The Whole World Does Not Believe That I Am the Director

Chapter 121: "Interview with Bingbing" again

Bingbing's talk show was broadcast live at 8 pm on the National Day.

Today was supposed to be a day to travel with my little sister, or go out on a date to watch a movie.

However, Xu Mu wants to participate in the live show here.

You say, what is this called!

However, Xu Mu didn't complain, because yesterday's box office made him motivated now.

"Good evening, dear audience friends, I am your good friend Bingbing. I am very happy to meet you again today."

At the beginning of the show, it was no surprise that the beautiful host Bingbing greeted the audience.

The audience who watched the live broadcast frantically picked up the barrage after seeing Bingbing.

"My wife, I'm here", "Bingbing, I love you", "Bingbing is mine, please draw your sword" and the like, instantly flooded the whole live broadcast room.

And the beautiful host Bingbing has long been accustomed to this situation, looking at these bullet screens and said without changing his face: "Today, we are honored to have our old friend, Director Xu Mu Xu, let us welcome Xu. Guide here."

After greeting the audience, Bingbing again introduced today's guest Xu Mu to Da Zhao.

The moment Xu Mu appeared, the lsp barrage in the live broadcast room disappeared instantly, and the barrage style changed immediately.

"Fuck, Xu Mu is here, but Xu Mu is here!"

"Good guy, is he the director who was taken away by the police yesterday and then released again?"

"He is the director of "Manslaughter"?"


After Bingbing introduced Xu Mu as the guest of this issue, the audience in the live broadcast room was suddenly excited.

Because they have too many questions to ask Xu Mu.

After all, they had watched the news on the Internet before, but this time they could see each other's answers with their own eyes.

You say, can they not be excited?

"I know that many viewers in the live broadcast room know Director Xu, and some do not. Then, let Director Xu say hello to everyone."

"Hello everyone, I am Xu Mu, the director of "Manslaughter", and I am very happy to participate in this show again."

Under the control of the host Bingbing, Xu Mu also naturally took over the conversation and introduced himself.

This time, it was still very simple for him to introduce himself, the same as the first time he participated in the show.

However, this time the name of the movie was changed from Ye Man to Manslaughter.

"Okay, let's welcome Director Xu again."

Bang bang bang~

Afterwards, Bingbing took the lead and applauded.

After the applause, Bingbing continued: "The reason why we invited Director Xu to participate in our program again this time, I think everyone knows the reason. Then, let's talk about that with Director Xu."

"Then the first question I want to ask Director Xu is, the case in your new movie "Manslaughter" really happened in Tyrande. Do you know this beforehand?"

Xu Mu: "?"

Everyone already knew what happened in Tyrande in the plot of "Manslaughter" movie, so Bingbing didn't ask any more.

However, Bingbing's question showed her current attitude.

That's right, she doesn't believe all this is a coincidence now.

Therefore, when Xu Mu asked this question, his face was full of question marks.

After hearing this question, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly laughed.

"Haha, Bingbing doesn't seem to believe in Director Xu, otherwise why would she ask this question?"

"I'll interpret Bingbing's meaning for you. Director Xu, I don't believe there is such a coincidence in the world, so the real case of Tyrande has something to do with you, right?"

"High EQ: Do you know this beforehand?

Low EQ: Tyrande's case has something to do with you. "


Faced with this question, Xu Mu felt a little complicated and said: "I didn't know this happened beforehand. All this is just a coincidence. The plot in "Manslaughter" is very similar to Tyrande's case, which is also a coincidence. Really. If it hadn’t been for the comrades from the Criminal Investigation Bureau to tell me, I wouldn’t know about Tyrande’s case.”

After speaking, Xu Mu also deliberately spread his hands, saying that he really didn't know anything.

"Director Xu, let's first believe that this is just a coincidence. Next, what I want to ask is that Li Weijie's modus operandi in the "Manslaughter" movie should be what you thought of.

The murderer's modus operandi in the real case of Tyrande is almost the same as you thought. I want to know how you did it in line with the murderer's idea?

Have you had similar experiences, so you have the same idea? "

Xu Mu: "..."

For some reason, Xu Mu regretted coming to this show at this moment.

I remember that when I managed this show last time, I was also talking about helping myself to promote the movie.

In the end, they all asked questions about Wing Chun.

But it was fine before, at least the problem was normal.

But now, look at what questions are being asked!

Xu Mu even felt that the other party seemed to be suspicious of something.

"Ahem, I hereby declare again that all this is really just a coincidence, and I have never had a similar experience before.

As you all know, I am a director.

As a director, I must have watched a lot of movies.

I have seen the movie, and I created such a movie script. Isn't it reasonable? "

Although the other party's question is very strange, it seems to be leading himself into the ditch.

But Xu Mu didn't panic, but explained it seriously.

After all, it was really just a coincidence, and he had nothing to panic.

Since Bingbing’s first question, the audience in the live broadcast room of has had an idea, that is, Bingbing doesn't believe him very much.

After all, this was a coincidence, so that anyone who heard it would doubt it.

And after Bingbing raised these questions, the barrage in the live broadcast room was all 66666.

"Laughing can't live anymore, how do I feel that Bingbing is not doing interviews, but talking about it?"

"Yes, Bingbing obviously doesn't believe that there will be such a coincidence in the world, so I want to deliberately put something out."

"If I hadn't watched Bingbing for such a long time, I would have thought it was someone from the Criminal Investigation Bureau who came over."

"Fuck, could it be that Bingbing's true identity is not the host, but..."


Because the host Bingbing didn't take the usual way to ask questions, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room was joyous.

Some of the doubts in everyone's minds were also dispelled one by one under Bingbing's sharp questions.

Later, the beautiful host Bing Bing asked a few more questions.

Not surprisingly, he asked with suspicion.

However, Xu Mu answered all these questions one by one.

After all, it was just a coincidence, and he didn't panic at all.

After participating in the Bingbing talk show, Xu Mu suddenly felt tired.

This time I was preparing to promote the film, but in the end it seemed like I participated in an interrogation.

However, after the show ended, Xu Mu's participation in the Bingbing talk show also became a hot topic.

After all, this is Xu Mu's first public appearance to answer these questions since the accident.

And soon, the National Day passed.

The data of the movie network is also updated on time again.

But this time, Xu Mu didn't sleep, but stayed up all night waiting for the data to be updated.

Because he wants to know how much the movie will get at the box office on the National Day.

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