A beast, shaped like a big cat, taller than a dog, not as long as a dog, with a thick body, a short tail, and a tuft of black hair on each ear.

The beast grabbed the yellow dog's neck with its claws and seemed to pin the yellow dog to the ground effortlessly.

The big yellow dog, which weighed more than 90 kilograms, was held down by the beast's claws. Its two front legs and front body were pressed tightly to the ground, but its lower back kept exerting force, and its two hind legs kept kicking the ground. He kept struggling, but he still couldn't break free.

At this time, the flower dog attacked from the side, and the beast turned its head and bared its teeth at the flower dog.

What is shocking is that the spotted dog who dared to fight black bears and wild boars and was known as the number one dog in Yongan Forest Farm actually retreated at this moment.


Gunshots were fired.

The beast let go of the yellow dog, turned around and ran away.

Not far away, Zhao Jun had just loaded a bullet into the barrel of his gun. When he picked up his gun to look for the beast again, there was no trace of it.

"Quick, look at the dog." Zhao Jun called to Li Baoyu, and the two hurriedly ran towards the yellow dog.

At this time, the yellow dog shook its head and stood up from the ground unsteadily. There was blood flowing from its neck.

Zhao Junlai put down his gun in front of the yellow dog, took off his leggings and wrapped them around the yellow dog's neck.

Seeing the blood soaking through his leggings, Li Baoyu hurriedly began to untie his leggings.

The two brothers worked hard for a while and finally bandaged the big yellow dog.

Looking at the seemingly harmless yellow dog, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu looked at each other, feeling a little scared.

"Brother, is that a tiger cub?"

"Yeah." Zhao Jun nodded. He knew that tiger cub was just the name the mountain people called the beast.

To be precise, that guy should be called Lynx.

Li Baoyu gently touched the big yellow dog's neck with his hand and murmured: "I have heard from my grandfather that that thing is powerful, but I didn't expect that the big yellow dog is like a kitten in front of it."

Zhao Jun shook his head. He looked up in the direction where the lynx disappeared and remained silent.

Li Baoyu said again: "Brother, you were about to kill it just now. Its skin seems to be more valuable than the black blind man's guts, right?"

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "Brother, if the rhubarb is pinched by it, can I dare to hit it? What should I do if it hits rhubarb again?"

Seeing that Li Baoyu still didn't understand, Zhao Jun said again: "My shot was fired into the sky."

When Li Baoyu heard this, he suddenly realized.

At this time, Zhao Jun had walked to the back and picked up the bear paws that he and Li Baoyu had just dropped.

Until Li Baoyu took the two bear paws tied with a rope from Zhao Jun, he still seemed a little unwilling, so he asked Zhao Jun: "Brother, how can you hit those things?"

Zhao Jun shook his head and said: "It's difficult. You are too alert and run too fast. You can't catch him with a gun at all."

"What if we borrow a few dogs to surround us?" Li Baoyu asked.

Zhao Jun still shook his head and said: "If we can't encircle him, many dogs will die. If he's going to encircle us, if the dogs swarm us, we'll tear him to pieces."

At this point, Zhao Jun saw that Li Baoyu was still puzzled, so he explained to him: "Don't you just want to beat it to get the skin? If it is torn into pieces, what else is left?"

While talking, the two brothers had already put their bear paws on their shoulders. When Zhao Jun whistled, the two somewhat listless hunting dogs got up and prepared to go back.

At this moment, Li Baoyu suddenly remembered something and asked, "Brother, does that thing live here in Naoxitang?"

"Well, yes." Zhao Jun nodded, looked around and said, "It should live here."

"Then let's leave the blind man here so that he won't cause trouble at night, shall we?"

"Have you forgotten? That guy eats live food, not dead food."


Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu each carried two bear paws on their backs and walked home with the two dogs.

As we walked, the flower dog seemed to suddenly become energetic and ran ahead, constantly climbing over hills and going into ditches and ponds.

The injured yellow dog, just the opposite of the flower dog, followed Li Baoyu every step of the way.

Li Baoyu saw that something was wrong with Hua Gou, so he asked Zhao Jun worriedly: "Brother, is Hua Xiao'er okay like this?"

Zhao Jun glanced at the flower dog, shook his head and said: "It's okay, this dog has a stubborn temper. He just lost face and is a little embarrassed."

It was already past one in the afternoon when Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu entered the village.

Outside the village, there are piles of branches.

Winter is coming soon, and the villagers have to prepare firewood for the winter.

At this time, you can see the benefits of having a mountain at your back. Villagers will go into the mountain in their spare time and pick up some scattered branches and branches.

There was not enough space in the yard at home, so we piled up branches one by one outside the village. These branches are usually on the sunny side, which is convenient for drying and avoiding moisture.

Zhao Jun took off the gun and stuffed it into the branches of his house.

This afternoon was different from the morning. People were coming and going in the village, and it was inevitable that someone would see him carrying a gun. If this was reported to his parents, he would be afraid of another beating.

Sure enough, as soon as the two entered the village, people noticed the bear paws on their shoulders.

Fortunately, on the way back, Zhao Jun taught Li Baoyu a set of rhetoric to deal with such people.

Of course, he mainly wanted to deal with his two elders.

So from the moment they entered the village, whenever anyone asked, they would say that the two brothers went into the mountain today with the intention of picking out badgers, but unexpectedly they got lucky and picked up a newly dead black blind badger.

Their rhetoric made the villagers envious, and they all said that when they bring the blind man back tomorrow, they must share some meat with them.

In response, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu agreed in unison.

These days, it’s okay to eat alone, but you have to do it behind closed doors.

This black bear is different from the wild boar that day. When we pull it back with a car tomorrow, it will be impossible not to be seen.

After the two of them went home, Zhao Jun hurriedly entered the house. After changing his clothes, he didn't even have time to eat, so he started washing pots and boiling water.

He first washed his big iron pot seven or eight times to make sure there was no oil in the pot, and then boiled another pot of water.

When the water in the pot boiled, Zhao Jun took the bear bile out of the bag and tied it with a string. Then he held the string and dipped the bear bile into the boiling water.

When the boiling water submerged the bear bile, the bear bile deflated quickly.

At this time, Zhao Jun lifted the rope and the bear's gallbladder came out of the water. He took the bear bile out of the house, went to the barn, and hung the bear bile in the shade.

What is Zhao Jun doing?

It turns out that there is a story behind the bile being extracted from the belly of the black bear and being sold in state-owned stores.

After a black bear dies, the bile must be removed as soon as possible, otherwise the bile will be absorbed by the liver. In that case, the bear bile would be worthless.

And if you pick the bear bile and take it directly to a state-owned store, they won't accept it. Because they run a store, not deal with medicinal materials.

The bear bile must be taken home first and dipped in boiling water.

Once dipped in boiling water, bear bile will shrink. Then hang it in a cool place. After hanging for a period of time, the bear bile will bulge again.

At this time, if you dip it in boiling water, the bear bile will shrink again. After shrinking, continue to hang in the shade.

Repeat this operation until the bear bile will no longer expand no matter how it is placed after being passed through boiling water, that is, the bile has been completely absorbed by the gallbladder.

And such bear bile can be taken down the mountain and exchanged for money.

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