It's not easy for people in the mountains these days, and it's even harder for the beasts in the mountains.

They have to find food, survive, and deal with all kinds of sudden troubles carefully.

They are alert and sensitive, like wild boars. Once disturbed, they will run to feed at three or four o'clock in the afternoon before stopping.

It's easier to hunt with dogs. Dogs can run faster than pigs. As long as the dogs can hold the pigs back, the hunter will have a chance to shoot.

As for the siege, there are no hunting dogs, only hunters, and two legs cannot run as fast as four. What should we do?

This requires the hunter to be patient and slowly touch around the prey before shooting.

Spring and autumn are easy to say, but the key is winter, when the mountains and fields are completely white, and hunters have no place to hide or hide. As long as they get close, they will be discovered by their prey.

Therefore, when going up the mountain to hunt in winter, you have to wear a white coat to blend in with the heavy snow on the mountain. This will make it easier to get closer to the prey.

While the two were talking, Jin Xiaomei came in holding a large iron basin. There were several knives in the iron basin, including sharp knives and machetes.

It's winter, and meat can be frozen. If we store the meat, Zhao and Li will have no problem eating it until after the new year.

Everyone was here, and Wang Meilan brought the big guys to the warehouse to clean up the wild boar first.

While peeling the skin, Zhao Jun suddenly said to Li Baoyu, "Don't throw away the wild boar skin this time. Let's make a pair of skis each."

"That's okay!" Li Baoyu agreed without thinking.

Jin Xiaomei asked from the side: "Making snowboards? What are you going to do?"

Zhao Jun said: "I want to take Baoyu up the mountain and hide it."

"Oh! This is good!" Wang Meilan was overjoyed when she heard this and agreed.

Dapi is the sable.

Sables live at the foot of high mountains, under snowy mountains and in frost-beaten depressions, where sables live. The snow is so deep that trying to climb up is impossible.

This requires riding on skis.

This kind of skis is different from the skis in future ski resorts. This kind of skis was passed down from the Oroqen people and made of wild boar skin.

The fur side of the wild boar skin is facing down, with the hair facing forward. The hunter steps on one with one foot, and then uses a two or three-meter-long ash stick as a ski pole. In this way, he can walk and slide on the snow to reach the place where the sable lives. mountains.

Then place the clip under the snow layer where the sable passes.

You know, mink skin is as valuable as bear bile.

The key is that there is no danger in pinching big skin, unlike hunting, which always makes Wang Meilan worried.

When Jin Xiaomei heard this, she agreed very much, "There is a guy named Bai in your uncle Li's group who can make that stuff. Let your uncle Li go find him tomorrow."

"Okay!" Zhao Jun said, "Then what should I get him?"

Jin Xiaomei looked aside and said, "Just get him a boar leg."

"That works!"

Wang Meilan was happy after hearing this and said: "You two are still getting more and more treacherous, and they can still hide each other."

"That's right!" Zhao Jun said with a smile: "In the coming year, my brother and I will go up the mountain to dig sticks."

"This works."

The four of them were working while talking and laughing. They first steaked the wild boar and cut the meat into pieces, and then collected the black bear that they had captured yesterday.

After working hard until noon, Li Xiaoqiao came over from next door and shouted to Jin Xiaomei that she was hungry.

"Daughter, come in quickly and let Sister Hong bring you something to eat." Wang Meilan took Li Xiaoqiao and walked a few steps into the courtyard, then gently pushed Li Xiaoqiao towards the door.


Li Xiaoqiao went into Zhao Jun's house to eat. Wang Meilan knew this morning that adults like herself would be busy working until late.

Adults can endure hunger, but children can't, so in the morning Wang Meilan flattened the sticky bean buns and fried them on both sides, just like deep-fried cakes.

Wang Meilan fried a plate and put it on the stove to warm, waiting for the children to eat when they were hungry.

"Brothers and sisters, are you and Baoyu hungry too?" Wang Meilan returned to the warehouse and asked Jin Xiaomei.

Jin Xiaomei shook her head and said, "Sister-in-law, we have nothing to do. We should finish our work before eating."

"Okay." Wang Meilan smiled and said, "We will have a good meal today if we prepare a few more dishes."

The four of them worked hard until around two o'clock in the afternoon, and finally finished taking care of the black blind man.

Wang Meilan picked a few pieces of wild boar meat and a few pieces of bear meat, put them into a basin together, and walked into the house talking and laughing with Jin Xiaomei.

Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu divided the meat into two piles, one pile belonged to Zhao Jun's family and the other belonged to Li Baoyu's family.

After dividing the meat, the two brothers also entered the room. Wang Meilan and Jin Xiaomei were busy at the pot. Zhao Jun entered the east room and glanced at the three little girls playing the doctor-patient game together, and then at the fried sticky bean buns on the kang table. plate.

Wang Meilan fried a full plate of sticky bean buns in the morning, but now there are only two left.

Fried food is inherently fragrant, and there is bean filling inside. It tastes fragrant and sweet, and is very attractive to children.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Zhao Jun picked up the plate and asked the three little sisters.

"I won't eat anymore." Zhao Hong responded without looking back.

Zhao Jun turned around and put the plate in front of Li Baoyu. Li Baoyu picked up one and bit it.

Zhao Jun took the remaining one in his mouth, and then sent the empty plate to the outer room.

When he turned around and walked back, Zhao Jun suddenly remembered something and hurriedly entered the east room and asked, "Xiaoqiao, what did your second brother eat at home?"

"I haven't eaten anything." Li Xiaoqiao replied.

Thinking about it, if the Li family had food, would Li Xiaoqiao come to the Zhao family to look for food?

After Li Xiaoqiao finished speaking, he was stunned and said timidly: "It's broken. My second brother asked me to come over and bring him some food."

After saying that, Li Xiaoqiao turned his attention to his elder brother.

Seeing the little sister looking at him, Li Baoyu directly stuffed half of the fried sticky bean bun into his mouth, "Don't worry about him, the young man will be hungry."

"Oh." After hearing this, Li Xiaoqiao said no more and turned around to continue playing with Zhao Hong and Zhao Na.

That night, the Zhao and Li families gathered together and exchanged cups. Because the kang table was not big enough, two tables were set up.

Wild boar meat can be stir-fried, stewed or fried; black bear meat can be stewed or pan-fried, and the food specifications are comparable to Chinese New Year.

After eating, Jin Xiaomei took Li Xiaoqiao home first, and before leaving, she also took three aluminum lunch boxes. The lunch boxes contained Li Ruhai's lunch and dinner today.

"Brother, what time will you leave tomorrow?" Li Baoyu asked Zhao Jun before leaving.

"No need to be too early, what time do you get up and go."

Sure enough, Zhao Jun didn't get up early the next day and didn't get up until almost seven o'clock. When he was sitting lazily in the east room eating, Li Baoyu rushed in.

"Brother, look, the bullets have been exchanged!" Li Baoyu said, and he slapped five rounds of fifty bullets on the table.

"Yeah." Zhao Jun glanced at him and said, "Zhao Jinshan is quite interesting."

"That's called a bear's thigh." Li Baoyu was a little anxious, "Brother, eat quickly. Let's leave after eating."

"Okay!" Zhao Jun finished pulling the big porridge in two or three mouths and began to change clothes and pack things. When he saw the shotgun on his back, the two hunting dogs recovering from their injuries in the house stood up in unison.

It’s even later, it’s difficult again in the Northeast, and nucleic acid testing was done overnight

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