Beautiful country.
Bull about.
In the office of the president of the t-mobile operator.
“su, this phone is amazing.”
“I think the price of $499 is too low, it should be at least $599, and the 32g version should be priced at $699.”
Allen was experiencing the Crescent One mobile phone, and the expression on his face was very excited.
Su Zhe said noncommittally: “Yes, I have already stated the conditions of cooperation. If there is no problem, I hope you can arrange a press conference as soon as possible.”
“ok, su, I hope you will preside over this press conference.”
Alan looked sincere.
Su Zhe frowned, “Why?”
“First of all, you are the person in charge of Crescent Moon, and you know the most about Crescent Mobile Phone.”
“Secondly, your image is very good.”
When Alan said this, he couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.
have to admit.

Su Zhe’s appearance is very good.
First of all, he is over 1.8 meters tall and tall, and then his handsome face, like a handed down sculpture, has clear lines, which not only has the exquisiteness of an oriental face, but also has a three-dimensional sense in line with Western aesthetics.
It has an air of luxury and mystery.
It is very in line with the image of the high-end positioning of the new moon.
“Okay, I’ll let a lawyer discuss the details of the cooperation.”
Su Zhe nodded, he didn’t really want to be exposed to the public.
However, Crescent One’s coldness in China made him feel a little shameless, and the overseas market must not fail.
After negotiating.
On the way back to the hotel.
Riemann said calmly, “Mr. Su, something happened in China.”
Su Zhe frowned.
“Mr. Yue met at the lakeside meeting and encountered pressure from domestic mobile phone manufacturers, hoping that we could share the eos system.”
“Are they living in a dream?”
“Mr. Su, I know it’s absurd, but it’s the truth.”
Riemann opened his laptop and played a video.
The lakeside meeting was broadcast live on TV.
Liu Chuanzhi: “Mr. Yue, at present, domestic mobile phones are still far behind foreign countries. Your eos system can be said to have fought hard for us.”
“So, Lenovo is willing to use the eos system to promote it for you free of charge and carry forward the domestic mobile phone system.”
Su Yue: “Thank you Mr. Liu for your kindness, I will consider it.”
Oppo boss: “President Su, the overall situation is the most important thing. In order to promote the market, the foreign system provider Android is freeAvailable worldwide. The eos system wants to be popularized, the task is arduous, I hope you make a decision early. ”
CEO of vivo: “Yes, to defeat foreign manufacturers, we must unite domestically.”
Mr. Jinli: “The great man once said that uniting everything can unite strength…”
Almost all domestic mobile phone manufacturers, except Huawei and Xiaomi, are putting pressure on them.
They said it nicely.
Free promotion for the eos system and glory for domestic mobile phones.
It seems that it is not only for the benefit of the new moon, but also stands on the national justice.
Can Su Yue refuse on the spot?
Offending these mobile phone bosses is the second most feared thing.
These mobile phone manufacturers dare to put pressure on it, but they see that the new moon one is cold in China and is being criticized.
Su Zhe nodded and signaled Riemann to turn off the video.
“What do you think they said?”
“Robber Logic.”
“Well, so do you think eos should be open or should it not be open?”
Riemann didn’t know how to answer.
Android quickly defeated the ios system because it was free, and seized half of the country.
But Google is free, because if it is not free, you can only eat soup after ios.
Secondly, Android is a system based on the linux kernel, and the linux kernel is open source and licensed by gpl.
The gpl license stipulates that any modification to the source code must be open source.
All Android phones need to install these services, such as music, maps, mailboxes, etc.
And when you install these, you need to give Google some licensing fees.
Plus advertising costs.
In fact, Google is making money by opening up Android for free.
However, eos does not need to be free at all, nor does it need to be promoted by other mobile phone manufacturers to achieve the level of ios.
Thinking of this, Riemann said decisively: “Mr. Su, we are targeting Apple, so the eos system should not be opened.”
indeed. There are benefits to having an open eos system.
But the operating system is the core moat of a mobile phone, and opening eos will do more harm than good.
Su Zhe smiled. He actually didn’t mind opening the EOS system.
The benefits of an open EOS system are many.
In the future, as long as you use the mobile phone of the eos system, you can directly build WeChat, short video, takeaway…
What is this concept?
The built-in software cannot be uninstalled.
It is equivalent to all mobile phones that use the eos system for free promotion.
And it’s still the promotion of Overlord.
The early Android system is like this. Even if users are annoying, they can only throw these softwares into a grid, and choose not to see it.
Another point.
Android is open source, and mobile phone manufacturers will make modifications and put them on their own software stores.
This is where the mobile phone system makes the most money.
eos are different.
eos and ios are closed source, so to download the software, you must log in to the app store and download it with a dedicated account.
In other words, all other mobile phones using the EOS system are working for Su Zhe for free.
“Do you still think that developing an EOS system does more harm than good?”
After Su Zhe said the benefits of opening the EOS system, he asked with a smile.
Riemann was silent.
From the perspective of the new moon, opening up eos obviously does more harm than good.
If it is Su Zhe’s case, from the overall situation, it is obvious that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
And it’s a good thing.
Riemann was a little bit resentful: “Isn’t the grievance of General Yue all in vain?”
“Of course not, I give it, and they can ask for it.”
“I don’t give it, they can’t take it.”
Su Zhe’s expression was indifferent. During the lakeside meeting, Huawei and Xiaomi didn’t make a sound.
Because of the huge layout, Warwick couldn’t keep his face down.
Small 3.6 meters…..
Rebs simply did not dare to speak. Of course, his simple and honest temperament couldn’t speak.
“You tell my sister, you can temporarily authorize eos to Huawei and Xiaomi.”
“As for other mobile phone manufacturers…”
“Let them come to me with an opinion.”
Su Zhe’s face turned cold. To be honest, if he didn’t want to give it, it would be useless if I came here.
But for the overall interests of Huiyuexing.
Sacrificing the new moon…
It’s not even a sacrifice.
After all, in addition to the system, the new moon phone also has the advantage of a screen.
And after the new moon mobile phone sales reach one million, the system will unlock the chip function.
Until then.
Even if other mobile phone manufacturers also use eos, with the chip and screen, the new moon can still open the insurmountable gap. .

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