Is it appropriate to exchange a boar leg or a bear leg for bullets?


These days, wild boar and bear meat are not valuable, but bullets have to be exchanged for money. Of course, for someone with connections like Zhao Youcai, there is no need to spend money.

But Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu couldn't do it, so Zhao Jun took out his savings for many years, a total of thirteen yuan and eighty-two cents, and wanted to exchange for a few rounds of bullets.

The person Li Baoyu was looking for to buy bullets was Zhao Jinshan, the son of the camp chief Zhao Guofeng.

As for how Zhao Jinshan got the bullet in his hand, there is no need to say more. Anyway, he just has no capital.

However, Zhao Jinshan was quite interesting. He didn't ask for Li Baoyu's money, but let him pay with bullets.

In this regard, Zhao Jun knew in his heart that Zhao Jinshan was giving him a favor.

Zhao Jun still accepted it happily. Then Zhao Jinshan was a good character. At worst, he could just give him more points if he captured the prey.

Now Zhao Jun only cares about two things, hunting and dragging dogs.

This half of winter is almost over, and spring will begin again if we don’t work hard.

Fortunately, now, Zhao Jun has guns, dogs, and bullets. He is really gearing up and sharpening his sword. He immediately made an agreement with Li Baoyu that the two of them will go hunting in the mountains together tomorrow morning.

Li Baoyu was also very excited when he heard this. Hunting is as addictive as fishing. And the more novice you are, the greater your addiction will be.

Li Baoyu started making preparations as soon as he got home. He found leggings, gathered up the dog's rope, and sharpened the knife...

While Li Baoyu was sharpening his knife, Li Ruhai came to his side and said with a smile: "Brother, can I help you?"

"No need." Li Baoyu replied without raising his head.

Li Ruhai hit a nail, but he was not angry. He just squatted next to Li Baoyu and watched him sharpen his knife.

It didn't matter what he saw, but it made Li Baoyu feel a little nervous. He glanced sideways at Li Ruhai and asked suspiciously: "What do you want to do?"

"Hehe." Li Ruhai laughed in apology, stretched out his hand to grab Li Baoyu's arm, and said, "Brother, you are going up the mountain tomorrow, so take me with you."

"Get out of here!" As soon as Li Baoyu heard what he said, he rushed to the front door with anger and sprayed it at Li Ruhai.

"What are you doing again!" As soon as Li Baoyu finished speaking, Jin Xiaomei's voice came from outside the door, "You are the elder brother, why do you always bully your younger brother?"

Li Baoyu really didn't talk back to Jin Xiaomei on weekdays, but today he stood up from the bench as soon as possible, opened the door, and shouted outside: "Your old son wants to go hunting in the mountains, do you think I should do it?" scold him?"

"What?" Upon hearing this, Jin Xiaomei rushed in, reached out and patted Li Ruhai on the head, and yelled angrily while patting him, "I let you go up the mountain! I let you go up the mountain!"

After saying "I'll let you go up the mountain" two times in a row, Jin Xiaomei patted Li Ruhai twice. After two times, Li Ruhai jumped onto the kang.

Jin Xiaomei pointed at Li Ruhai and shouted: "I'm telling you, don't play the zither to me, or your legs will be damaged before your father comes back."

After saying that, Jin Xiaomei turned around and walked out, but when she passed Li Baoyu, she raised her hand and slapped Li Baoyu again.

That wasn't the end of it, Jin Xiaomei pointed at Li Baoyu's nose and said, "I'm telling you, if you dare to lead him up the mountain, I'll ask your father to break your leg."


Isn't this an unreasonable disaster?

Li Baoyu was about to say something, but when he saw Jin Xiaomei's eyes widening, he swallowed back the words he had already spoken in an instant.

"Sure!" Li Baoyu nodded helplessly, but as if he was angry, he glared at Li Ruhai fiercely, but he was talking to Jin Xiaomei behind him: "If your old son wants to go up the mountain with me, I will give him his legs first." Interrupted!"

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Zhao Jun was dressed neatly and put all the fifty rounds of bullets Li Baoyu had exchanged into his pocket. Then he put his gun on his back, took Hua Xiao and Daqing, went out and waited for Li Baoyu to come out at the door of Li Baoyu's house.

After waiting for about five minutes, I heard Li Ruhai's voice coming from the courtyard, as if he was begging Li Baoyu for something.

Zhao Jun was getting a little impatient. As soon as he stepped into the hospital, he heard Li Baoyu scolding Li Ruhai: "Get out of here!"

When these words came out, Li Baoyu raised his foot and kicked Li Ruhai on the butt, making Li Ruhai jump up.

Zhao Jun couldn't help but laugh and said, "What's wrong with these two brothers?"

"Brother Jun!" When he saw Zhao Jun, Li Ruhai jumped up to Zhao Jun like a rabbit, grabbed his arm and said, "My brother bullied me again!"

"Why?" Zhao Jun asked casually.

Li Ruhai said aggrievedly: "I wanted to go hunting with you two in the mountains, but my brother scolded me."

When Zhao Jun heard this, he looked sideways at Li Ruhai quietly. In Li Ruhai's expectant eyes, he only heard Zhao Jun utter three words: "Go back!"

"Ah?" Li Ruhai was stunned and looked at Zhao Jun blankly.

"Ah!" Suddenly, Li Ruhai said "Ah" again, but the tone was slightly different from the one just now.

It turned out that while he was stunned, Li Baoyu kicked him on the butt again.

"I told you to go back, didn't you hear me? Are you looking for a beating?" Li Baoyu said, looking for a stick everywhere.

When Li Ruhai saw this, he ran away in a hurry.

Seeing Li Ruhai rush into his house, Li Baoyu shook his head helplessly at Zhao Jun and said, "This guy doesn't know what he is doing. He has been clamoring to follow us into the mountains since yesterday."

"Isn't that nonsense?" Zhao Jun also shook his head when he heard this. If he and Li Baoyu went down to the river to dig holes in the ice to dig out fish or toads, he could take Li Ruhai there.

But now, they are going into the mountains to hunt. And how old is Li Ruhai? Only thirteen.

This is really just a child.

What's going to happen? How can we get over it?

Zhao Jun glanced at Li's house again and saw no sign of Li Ruhai, so he said to Li Baoyu, "Then let's leave quickly before the eggs start to nest."

"Yeah, I almost delayed this kid." Li Baoyu quickly untied the big yellow dog, tied it with a hemp rope, led it and followed Zhao Jun away.

The two hurriedly walked out of the village. There was a reason why they were so anxious.

These days, pigs are still lazier than people, especially wild boars in winter.

The night before, after they finish eating near dark, they usually rest and sleep under the roots of pine trees.

After sleeping all night, the wild boars lay down and covered up the snow on the ground. By the next morning, they became even more motionless.

They lie down like this until nine or ten o'clock in the morning.

When the wild boar gets out of its nest, the first thing it does is similar to ordinary humans, which is to go to the toilet to drain water.

Sows are fine, but if they are boars, they will be in big trouble if they are surrounded by hunting dogs before they can drain the nest.

At this time, the male wild boar, with a piece of urine in his pocket, was chased away by the dog and could not run fast; it could not fight against the dog.

Therefore, if a hunter wants to hunt for dogs, he usually has to go up the mountain early, before the wild boars get up from their nests.

This is the first time Zhao Jun has taken a gun into the mountains to hunt since he dragged the big green dog. He returned in defeat several times before.

With a Type 56 semi-automatic in hand today, Zhao Jun is bound to kill pigs and bears.

But just four or five minutes after Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu left, a little head poked out from the door of Li Baoyu's house.

Immediately afterwards, Li Ruhai's figure flashed out of the door. He glanced in the direction where Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu left, and then ran after them.

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