By the time Zhao Jun finished his meal, dressed up, carried his gun and skis and walked out of the house, Zhao Youcai, Li Dayong, Wang Qiang, and Lin Xiangshun had already entered the depths of the mountain in a truck.

Zhao Jun waited at the door until Li Baoyu went out, and the two took their skis and walked out of the village.

Along the way, Li Baoyu sighed, as if silently complaining about his regret that he could not see the Pig-Slaying God.

Zhao Jun ignored him and just said: "I heard from my brother-in-law that the price of large leather goods at Camp G store in the town has increased again."

"How much is it?" Li Baoyu asked casually. At this time, he was still thinking about the huge wild boar.

Zhao Jun said: "Someone from their village went to sell them for a thousand yuan a piece."

"How much?" Li Baoyu's voice rose an octave.

And it wasn't that he didn't hear what he said clearly, it was just that he was too shocked.

One thousand dollars!

What's the price?

You know, as the master chef of the forest farm canteen, Zhao Youcai's monthly salary plus subsidy, plus overtime pay, all counted, is only one hundred yuan and fifty cents.

Li Dayong earns a little more. He works on a piece-rate basis, works overtime, and gets a lot of subsidies, but the total is only one hundred and sixty-five yuan a month.

A piece of leather costs one thousand yuan, which is higher than Li Dayong's salary in half a year.

"When did it become so expensive?"

Zhao Jun shook his head and said: "It was only last year, who knew why it became so expensive."

"Then let's slip out clips today. If we can slip out eight clips, we'll get them!" At this time, Li Baoyu said,

The thousand-pound wild boar was instantly forgotten.

"Haha." When Zhao Jun heard this, he immediately laughed and said, "What are you thinking about? If one of you can sneak away, we can count on it."


Zhao Jun said: "That thing is very clever, and it is becoming less and less. Otherwise, why would you think a big store can give you a piece of skin for a thousand yuan?"

While they were talking, the two of them had already entered the mountain, cut the water hockey stick with their knives, put the skis on their feet, and headed up the mountain with the sticks.

Along the way, he found the sable footprints he saw last time at the place where the trap was placed. He followed the footprints until he reached a large red pine in the distance to the south. Zhao Jun shook his head at Li Baoyu.

This is the place where the first clamp was placed last time, but the footprints are as usual, and they don't seem to increase.

The cunning rabbit has three caves.

This is not the only way for sables to travel. It seems that this sable has not passed here for nearly half a month.

In this case, the clip buried in the snow below did not move for now, and Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu rushed towards the next place.

When they reached the second place where they lowered the clamps, the two of them could see from a distance that the snow in front of them was uneven and there seemed to be slight depressions.

As I hurriedly stepped on my skis to get closer, I saw that the snow ground had collapsed slightly, and there were signs of churning in the snow here.

Zhao Jun inserted the ash stick in his hand there, picked it up, and when he pulled the clip out of the snow, there was a guy with it.

It is less than half a meter long from head to tail, and its tail accounts for almost half of it, which is very fluffy.

It has short limbs, a slender head, short round ears, and brown hair all over its body, mixed with some white guard hairs.

"Haha..." Li Baoyu laughed suddenly, startling Zhao Jun.

"What are you doing!" Zhao Jun asked angrily.

"Brother, you're so big!" Li Baoyu patted Zhao Jun's back vigorously and said with joy, pointing to the small thing on the front end of the water hockey stick.

"I saw it!" Zhao Jun shrugged his shoulders, shrugged off Li Baoyu's hand, then lifted the stick back, and threw the sable belt clip into Li Baoyu's arms.

Li Baoyu hugged them and smiled from ear to ear.

He took the dead sable off the clip, stuffed the clip into his shoulder bag, and handed the sable to Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun also carried a bag today. He took the sable and stuffed it into his pocket.

This sable weighed more than a kilogram and was frozen stiff, but its fur from head to toe was still soft. It was a pleasure to hold it in your hand and touch it.

The two of them held the ash sticks and went to higher places. This was the slippery trap. All the traps they had lowered before had to be slipped through again.

When they reached the third position, they looked forward for the footprints and saw that the snow in front seemed to be overturned. Li Baoyu hurriedly slid over and asked the ash to pick it up.

With this pick, the clip was picked out, but there was nothing on the clip.

Li Baoyu subconsciously dropped the sticks and clamps, knelt on the snow, and began to dig up the snow.

"Stop picking it off!" Zhao Jun came over and said to him: "If you have to clamp it, you can't do without the clamp."

"How can you run away?" Li Baoyu's face was full of reluctance.

"Then why can't it be done?" Zhao Jun pushed him and said, "Hurry up and go to the next place."

"Then this clip..."

"What's the clip? Take it away." Zhao Jun looked around and said, "This thing is the most effective. If you scare it once, it won't even want its nest."

The two of them walked further up, and it was already noon. Li Baoyu said that he had breakfast early and was hungry now.

So the two found a shelter with wind, gathered some dry branches, lit a fire, and baked the sticky bean buns they brought from home.

After eating and unable to leave immediately, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu sat leaning against a tree and talked. After saying a few words, Li Baoyu pulled Zhao Jun's bag over, took out the sable, and played with it in his hand.

"Brother, why is this thing so valuable?" Li Baoyu knew that this thing was expensive and had always been expensive.

However, Li Baoyu didn't understand why this little thing was so valuable. It looked just like a yellow or greyhound.

Seeing that Li Baoyu didn't understand, Zhao Jun reached out and took the sable and said to Li Baoyu, "Don't blink."

"Ah." Li Baoyu responded.

Zhao Jun took the sable tail and pricked Li Baoyu's eyes. To be precise, he used the guard hairs on the sable to prick Li Baoyu's eyes.

"How does it feel?" Zhao Jun asked him.

"Huh?" Li Baoyu took the sable in surprise and pricked the sable hair into his eyes as if to test.

This sable has short brown hair from head to toe, and the short hair is mixed with long white guard hairs.

But whether it's short hair or guard hair, it won't hurt your eyes if it touches your eyeballs.

"Do you know why it's so expensive?" Zhao Jun said to Li Baoyu, "You can try it with a yellow-skinned one or a greyhound-skin one, and see if it can prick you."

"What a good thing." Li Baoyu sighed sincerely.

After resting for a while, he continued to rush to where the next clamp was.

Last time Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu came, they placed a total of eight traps. Three of them slipped away just now. Of the remaining five, four were untouched, and one was touched, but no sable was caught.

"Alas!" Li Baoyu sighed, shook his head and said, "Eight clips only hold one!"

"That's not bad." Zhao Jun said with a smile: "Don't be dissatisfied. Come on, let's get those three clips down."

The two searched for the sable tracks on the surrounding hills. When they found them, they arranged a trap underneath. Zhao Jun had just finished placing a trap to cover the snow when he suddenly heard Li Baoyu shouting from a distance while sliding towards him.

"Brother, come and see! Something big has happened!"

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