Like a thousand trees and ten thousand pear blossoms in one night.
The fishing reel exploded.
However, in just an hour, it quickly disappeared.
Except for some small websites that no one pays attention to, news about Su Zhe disappeared on the Internet.
It was like a dream like a mirror flower.
This made netizens a little confused.
I thought I had hallucinations and just discussed loneliness.
It is indeed a discussion of loneliness.
Because, when they entered words such as Su Zhe, Su Shen, Su Da Lao…. on the Internet again.
All blocked as ***.
“As expected of an unspeakable man.”
“I obeyed, I knelt down, what kind of influence is this tm!”
“Isn’t that right, sir, the word shen is also blocked?”
“I really can’t say it?!”
“Haha, this night, people with the surname su disappeared from the Internet.”
Speaking of it.
But the mood of netizens is extremely complicated.
The influence Su Zhe showed this time was unparalleled, which made people feel a little scared.
Not only netizens, but also Internet companies are afraid.
Don’t be afraid.
The influence of Hui 13 Yuexing against the sky is completely for those who obey me to prosper and those who oppose me perish.
Who can resist in the future?
This is a company that can’t be beaten by Ahri Penguin.
Like a scarf, Huiyuexing had to do it, so Xinglang’s tens of billions valuation was only a fraction.
Then, what if Huiyuexing wanted to go the penguin’s old way?
Who can stop it? !
This is not unfounded.
The current head of Huiyuexing is Tony Ma.
The major Internet giants have a shuddering feeling.
He doesn’t have a monopoly, at least in the Internet, no monopoly.
Worse than monopoly.
In terms of the Internet, Huiyue Galaxy’s products do not have a complete monopoly.
In the social field, WeChat has Penguin tt as a competitor.
In the news media, there are Xinglang scarf and today’s headlines.
In terms of e-commerce, there are shopping treasures…..
Crescent Technology has a unified mobile phone eos system.
In the era of mobile Internet, no Internet company can bypass EOS.
Very simple.
It is impossible to use a mobile phone without a system.
Unlike Android.
eos is a system designed with a new design language and is a closed system.
Has the following characteristics.
1. Only authorized mobile phones are allowedThe device installs the eos system.
2. Only approved apps can run in the eos system.
3. App developers need to purchase idp to develop eos-related applications, and can only use limited APIs for sandbox mode development.
4. Carefully read the idp agreement, some confidentiality and other closed terms.
In other words, New Moon doesn’t want your app on the shelves.
Your app is equivalent to completely losing competitiveness in the mobile market.
Who dares to offend?
The domestic mobile phone market is dominated by Android and iOS.
Android is an open source system, and mobile phone manufacturers pose no threat to these Internet companies.
Even Apple is the same.
They don’t have an internet business and don’t develop apps by themselves.
But Huiyuexing is different. It is a comprehensive group with an extremely complex business ecological chain.
What? Ali, you don’t make an e-commerce app?
That was really good.
Look at my Jin Dong arrangement.
Yes, Huiyuexing is so helpless, no one has the courage to resist.
Unless you convince the Chinese people not to use the eos system.
In the field of mobile terminals, Huiyuexing is the undisputed king.
Almost all Internet companies have been seized by eos.
“No, eos is too scary! This has to be managed!”
“There must be no second penguin.”
“Penguin? You think too highly of penguins. No matter what, Huiyuexing will become Sangxing who grows flowers.”
“I would rather deal with two penguins than Huiyuexing.”
“Joint appeal! Huiyuexing’s eos must be restricted.”
“Yes, it’s better to split!”
In a hotel in Kyoto.
A domestic Internet company secretly held a meeting.
Very simple.
In order to fight against Huiyuexing.
If the nuclear weapons such as EOS are not restricted, the Internet industry will be plunged into the eternal night.
There is no light, only darkness.
after all.
Before, under the oppression of penguins, they only had the power of capital, and they still had room to resist.
But in front of Huiyuexing, there is only despair.
In an old-fashioned building.
Zhou Hong put on his glasses, looked at the joint document in his hand, and couldn’t help laughing.
“eos open protocol?”
The content of the file is very simple.
Let Crescent Technology give up the development rights and audit rights of eos.
to be honest.
It is nothing more than giving up the management right of eos to the app.
“It’s beautiful to think about.”
A trace of disdain flashed in Zhou Hong’s eyes.
Not to mention that this is not in compliance with the regulations, even if it does, it is useless.
The two shareholders behind Crescent Technology represent the country.
Are you really giving these people faces?
Not to mention these enterprises, those with core technologies basically do not exist.
To develop, most of them depend on the dividends of national development.
Let foreign Internet companies come in and compete fairly.
To be honest, there are really few domestic companies that can compete.
Every day.
I don’t want to improve my competitiveness, but I always want to crush my opponents by small means.
What’s the use of such an enterprise?
Are you really going to hide under the wings of the country and be a giant baby?
go out! go out!
Said it a thousand times.
But how many Internet companies can really go global?
Don’t ask these people to live up to their expectations, but don’t just think about being in the dark, and find the parents if you can’t.
What is this tm called?
The more Zhou Hong thought about it, the more angry he became.
Not afraid of not knowing the goods, but afraid of comparing goods.
Compared with Huiyuexingyi, what are these Internet companies 370?
Not to mention that eos has already entered the foreign market under the leadership of Nokia.
But it is WeChat.
It also became popular in the surrounding small countries.
no way!
At that time, in order to promote, Su Zhe published the eos flashing tutorial on the Internet for free.
Although it was later deleted in China, it still inevitably spread abroad.
After the eos system is upgraded.
Bundled with WeChat.
Anyway, Xiaotai, Xiaoyue and other surrounding small countries are very happy to use it.
After all, WeChat was incubated by Su Zhe using the system, and it contains languages ​​from all over the world. It is very convenient to use.
In addition to WeChat, there are dnf and League of Legends.
also went out of the country.
Fire is not good.
It can be said that Huiyuexing is actually increasing the influence of planting flowers.
It is a beautiful national business card.
Restrict Huiyuexing?
It would be a good idea not to let Huiyuexing rectify these hobby enterprises.
For the rapid development of these Internet companies, the state’s regulation of the Internet has been relaxed intentionally or unintentionally.
It’s not for them to fight in their nests.
Not to mention.
Behind Crescent Technology, there are Magic Capital gzw and Pengcheng gzw.
Who would dare to be a demon then…
There is no need for the country to do it by hand, just let Huiyuexing punish it.
This is the sword that the country secretly holds in its hands, the sword of Damoris over the heads of those Internet companies.
Limit the rights of eos?
dream! ! .

From the novel group 9&,8;02,0’5.85’6
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daily update
ComeFrom the novel group (98025856)
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(from Novel Group 9*80;20’5,8″56)

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