The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 462 The Dog Gang Fights the Jackals

There is a beast in the forest, which looks like a dog, with a broad head, short mouth, and semi-circular ears. The fur on its body is mostly reddish brown, but its belly and the inside of its limbs are white. It has a thick tail with a black tip.

It is small in size, slightly larger than Qinglong, about forty pounds, and its dark eyes reveal ferocity and cunning.

It is the jackal, tiger and leopard, the jackal among the four ferocious beasts. Because of the color of its fur, it is also called the red dog.

The black tiger suddenly rushed over, startling the jackal. It hurriedly turned around and tried to escape, but at this time, the black tiger was already sprinting.

Therefore, as soon as Jackal took off, before he could pick up the speed, he was overtaken by Black Tiger.

At this time, the jackal turned its head back according to its instinct. When it saw the black tiger coming, it turned around, opened its mouth, and bit the black tiger's throat.

These are jackals, they are more ferocious and cunning than wolves.

Black Tiger's lame leg stretched out, his chubby body stopped instantly, and he ducked to the side.

Seeing the jackal pounce beside him, the black tiger turned around and pounced forward again, giving the jackal a hard bite on the back of its neck.

But the jackal turned around again and raised his mouth to grab the black tiger's throat.

As the saying goes, strength is worth it.

In terms of weight and strength, this jackal is far inferior to the black tiger, but its bite force is much stronger than that of the black tiger. If this bite is taken, it will definitely bite the black tiger's throat through.

The black tiger pulled back, raised his good front leg, quickly grabbed the jackal's body with his front paw, and pulled it forward.

This claw failed to tear through the defense of the jackal's fur, but it used its strength to pull the jackal over.

The moment the jackal was on its back, the black tiger opened its mouth and took a bite towards the jackal's crotch. Before Jackal could turn over, he felt hot in his crotch.

This is that thing, held by Black Tiger.


The cry of a jackal is a very special sound, like a brass whistle, and it is rapid, sharp and thin.

The jackal tried to struggle to get up, but in Northeastern terms, the jackal's entire back seat was held down by the black tiger.

It twisted its body, trying to break free, but its strong points were in its limbs, while its waist and abdomen were weak, and it could not escape the black tiger's bite.

"Woof woof..."

Suddenly, the green dragon and black dragon standing not far away screamed in panic. Ahead, jackals were scurrying through the mountains and forests.


And there are seven jackals!

Their limbs are short, but they are very powerful and very fast. They ran in the mountains and forests, their eyes glowing with light, and they opened their mouths to make high-pitched screams.

At this time, the dog gang that was holding down the wild boar all got up. They unexpectedly abandoned the wild boar and rushed towards the black tiger.

And the black tiger was still biting the jackal.

The poor jackal just twisted his body and tried to fight back desperately. He wanted to bite the black tiger's injured leg with his mouth, but the black tiger pounced on him and bit his neck again. He shook his head and slapped the jackal to the ground. .

The jackal still didn't give up on his life. He struggled to get up, but was bitten on the back leg by the little bear that came over.

The jackal subconsciously turned around to attack again, but at this time the whole dog gang came. Big Fatty bit the jackal's head and pushed it to the ground.

In an instant, Bailong, Dahuang, Sanpang, Huatao, Hualang, and Xiaohua were all nailed on.

A jackal is no better than a wild boar.

The wild boar has rough skin and thick flesh. If a dog bites a wild boar, unless it bites the butt or the belly, it will be difficult for the canine teeth to tear the wild boar skin.

But dealing with jackals is different.

The jackal let out the most desperate and miserable howl, and then was torn to pieces by eight dogs.

"Ouch! Ouch!" At this time, the black tiger rushed out from the dog gang and charged towards the two jackals rushing toward him.

The two jackals separated to the left and right, and all circled behind the black tiger.

These guys usually fight in groups and bully the smaller ones with their numbers. Even the lone Siberian leopards and lynxes can't do anything to them.

But what they met today was not one dog, but nine adult dogs.

After tearing the jackal apart, the dog gang pressed forward like a tide. The two jackals did not care about dealing with the black tiger and hurriedly retreated to join the group of jackals.

It was said to be a group of jackals, but in fact there were only eight of them in total, and one of them had just been torn into pieces by eight dogs.

Therefore, at this time, there were only seven jackals left in the group of jackals, five of which were larger, weighing more than forty pounds, and the largest one should have weighed more than fifty pounds.

The other two smaller jackals weigh about thirty kilograms, about the same weight as the Green Dragon and the Black Dragon.

These two little ones are female jackals.

This is what wild jackals are like, with more males and fewer females.

Seven jackals gathered together and made a chaotic mess of sharp and strange calls. Not to be outdone, the dog gang on the opposite side roared loudly.

There is a very strange phenomenon: when hunting dogs first go up the mountain, they will not chase or bite wild beasts that they have not eaten before or are unfamiliar with.

But they were unfamiliar with this group of jackals, but they did not hesitate and went straight to work.

There is another strange thing, that is, hunting dogs are afraid of cats. Tigers, leopards, and lynxes may scare hunting dogs away.

But hunting dogs are not afraid of jackals and wolves.

That day, Zhao Jun led his dog gang to hunt the black bear that killed Lao Jiang and Tao Dasheng. On his way home, he encountered a pack of jackals besieging the Siberian leopard.

The Siberian leopard was defeated by the jackals, and the jackals were frightened back by the dog gang. As for the dog gang, they were afraid of coming forward because of the scent of the Siberian leopard.

At this time, the dog gang and the jackal group faced off for less than two minutes. The jackal group retreated again, but when the jackal group moved, the dog gang immediately pressed on them.

This is also the habit of hunting dogs. When confronting wild beasts, they will not attack easily. But as soon as the beast runs away, the hunting dogs will follow.

The king of jackals screamed, and the pack of jackals dispersed and quickly shuttled through the forest. Big Fat, Three Fatty, Tabby Cat, and Tabby Wolf, all four of them rushed to the front today and started chasing the jackals.

Little Bear, White Dragon, Rhubarb, and Xiaohua are in the second echelon, while Black Tiger, Green Dragon, and Black Dragon are at the end.

The pack of jackals dispersed, running faster and faster, and the dog gang chased them in a hurry.

At this time, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu had already arrived at the place where the Dog Gang had held down the wild boar. The wild boar that had escaped to the sky had long since disappeared. Zhao Jun did not chase the wild boar, but only took Li Baoyu across the hill to chase the Dog Gang. .

Just now under the ditch and pond, Zhao Jun heard the cry of a jackal, and he was afraid that his hunting dogs would suffer.

At this time, the jackals and the dog gang climbed up to the top of the post and walked down the slope.

This hillside is relatively gentle, and clear-cutting was completed last year, so large areas of the hillside are bare.

However, some downed trees were not transported away and were still on the hillside.

Uncensored, the jackals choose this place to fight with the dog gang.

Hearing the scream from the King of Jackals, the pack of jackals dispersed, taking the gang of dogs with them.

Because it was downhill, the black tiger came a little slower, while the green dragon and the black dragon kept following it.

Except for the three of them, among the eight hunting dogs, only Xiaohua followed the little bear closely, while the other six dogs each followed a jackal.

Just like that, in an instant, the dog gang dispersed.

The black tiger raised its head and twitched its nose twice. The smell of jackals was everywhere, and it didn't know which way to pursue it for a moment.

"Woah! Woah!" Suddenly, a jackal came back from the left and rushed directly towards the black dragon.

Seeing this scene, the black tiger rushed forward bravely, but the jackal flexibly twisted its body, bypassed the black tiger, and continued to pounce on the black dragon.

The black dragon dodged to the side, where there was a big linden tree stump. As soon as the black dragon reached the other side of the stump, the jackal jumped up and rushed straight to the black dragon and pounced on it.

At this time, Rhubarb ran out of the woods. It was thrown away by the jackal just now, and now it is rushing over.

And the jackal had pounced behind the black dragon and bit him on the thigh.

The black dragon rolled over and fell to the ground, but the jackal still didn't let go, biting the black dragon's thigh.

"Ouch..." The black dragon let out a scream. It was still young and didn't even bite its prey. When it encountered the ferocious and ruthless jackal, it immediately lost its will to fight.

"Woof..." A dog jumped out next to him, and Qinglong opened his mouth and bit the jackal on the head. The jackal hurriedly let go and dodge. Seeing Rhubarb coming at him with great force, the jackal ran down with his tail between his legs and joined forces with another jackal to attack the flower wolf.

The flesh on the thigh was bitten through, blood flowed, and the black dragon kept groaning. The green dragon surrounded it, while Dahuang chased the jackal that injured the black dragon.

At this time, Hualang was already in danger under the siege of two jackals. Thanks to Rhubarb's timely arrival and driving the jackals away, Hualang's life was saved.

But the two jackals ran away and helped other jackals attack other dogs. These cunning, ferocious guys never fight alone. When chased by hunting dogs, they just run away. When there is an opportunity, fellow members of the tribe come over, and together they launch a siege on the hunting dogs.

Suddenly, another jackal jumped out of the forest, and it attacked the two puppies, Qinglong and Heilong.

But this time, the black tiger was protecting the two little guys. The jackal rushed forward and suddenly found himself embarrassed.

There is a black tiger in front of you and a white dragon behind you.

Bailong is also a gang of Mengxi and stupid dogs. Its speed is also one of the best among this dog gang.

Moreover, Bailong was young and had much better physical strength than Dahuang, so he was not thrown too far by the jackal.

The jackal fell under the attack of the black tiger and the white dragon and hurriedly fled to the side, but the moment it moved, the black tiger also moved.

The black tiger pounced and bit the jackal's tail.

Before it could run out, the jackal was in big trouble. The white dragon pounced on it, biting its head, and pulled it back. The female jackal, weighing more than thirty kilograms, instantly fell to the ground.

The black tiger let go, spat out the jackal's tail, inserted his head between the jackal's hind legs, and opened his mouth to take a bite.

Just a scream was heard. Even though she was a female jackal, she had no gun or eggs, but at this moment, she was in pain so much that she wanted to die.

The mother jackal struggled like crazy, but at this time, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu arrived.

Seeing the black tiger and white dragon tearing apart a jackal, Li Baoyu raised his gun and put it down immediately.

The jackals were entangled with the dogs, and it was too easy to injure the dogs by shooting.

As for Zhao Jun, he closed the safety of the Type 56 semi-automatic gun, then adjusted the muzzle of the gun, and went straight into the battlefield with the barrel of the gun.

Seeing Zhao Jun striding towards them, the white dragon and black tiger became more energetic and bit the jackal harder.

But when the jackal saw Zhao Jun, he became even more panicked, and his screams of pain were a bit urgent.

When Zhao Jun came close, he swung his spear and smashed it.


There was a muffled sound, and the handle of the gun hit the jackal's back. There was a crisp sound, the jackal whined, and the back half of its body went limp in an instant.

"Go! Go!" Zhao Jun tried to kick Bai Long, but Bai Long quickly moved out of the way. When he saw Zhao Jun grabbing the gun with one hand and waving forward with the other hand, he opened his mouth and said, "Hey! Hey!"

When Bailong heard the sound, he stopped caring about the jackal, turned around and ran away.

"Go!" Zhao Jun just shouted at Black Tiger, and before he could even lift his legs, Black Tiger howled and went after White Dragon.

The jackal, whose backbone was broken by Zhao Jun, struggled to stand up.

At this time, half of its body from the waist to the back could no longer be used. It puts its two front paws on the ground to support its entire body. The front half of its body is normal, and the back half of its body is stooped, and only its two front legs move forward with great effort. As he moved, a whimper came from his mouth.

Zhao Jun took a few steps, raised his foot, and kicked the jackal two meters away, and then hurriedly walked to the black dragon.

Seeing Zhao Jun coming, Black Dragon approached Zhao Jun and whined, his voice full of grievances.


Just then, a gunshot rang out. Zhao Jun looked up and saw a jackal hit by Li Baoyu.

The bullet penetrated his body, and the jackal turned over and fell under the force of the bullet, but he got up instantly and ran away.

Zhao Jun remembered the position where the jackal had just fallen to the ground, then put the gun to his face, flicked the safety, aimed at a jackal being chased by Big Fat, Little Bear, and Little Flower, and pulled the trigger.


A hundred or ten meters away, a male jackal fell down at the sound, kicked its legs and twitched a few times, then died.

Suddenly, jackals screamed again and again. But after hearing the shrill voice of the king of jackals, the group of jackals responded and quickly ran down the hillside.

Zhao Jun put away his gun and whistled several times. Black Tiger, White Dragon, and Dahuang turned around one after another.

Zhao Jun held his fingers in his mouth and blew several more times until Little Bear, Big Fat and other dogs all stopped.

"Quick! Watch the dog!" Zhao Jun greeted and led Li Baoyu forward.

The two of them gathered the dogs together and saw that Dahuang, Little Bear, Little Flower, Sanpang, and Hualang were all injured.

Dahuang was bitten on his left shoulder, Little Bear was injured on his front leg, and Xiaohua and Sanpang were bitten on their buttocks.

Hualang was the most seriously injured, with wounds on his neck, back, and stomach from the jackal bites.

Including the little black dragon, a total of six dogs were injured.

Zhao Jun took out pain tablets and bandages from his pocket, and together with Li Baoyu, bandaged the six dogs one by one.

These dogs suffered only superficial injuries, and they will be fine after just a few days.

After bandaging the dog, Zhao Jun went to check the rifle used by Li Baoyu to shoot the jackal.

Following the traces of bullets across the grass, Zhao Jun gradually saw blood stains. When he came to the place where the jackal had rolled over, Zhao Jun knelt down to look and saw a small pool of blood on the ground, and feces could also be seen in the blood.

At this time, Li Baoyu happened to come over, looked down and said with a smile: "I shot an empty chamber."

"Yeah." Zhao Jun nodded.

Just now, Li Baoyu fired a gun and shot through the jackal's belly. The bullet passed through the intestines and the jackal's excrement was in the blood.

A gunshot wound like this would be called an empty gun in the siege.

In the Northeast, all wild animals, except bears, including tigers, will not die from such injuries on the same day, but they will definitely die the next day.

"Baoyu." Zhao Jun turned to look at Li Baoyu and said, "Take the six injured dogs and Qinglong and go home."

Hearing this, Li Baoyu hurriedly asked: "Brother, what about you?"

"I took Big Fat and the others to chase those red dogs." Zhao Jun said, "In this mountain, these are the only things that hold grudges. Try to eradicate them as much as possible."

After a while, around 1:30, there will be an additional chapter. If the brothers are sleepy, they will go to bed first and then read it again when they get up tomorrow morning. There will be another chapter tomorrow morning, so you can read it together.

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