he listened.

"You're right, I am the winner, and the next generation should be the lower generation."

Now that I think about it, I am the lucky one who goes against the current! !

Emperor Xuanping's tail almost lifted up with joy.

"Your Majesty, it's time to offer sacrifices to heaven." Master Ming couldn't help but stepped forward to remind Emperor Xuanping when he saw Emperor Xuanping holding the empress in his arms and not letting go.

Ha, I used to worry that Emperor Xuanping would deceive the empress and cause harm to the Southern Kingdom.

Now, I am worried that Emperor Xuanping will abduct the empress! !

His eyes almost look like those of our empress! !

"Please also ask His Majesty Beizhao to return to his throne. It would be bad to miss the auspicious time." Mr. Ming blocked Emperor Xuanping's sight sourly.

Emperor Xuanping flicked his long sleeves, snorted coldly, and returned to his seat to watch the ceremony.

A small figure stood on the altar.

The national master loudly announced the gods of heaven and earth, and the young priests were performing blessing dances.

Grandma looked a little worried.

"When the new emperor of the Southern Kingdom ascends the throne, he will pray to God for blessings. He only hopes that everything will go well today."

"Once upon a time, when His Majesty just ascended the throne, a sudden strong wind roared in the cloudless sky, blowing down the entire altar table. On that day, the new monarch was deposed."

Sacrifice to heaven in the South is extremely solemn and solemn.

When grandma saw that the sacrifice to heaven had begun, she carefully stepped back.

The Imperial Master read the sacrificial words loudly: "May the gods be merciful and protect the new emperor. May the weather in the South be smooth, the country be peaceful and the people be safe, the grain be plentiful, and the weather be smooth..."

Zhu Mo carefully placed the small pot of flowers in his arms in the corner. This time, he silently took off his red flower jacket.

He jumped up and turned into a dragon, hovering in the sky.

"The national spirit has appeared!"

People prayed for peace and success in the coming year.

Lu Chaochao looked up at the sky. The young man stood on the clouds, raised his hand and waved lightly, and countless golden lights fell from the sky.

Heaven himself sends blessings.

Countless golden lights gathered in the sky over Nandu, turning into streams of spiritual rain, dispelling the hidden wounds and fatigue of the people.

"It's happening, it's happening!!"

"God recognizes the Empress and has blessed the Southern Kingdom with her blessings!!"

The young man stood in the clouds, with an infinite preference for her in his eyes.

Lu Chaochao pursed his lips and snickered, she knew it! !

Hum, the divine world has long given up on the human world and is unwilling to protect mortals. But Xiao Tiandao won’t!

The candle ink was flying in the clouds to create momentum. Suddenly, when he saw the young man's figure, he was so frightened that he froze...

Fortunately, no one was paying attention to him at the moment.

His face changed with fright, and he fell back to the little flower, holding the pot of little flowers and trembling: "Damn it, I just sensed a trace of heavenly aura from him!"

The Dao of Heaven is beyond the three realms and is an invisible force that makes rules for the three realms.

No one knows how the Dao of Heaven came into being, but everyone knows that the Dao of Heaven will never take the form of a human!

He represents justice and the rules of heaven and earth!

How could he be a human being? !


"Huahua, I think I have presbyopia..." He shook his head and poured spiritual energy into Xiaohua.

Xiaohua staggered and rubbed against his palm.

Zhu Moxiao's eyes narrowed: "You are seriously injured and can't transform yet, so take good care of yourself."

Thinking of the dragon clan's mess, I couldn't help but feel depressed.

The Dragon Clan has sent a message back. After he escaped from marriage that day, his fiancée was abandoned in her wedding clothes and was humiliated in front of the powerful people from all walks of life.

She took off her red hijab and cut off a strand of black hair to swear.

I will fight him till death.

Under the respectful welcome of everyone, Lu Chaochao went to Mingguang Hall to receive the jade seal and officially ascended the throne.

The third prince gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, turned around and looked at the princes and princesses before following him.

"All the heirs of the Southern Kingdom have grown up with the requirements of the crown prince since they were born. Each of us learns the strategies of governing the country and behaves like a gentleman."

"We have no objection to losing to the eldest princess."

"And she was born in Beizhao and grew up in Beizhao. She is only three and a half years old now! She really complied with those words..."

"The girl who cries is the master of this country! What a joke!"

Several princes looked at the third prince with deep eyes: "Brother Third Prince, you have been dormant for many years, are you willing to lose to a three-year-old girl now?"

"We brothers all obey you. You and King Dongling are cousins, and he will definitely help you! We brothers, we all obey you!"

King Dongling, who had conquered the chaotic Dongling royal family for only one year after becoming emperor, is now like a sharp blade, making people fearful.

The third prince raised his hands to his brothers and sisters: "Although we share the same father and mother, we are of royal blood after all. The friendship we grew up with is naturally different from outsiders."

It was obvious who this outsider was.

Everyone came to Mingguang Hall in great numbers.

The Grand Tutor is already waiting here holding the national seal.

The kings of the various countries sat down one after another, and the courtiers stood under the main hall with solemn expressions. In the center was the heir of the Southern Kingdom.

"By the late emperor's edict..." The eunuch held the imperial edict and read out the late emperor's edict.

After a long paragraph, I finally got to the point.

"The daughter of the Xu family, Lu Chaochao! I admire this!"

The courtiers breathed a sigh of relief, knelt down one after another and said: "My ministers, I sincerely abide by the late emperor's edict!"

"My lord, I sincerely abide by the late emperor's edict!"

The courtiers knelt down, but the prince and princess standing in the center stood upright.

Master Ming's heart thumped, and his face couldn't stop sinking!

The third prince had acted cowardly over the years, but he had become the head of the royal family's mortal bloodline. Second only to Nan Fengyu!

Now, how could he be willing to give up the throne to others!

What's more, he's still a three-year-old!

Now, with the rise of Dongling Kingdom, King Dongling is his direct cousin, and even King Dongling's only relative.

If King Dongling intervenes, I'm afraid there will be changes in the succession today.

"I have objections!"

"I also have objections!" All the princes and princesses headed by the third prince asked for orders.

"She, the three-and-a-half-year-old empress, don't you think it's ridiculous?" The seventh princess stood up and pointed at the innocent Lu Chaochao with disgust in her eyes.

"She has divine power, but does she know what governing a country is, what the art of an emperor is, and what the common people are?"

"Father is confused, are you also confused?"

"How can the throne of the Southern Kingdom be handed over to a child? It's simply child's play!"

"This king proposes that the three emperors be crowned kings and enthroned as emperors!"

The members of the royal family behind him immediately shouted: "I would like to take the Three Emperors as the emperor, carry the Southern Kingdom on my shoulders, and support the kingdom of mortals!"

"I would like to serve the Third Emperor as my emperor!"

The third prince immediately walked to King Dongling and said, "Cousin, what do you think?"

General Lou's eyes turned cold: "The third prince, the Southern Kingdom's succession has nothing to do with outsiders!"

But the third prince didn't even look at him!

King Dongling was dressed in black and looked wild, with a bit of wildness in his eyes.

Entering the hall to face the saint, everyone unloaded their weapons.

He was the only one holding a sword in his hand.

At this moment, he raised his eyes and looked at the little girl sitting on the dragon chair. The little girl was short, sitting on the dragon chair, her legs swinging wildly.

He lifted his steps and walked forward.

General Lou and others immediately stopped him: "I hope King Dongling will respect himself!"

"Let him come up!" Lu Chaochao's voice was clear.

General Lou looked at her worriedly, little girl, do you know who King Dongling is? ! !

He was decisive in killing and killed countless people. He almost killed most of Dongling's courtiers. His name can stop children from crying. (End of chapter)

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