The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 16 The Head Dog, Bang Gou and Xiang Tou

Not all dogs can be trained to be hunting dogs.

An untrained dog was thrown into the mountains.

When it is hungry, it will definitely rely on its instinct to catch some animals to satisfy its hunger, such as hares, pheasants, wild ducks, and other small animals.

A few will even hunt roe deer.

But almost no one knows how to find wild boars as soon as they enter the mountains. It is even more impossible to find black bears and brown bears.

Because in the cognition of untrained dogs, they have no idea that wild boars and bears are their prey.

Therefore, even if a dog smells the scent of a wild boar or black bear, it will not pursue it.

This situation is normal, and if you want to train them into hunting dogs, you must rely on dragging.

Drag, easy to understand.

It is the owner who drags the dog onto the hunting trail.

So how to implement it specifically?

It's very simple. One is to let it know the smell of wild boars and black bears, and the other is to let them know the benefits of killing wild boars and black bears.

Although these are two points, one solution can solve them all. That is to let them taste the taste of wild boar and black bear meat.

These days, it’s not easy for people to eat, and it’s not easy for dogs to eat either.

You definitely don’t have to think about dog food.

For dogs like this that are used to look after homes in rural areas, after ten or twenty years, their owners will boil corn noodles in boiling water and feed them to them.

If you have leftover vegetable soup, it's fine to pour it into it. Usually, you just sprinkle some salt on it to give it some flavor and add some salt.

If this is still the case twenty years later, let alone the current situation. Some people have difficulty eating. They don’t even have enough cornstarch and noodles to eat at home. How can they still be fed to dogs?

Therefore, when dogs are fed in rural areas of Northeast China, they usually eat some potatoes and melons, mash them well and sprinkle some salt on them.

Under such conditions, being able to eat a meal of meat is undoubtedly the greatest happiness in a dog's life.

When the dog has eaten wild boar or black bear meat and it is delicious. When you go up the mountain again and smell the scent of wild boars and black bears, they know how to chase and bite you.

Because at this time, the dog already knows that the creature with this smell can be eaten by him, and it is still delicious.

Of course, some dogs actively pursue prey, and some dogs passively pursue prey.

The dog that actively pursues prey is the alpha dog.

This dog means the leading dog. They chase their prey mainly by their sense of smell. As for the dog's sense of smell, there is a term in Dawei called Xiangtou.

There are good and bad incense heads. If you can smell it far away, it is naturally good.

In addition to good and bad, there are also differences between lowering your head and raising your head.

The hunting dog uses the footprints left by the prey and the scent left by scratching the grass and tree branches to chase the prey.

This kind of alpha dog is pretty good in snowy weather and after rain.

But now, in late autumn, when the ground is covered with dead leaves and prey will not leave footprints on the ground, the head-down incense does not work.

At this time, the hunting dog with its fragrant head is very powerful. When they look up and smell, they can smell the scent of prey from the air flow driven by the wind, and then pursue the prey.

It can be seen that as far as incense is concerned, the head dog with head-up incense is far better than the head-down incense. But it is too rare to have a head dog that is fragrant with its head raised, and most of them are fragrant with their head lowered.

In Dawei, there is also a kind of dog that knows how to attack prey, but does not know how to find it.

This kind of dog is called a helper dog.

When a gang dog hunts, it must be led by the leader dog. When the leader dog catches up with the prey and barks at it, the gang dog will attack.

Although the personality of dogs is not as changeable as that of cats, you cannot deny that no matter which group there are, there are alternatives.

Some help dogs run around in the mountains. Even if they run into a wild boar, they will not even bite a wild boar even if they know it is prey.

In this way, dogs must wait for their companions to arrive. If one dog comes first, they will follow closely.

There are also dogs that eat white meat. When fed meat, they eat less than anyone else. But when hunting, it follows its owner every step of the way. No matter how fierce the fight between its companions and the prey is, it just won't move forward.

For such dogs, spanking and scolding are useless, and spanking will only make them more fearful.

There is no other way to deal with them, either give up or continue to cultivate them. Of course, such a dog may be dragged out, or it may not be dragged out at all.

This is a dog, simple yet complex. The most important thing that determines what they can grow into is not the hunter, but their talent.

Zhao Jun could tell that this big green dog had obviously never hunted before. For a dog like this, you have to put some thought into it.

As for the talent of the big green dog, Zhao Jun could tell at a glance that this dog would definitely be good in the future.

Having hunted for many years in his previous life, Zhao Jun had his own rules for looking at dogs.

First of all, it depends on the temperament of the dog. A dog that can hunt must be fiery and docile.

Secondly, for dogs of the same size and weight, if the dog's paws are relatively large, the chance of being able to pull it out is greater.

The last thing is to look at the dog’s anus. The bigger the anus is, the more likely it can be pulled out.

Of the above three, Da Qing Dog is not bad at all.

And if the green dog is the first dog, if this is dragged out, it will definitely be the same.

Therefore, Zhao Jun decided to risk his life. I happened to kill a wild boar yesterday. Although the big green dog didn't do anything, in order to let it grow up quickly, I gave it a taste first.

As for why Li Baoyu was asked to go home to get pig ears?

It wasn't that Zhao Jun was reluctant to part with his own meat, or that he couldn't find it after searching around just now.

He knew that if the wild boar meat was not in the house, it must have been put in the cellar by Wang Meilan.

There are no refrigerators these days, so if the pork is left outside for a long time, it will become stale or even spoil. The cellar is cool inside, so it can be stored for a few more days.

But Zhao Jun thought about it and decided to take off the wild boar ears assigned to Li Baoyu and feed them to the big green dog.

There is also a way here.

The hunting dog goes up the mountain and bites its prey for the first time.

Wherever they bite their prey for the first time, they will definitely go to that position if possible.

This habit will only change when it is inconvenient.

For example, when hunting the wild boar yesterday, the big spotted dog that was trying to dig out the wild boar's back door changed its attack position after the wild boar sat down against the fallen log.

The places where hunting dogs bite wild boars are no more than these places.

Some bite the face or the pig's mouth. This is quite dangerous. If you encounter a boar, you will almost die or be injured.

Then there are those who bite pig ears, which are called hanging pliers in Dawei.

If someone has two dogs with pliers, one on the left and one on the right bites the two pig ears of the wild boar, then the two dogs lean on the pig, kick their legs, and clamp the pig ears tightly.

If his companions swarm him again, the wild boar will basically be unable to escape.

Because the wild boar attacks by charging first and shaking its head. If the pig's head is restrained, it really can't rush or throw it away.

In addition, there are dogs like Li Baoyu's big yellow dog, which specializes in digging behind the elbows and armpits of wild boars.

This area is full of live meat, and it’s extremely painful to bite into it.

Of course, the ones that cause the most harm to wild boars are Zhao Jun’s large spotted dogs that specialize in digging out back doors.

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