As soon as Tan Yue entered the door, she saw a person with a wretched smile on her face and patted her randomly.

   Had she not seen Xu Mu and Lu Ming sitting not far away, she would have thought she had entered the wrong place.

   What kind of audition scene looks like here!

   It's not right. It's the appearance of the person who filmed that is a bit strange, which made her a little confused.

   "It's Teacher Tan Yue, hello, Teacher Tan."

   After seeing the veteran and capable actor Tan Yue coming in, Xu Mu and Lu Ming hurriedly got up and greeted each other.

   After all, the other party is not much older than them, but they are also seniors in the entertainment industry. They still need to respect each other more or less.

   "It's me, hello, director Xu, hello, hello, Lu Ming."

   Tan Yue responded enthusiastically after Xu Mu greeted her.

   "Mr. Tan, because there are a lot of people waiting for the audition below, I won't say much here, let's just start."

"no problem."

   "Ms. Tan, the situation is roughly like this. The chief inspector used your daughter's insulted video to threaten your daughter to tell the truth. You stand up and protect your daughter behind you, and then confront your opponent. It's probably like this."

   Xu Mu discovered that Tan Yue’s temperament was very suitable for playing Li Weijie’s wife Ayu from the very beginning when she was screening actors.

   So, when the other party came to audition, he directly asked one of the most difficult questions.

   As long as the other party can perform this scene well, then she can be fully qualified for the role of female one.

   "Good Director Xu, but I want to see the general background of the story, can I?"

   Tan Yue didn't say much about Xu Mu's question, but wanted to know more about the background of the story.

   "No problem." Xu Mu probably passed the movie story directly to the other party, and then waited quietly.

   About a minute later, Tan Yue said "It's okay" and immediately began to perform.

   I only saw Tan Yue, who had just had an easy-going and kind face, and she immediately moved a step to the right as if she had been stimulated, and then pulled the people on the side behind her.

   then said angrily: "Then you are a bastard."

When Lu Ming on the side saw it, he immediately read the lines of the opponent's play: "You, you must know my mood well now. After all, you are also a mother. You should also know that there is nothing you can't do for your own children. ."

   "Some children are children, and some children are beasts."

   Tan Yue was full of anger, and said to the front without fear.

   After that, her angry expression continued, and she was not afraid of the powerful opponent Inspector General.

   "Okay, very good, Teacher Tan can do it."

   After the other party's expression lasted for about five seconds, Xu Mu stopped the other party.

   After Xu Mu stopped, Tan Yue quickly reduced her expression and returned to the kindness she had just met.

   "How about Director Xu, is there anything that needs improvement?"

   After the performance, Tan Yue asked Xu Mu with a relaxed face.

   "Mr. Tan, your performance just now was very good, very good. In this way, you should take a break first, and after everyone's audition is over, I will talk to you in detail."

   Xu Mu didn't make a decision right away, and was ready to look at the performance of others before making a decision.

   But in his heart, this Tan Yue's performance is really good.

   During the performance just now, when there is no other person acting in the opponent's play, it can well show the emotions of anger and fearlessness of anyone.

   To be honest, Xu Mu is very satisfied.

   "That's OK, then I'll go downstairs and wait a moment."

   Tan Yue, as an old man in the entertainment industry, naturally understood what Xu Mu meant. She didn't say much, so she left.

   "Lao Lu, what do you think?"

   After Tan Yue left, Xu Mu asked Lu Ming on the side.

   "Director Xu, Teacher Tan Yue, as a senior, there is absolutely no problem with this acting, even better than me."

   Lu Ming is naturally affirmative of Tan Yue's acting skills.

   "Well, let's continue auditioning for the next actor."

   After listening, Xu Mu nodded. Sure enough, Tan Yue's acting skills are obvious to all.

   "Director Xu, I know why you can make a good movie. The selection of this actor is so good."

   Just when Xu Mu notified the next actor to come over for an audition, Chen Shuai popped out abruptly with a rainbow fart.

   "Uh, it's okay. By the way, Reporter Chen, when other actors come in, you should keep a low profile and don't stare at them for filming."

   When Xu Mu was talking to Chen Shuai, he also reminded Chen Shuai to pay attention when shooting.

  Because Xu Mu just discovered that Tan Yue came in to look at Chen Shuai's eyes a bit weird.

   He was afraid that Chen Shuai's high-profile words would scare others.

   "Good Director Xu, this is okay."

   About five minutes later, the next actor entered the room and began auditioning.

   This actor was recommended by Xu Tianhou, and he is an artist signed by their company.

   "Hello Director Xu, I am Shao Meng, an actor of China Entertainment."

As soon as    came in, the other party introduced himself, and also specially emphasized that he was from China Entertainment.

The purpose of    is naturally to remind Xu Mu that he was introduced by Xu Fei, so you have to be more accommodating.

   "Hello Teacher Shao Meng, you believe in yourself now..."

   After Xu Mu simply said hello to the other party, he repeated the scene that Tan Yue had just performed.

   After all, performance in the same situation can tell the difference in actors' acting skills.

   Shao Meng learned about the background of the story after listening to the emoji scene, and then began to act.

   I don't know if it is the reason why she is younger than Tan Yue. Although the other party's performance is very good, Xu Mu always feels almost meaningless.

   Perhaps, Tan Yue’s previous performance was too dazzling, but in contrast, the others are slightly inferior.

   "Thank you Ms. Shao Meng, I trouble you to take a trip today. I will inform you of the results of the audition tomorrow. Please be patient and wait for the news."

   After Shao Meng's performance, Xu Mu said politely.

   "Okay, then I'll wait for you to hear from you."

   After hearing Xu Mu's words, the other party's eyes narrowed slightly. She knew Xu Mu's potential lines. After all, everyone is in the Some things are better not to be broken.


   In the next hour or so, Xu Mu auditioned for a number of talented actors.

   Not to mention, these people's acting skills are really good.

   However, you can only choose one for the first and second women.

   So, after a brief communication with Lu Ming, Xu Mu chose Tan Yue and another actor, Cheng Tong.

   Xu Mu intends to make Tan Yue star Li Weijie’s wife Ayu, and Cheng Tong as inspector chief La Yun.

   Choosing Cheng Tong apart from the other's superb acting skills, and the other's aura is really strong, which is a bit of a fight with the original Chen Chong.

  Especially when performing a scene when the child was intimidated by a confession, Xu Muyou who was on the side was frightened.

   Even Chen Shuai, who has been shooting continuously, was too scared to shoot.

   What's interesting is that Cheng Tong was recommended by Penguin Video.

   What Xu Mu didn't expect was that the person recommended by Song Dongdong had such great acting skills.

   After the audition, Xu Mu talked to Tan Yue and Cheng Tong’s agents about the contract.

   The other party has no problem with the script, and the only difficulty for both parties is the issue of pay.

   But in the end it was settled, and the remuneration was 9 million and 8 million respectively.

  Because the other party is an actor from an entertainment company and his reputation is much higher than that of Lu Ming, it is normal for the pay to be a bit higher than Lu Ming.

   After the lead actor recruitment is over, Xu Mu only needs to find some more role actors.

   Then, you can clean up and prepare to go to Tyrande to officially start shooting.

   However, before going to Tyrande, Xu Mu plans to hold a launch conference in China.

   After all, this is a good publicity opportunity.

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