Seeing the wild boar flying away the yellow dog, Li Baoyu slipped down from the tree. As soon as his feet landed on the ground, he drew the knife from his waist.

He didn't even use the stick to chop down the tree, but just took the foot-long knife and rushed to the bottom of the oak tree.

"go away!"

Suddenly, Zhao Jun shouted loudly, which shocked Li Baoyu.

Li Baoyu turned around suddenly and saw Zhao Jun kneeling on one knee, holding a gun in both hands and aiming at the wild boar sitting under the tree.

"Brother..." Li Baoyu stood aside with a knife, looking nervously at Li Ruhai who was sitting on the tree. He wanted to shout a few words to tell Li Ruhai not to let go, but he was afraid that if he shouted, it would affect Zhao Jun's shooting.

Little did Li Baoyu know that Zhao Jun was in a dilemma at this time.

Zhao Jun also wanted to shoot the wild boar, but the two dogs had almost pounced on the wild boar and bit him.

Although Zhao Jun was aiming at the wild boar at this time, the dog could move, and the aiming point was too close to the dog. If the dog moved to the side, it would be injured even if it was shot.

But if he doesn't shoot, what will Li Ruhai do in the tree?

What if this kid loses his grip and falls from the tree? It's okay to fall on the snow, but what if he falls in front of a wild boar?

Is it okay for a thirteen-year-old’s small body to be picked up by a big wild boar weighing more than 400 kilograms?

Yes, this naughty kid is hateful, but we can’t ignore it!

Hearing Li Ruhai's cries getting louder and louder, Zhao Jun knew he could wait no longer, so he focused his mind and found the right opportunity to pull the trigger.

There was a "bang" sound, followed by a wail from the wild boar.

The shot grazed Huagou's left shoulder and shot straight into the wild boar's chest. The hole that entered was small but the hole that exited was large. A bloody hole appeared on the back of the wild boar.

The bullet that penetrated the pig's back hit the tree. The oak tree had been frozen in the winter, and the outer layer was extremely hard, but the bullets also caused sawdust to fly.


Another shot, the bullet went straight through the wild boar's roaring throat.

As soon as the gunshot sounded, it was like giving an order, and the spotted dog pounced on him and bit him.

Look at the wild boar again, lying on the ground lifeless.

Zhao Jun put away his gun and shouted to the stunned Li Baoyu beside him: "What are you looking at? Don't even look at Dahuang!"

"Ah!" Li Baoyu came to his senses and hurriedly ran towards the yellow dog.

The yellow dog was lying on the ground, its belly rising and falling. The wild boar had opened a hole in its belly, and its intestines slipped out.

At this time, the yellow dog was lying on its side on the ground, breathing with its mouth enlarged.

It saw Li Baoyu running towards him, its eyes were bright and it stared at Li Baoyu blinkingly.

Seeing the yellow dog's injury, Li Baoyu's eyes instantly turned red.

It is said that men will not shed tears easily, but when a dog owner sees this look from his dog, few people can bear it as long as they are not hard-hearted.

It was a helpless look.

Hunting dogs that dare to fight wild boars and black bears will only show such eyes to their owners after being injured.

"Why are you crying? Let's go." Zhao Jun rushed over, took a look at the yellow dog's injury, and shouted to Li Baoyu.

When Li Baoyu stepped aside, Zhao Jun squatted in front of the yellow dog and stuffed its intestines back piece by piece.

"Take off the leggings." Zhao Jun ordered Li Baoyu without looking back while he was busy.

"No, no need to untie it." At this time, Li Baoyu also came to his senses, hurriedly took out another pair of leggings from his trouser pocket, bent down and handed it to Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun raised his head, glanced at him, and said with a smile: "You are quite well prepared."

Li Baoyu also smiled, took out a newspaper bag from another pocket, handed it to Zhao Jun and said, "I also smoked some cigarettes from home to save my face."

Zhao Jun curled his lips helplessly, took the paper bag and said: "You are wearing leggings and a smoker. Are you waiting for our dog to get hurt?"

Li Baoyu chuckled, knelt down and rubbed the yellow dog's neck, and asked Zhao Jun: "Brother, can Dahuang be okay?"

"It's okay." Zhao Jun spread cigarette smoke on the yellow dog's wound, and then wrapped his leggings around it. "Go back and sew it up, and then ask Old Han to prescribe anti-inflammatory injections for two days."

"Then..." Li Baoyu was very hesitant when he heard this, "He is a serious doctor. If we ask him to inject our dog, he must not curse?"

"Give him a wild boar thigh, and he will come right away." Zhao Jun stood up from the ground and said to Li Baoyu, "You keep wrapping it up, and I'll disembowel the pig."

"Oh, that's right!" Li Baoyu exclaimed, "Brother, go quickly and don't have to cover your stinky chest for a while."

Zhao Jun took out the invasion knife from the back of Li Baoyu's waist and walked towards the oak tree.

Under normal circumstances, when a wild boar is alive, a temperature balance will be maintained inside and outside its body.

But after the wild boar died, this balance was broken.

It's okay in spring and autumn, but in winter, it's extremely cold outside but extremely hot inside. It is so hot that the blood in the chest is hot to the touch. If the blood cannot be cut open and bled as soon as possible, the wild boar will easily stink.

Once the belly smells bad from the inside out, there is no need to eat the whole body of pork.

"Go, go." Zhao Jun approached, drove away the two dogs that were biting the wild boar, and then turned the pig over with great effort.

The pig turned over and when it turned on its back, a burst of irritated air hit his nose, making Zhao Jun frown.

I have said before that the first thing a wild boar does after raising its nest is similar to that of most people, which is to excrete sewage from its body.

They are different from dogs. Dogs know how to find a place to lift their legs when they want to pee.

As for wild boars, they urinate when they stand up from the ground. They urinate when they stand up. He didn't even move his feet and didn't leave until he finished urinating.

This is not the key. The key is that they may come back at night and lie down in the same place.

Lying down on your stomach, you look sexy.

Speaking of which, the young wild boar and the old sow are fine.

But today this wild boar is particularly saucy.

While Zhao Jun was cutting open its throat, he was thinking, considering the weight of this pig, it wouldn't be so coquettish.

When Zhao Jun finished disemboweling the pig, Li Baoyu over there had already bandaged the yellow dog. He brought the yellow dog over and prepared to let the yellow dog eat some meat.

The dog was injured, but its intestines were not penetrated, so it was really nothing serious. Going back is about nourishing, now it’s time to eat and drink.

Hunting dogs are not afraid of getting hurt. As long as they can get rid of the goods and eat the meat, they will become more skillful and powerful.

What they are afraid of is that they will not be able to get the goods after being injured. If the dog fails to do it several times, its confidence will be damaged, so it will think that hunting is like this, and it will become lazier and slippery. Gradually, the dog will become worse. Wasted.

Li Baoyu put the big yellow dog on the ground. At this time, the big yellow dog could stand up, but it was a bit difficult to walk on the aisle.

Li Baoyu sniffed and asked Zhao Jun, "Brother, why are you so coquettish?"

Zhao Jun shaved a piece of meat from the wild boar's belly, got up and came over personally, and fed it to the big yellow dog's mouth.

This is special, this is an exception, this is a reward for its loyalty to protect its owner, otherwise, it should be fed to the first dog.

After the yellow dog had the meat in its mouth, Zhao Jun raised his head and winked at Li Baoyu. Li Baoyu did not raise his head, but at this time the young master on the tree couldn't help it. Li Ruhai said with a cry in his voice: "You two Let me take the next step!"

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