September 17, morning.
The Modu Court officially opened.
Media from all over the country went to report, and many TV stations even broadcast live.
Four hundred and three defendants lined up in a long line and entered the courtroom one after another.
The scene is shocking.
“My God, why are there so many children? It looks like they are still in high school, right?”
“It’s just a sin!”
“Who said it wasn’t, if my child was in it, the old face would be lost.”
“Alas, the child does not teach the father’s fault, I hope these children can accept the lesson.”
When the audience saw that there were many students inside, their reactions varied.
There is no real-name system on the Internet, and it has become a place for many people to vent, a bit like a place outside the law.
Here they can stand on the highest point of morality and arbitrarily judge others.
Don’t worry about revenge,
Don’t worry about punishment.
especiallyWhen they follow the trend and slander others, “the law does not blame the public” can give them a stronger sense of security.
Therefore, after seeing the shocking queue in front of the court, netizens have a feeling of refreshing their three views.
On the Internet, countless scarves and comments disappeared like snow melted away.
There are famous celebrities.
Has a marketing number.
More than that, the general public was terrified.
They never thought that Su Zhe would actually bring someone to court.
And, not one or two.
You know, they used to scold the more powerful national husband, and it didn’t matter at all.
This Su Zhe is a lunatic!
Simply insulting others, at most, is a fine of 500 and detention for ten days.
Compared to the fans this incident brings, this price is totally worth it.
The problem is, this is just a legal sanction.
I would rather bully a gentleman than a villain.
What if Su Zhe, this lunatic, takes revenge in private?
After all, his worth of tens of billions of dollars is there, and if he really wants to take revenge, there are ways even if he doesn’t break the law.
Netizens dare not gamble.
Many celebrities still have lingering fears after removing the scarf.
There is no lower limit, and it is even more so that turning a face is faster than turning a book.
A moment ago, they stood at the highest point of morality and tried Su Zhe with justice and strictness.
The next moment, they all put on apology.
Finally, don’t forget to give a compliment.
Su Zhe is a role model for my generation and knows how to defend his rights with legal knowledge.
in a city in the south.
A girl.
After watching the live broadcast on TV, tears could not help but flow out.
Someone once framed her online for selling, she explained, but no one believed it.
People only believe what they believe.
Some familiar classmates all insulted her behind her back.
Even though the truth of the matter was clarified later, those who slandered her were fine.
There was only one sentence, “Oh, it turned out to be a misunderstanding. Fortunately, it wasn’t me who was exposed on the Internet!”
“Hello, Brother Su Zhe, my name is Huang Chengcheng, can you tell me your lawyer’s contact information?”
Huang Chengcheng is determined to defend her power with the law.
at the same time.
Magic City.
Su Zhezheng watched the news happily while brushing his neck with his mobile phone.
see new news.
He was startled.
Because of the news, his scarf has not been commented on for a long time, and it seems that all the netizens who scolded him have disconnected from the Internet.
“Finally there is someone who is not afraid of death!”
“The knife is still not ruthless enough!”
Su Zhe clicked the latest comment below with great interest, a little curious.
asked why.
After learning about it.
He decisively decided to help the girl for free.
Not entirely out of good intentions, Su Zhe has another purpose.
Name yourself.
He can use this to shape himself into a fighter against the explosive force of the Internet.
After all, Su Zhe wants to open a company in the future, so putting on a layer of justice will never be a bad thing.
Time comes with the strength of heaven and earth, but the hero of luck is not free.
lose heart,
No matter what you do, you will get twice the result with half the effort.
In the past, Su Zhe wanted to keep a low profile, but what he got was malicious bullying and overexposure.
Just don’t pretend.
I, Su Zhe, are not something you can mess with.
Therefore, Su Zhe intends to cooperate with Tiancheng Lawyer to donate a fund of 5 million to protect the rights and interests of victims of cyber violence.
no way.
His worth is there.
With less donations, good things may turn into bad things, but it is unrealistic to ask him to bleed heavily.
After all, Su Zhe’s worth, to put it bluntly, is still his father’s.
In a small case like reputation infringement, Wang Lu did not need to take action personally, after all, the other party was an ordinary person.
So Su Zhe made a direct phone call.
It was a pleasure to discuss cooperation.
This is a win-win cooperation, both Tiancheng Law Firm and Su Zhe can gain a good reputation.
Therefore, the law firm will also invest 550 yuan.
Good deeds must leave a name.
The media has to make arrangements.
Just at this moment, the housekeeper said that some media came to interview him.
Coincidence is worse than coincidence, Su Zhe agreed very happily.
“Hello, Mr. Su, I’m Zhao Ping, a reporter from Magic Capital TV. Thank you for accepting our interview.”
“You’re welcome.”
After the cameras were set up, the interview officially began.
Zhao Ping was very straightforward, “Excuse me, why did you bring the four hundred netizens to court this time?”
“Know the law to distinguish between honor and shame, study the law to distinguish right from wrong, and use the law to deal with disputes. Knowing the law will not suffer.”
Su Zhe said calmly.
Zhao Ping couldn’t help but savor it carefully. This sentence is like a fragrant tea, the more you taste, the more fragrant it is.
“Mr. Su’s words are so good, I feel that they can be used as a French slogan.”
“you flatter me.”
Su Zhe waved his hand humbly. This was a French propaganda slogan from a previous life, and it has not yet appeared at this time.
Zhao Ping said with a smile, “Many people have mixed opinions on your behavior.
Some people think that you have done too much, because many of them are still students,
This is too cruel for them. ”
I think it’s okay for them to apologize, and I should forgive them a little more generously.
Do you think it makes sense? ”
“It’s God’s business to forgive them. What I want to do is to make them pay for their actions.”
Su Zhe’s tone was flat, but it contained undeniable firmness and domineering.
After speaking.He made a look.
Reporter Zhao Ping understood it in seconds, and asked very cooperatively knowingly, “I heard that you and Tiancheng Law Firm have invested 10 million to set up a protection fund for victims of cyber violence?”
“Yes, because of this matter, many people privately messaged me for help,
Only then did I know that many people were also suffering from cyber violence. ”
Su Zhe’s words were very clever, and he quietly classified himself into the disadvantaged group.
And next.
It is the words prepared in advance.
Su Zhe established his own image of a victim, and at the same time popularized the horror of cyber violence, and was full of sympathy. .

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