"Look, look, Xu Mu is out. Director Xu, can you tell me what you committed?"

   "Yes, Director Xu, it's so cold, we have been waiting at the door for so long, just talk about it!"

   "Director Xu, are you going to prove the crime scene now? Also, can you talk about what you committed?"

   "Director Xu, please give the public an explanation, please give us the truth!"


   As soon as the Zhou team received a report from their subordinates, they hurriedly took Xu Mu to set off, preparing to go to the place where the first crime might be the scene of the crime.

   It's just that when they came out, they were blocked by a group of reporters at the door, and they were still being asked.

   Xu Mu suddenly had a headache after seeing this.

   Good fellow, why does he have to commit a crime to enter the Criminal Investigation Bureau?

   Could it be that he was too handsome and guilty to come in?

   Okay, in fact, it's normal for these reporters to doubt him so much. After all, whoever is normal will be brought to the bureau by the police if there is nothing wrong with him?

   "Excuse me, let me trouble you. Xu Mu didn't commit any crimes, everyone is gone, go back to sleep."

   Now the time is in a hurry. How can Team Zhou have to spend time with these reporters?

   "What! Xu Mu didn't commit any crimes, then why was he brought to the Criminal Investigation Bureau late at night by you?"

   "Yes, can you tell us what happened?"


   Although Team Zhou gave a brief explanation, the reporters still haven't let it go.

   But the Zhou team didn't have such idle time to take care of them, so they rushed out with Xu Mu.

   left them with only one car tail light.

   Of course, there were also reporters who were going to chase after him by car, but they were stopped by the police who stayed behind.

   After all, I am not going to play now, how could I let these reporters follow!

   About half an hour later, they came to an old community.

"Team Zhou, the victim's name is Xie Jing. Two weeks ago, she went to the Maternity and Child Health Hospital to see a doctor. The doctor prescribed medicine to her. She recently made a boyfriend. Now she lives with her brother. According to the property introduction, Her elder brother is very fat. He usually stays at home and depends on her younger sister to support him."

   After Team Zhou came to the old community, one of the team members directly reported what they had learned.

   "Then why haven't you got in yet?"

   Xu Mu looked at a group of people waiting downstairs, and asked casually.

   "I haven't got the key from the landlord yet, because the landlord does not live in this community." The team members replied after hearing Xu Mu's question.

   "I won't wait, just break in."

   After hearing this, the Zhou team was ready to break in directly.

   However, Xu Mu stopped and said: "Don't worry, this may be the first scene of the crime, and it does not rule out that the murderer is inside. No matter who is in the room, then he must be the murderer."

   After hearing this, the Zhou team frowned, then took out the floor plan of the community with a serious expression, and then set up the task.

   is divided into three teams, and after rushing in, they control the living room, bedroom and toilet respectively.

   After finishing the arrangement, about ten minutes later, I finally got it from the landlord.

   Then, everyone went upstairs lightly and came to the door of the victim’s rented house.

   At the scene, the Zhou team commanded the action with gestures, and no one made a sound.

   The corridor in the middle of the night is also very quiet, so quiet that the breathing can be heard clearly.

   After finishing the assignment, Team Zhou took another look at everyone, and then gave instructions to act.

   Immediately, the team members took the key to open the door, and the comrades from the Criminal Investigation Bureau rushed in.

   Xu Mu was arranged to wait outside.

   After all, it’s not his turn to charge.

   About ten seconds later, the room was confirmed to be safe.

   Then, Xu Mu was called into the house by Team Zhou.

   Xu Mu went in and saw that it was the scene of the first crime, and the murderer did not do anything.

   "Mr. Xu, what should I do next?"

   After Xu Mu came in and checked for a round, Team Zhou subconsciously asked Xu Mu.

   Maybe now, he already recognizes the person in front of him in his heart.

   "The most important thing now is to figure out how the murderer got in. I just came in and observed that the door lock has not been pried, and the door lock is not new.

   If only the siblings and the landlord have it, the most likely reason is that someone let the murderer in. "

   Xu Mu quickly expressed his opinion after Zhou team raised a question.

   And when Team Zhou heard Xu Mu's answer, his eyes lit up, as if thinking of something, he said, "Boyfriend Xie Jing?"

   Xu Mu nodded slowly after listening.

   At present, it is true that Xie Jing’s boyfriend is very suspicious.

   "Little Wang, go find Xie Jing's boyfriend, take a few more people, and be safe."

   "Good week team."

   After identifying the suspect, the Zhou team immediately arranged for the team members to prepare to capture Xie Jing's boyfriend to ask about the situation.

Whether    is a murderer, I will know soon.

   found the scene of the first crime and analyzed the biggest suspect. Xu Mu had no reason to stay on the scene, so he returned to the Criminal Investigation Bureau with Team Zhou.

   That's right, he still can't go if the case is not solved.

   When entering the Criminal Investigation Bureau from the gate, Xu Mu found that the reporters were still squatting there and never left.

   Seeing this, Xu Mu was a little dumbfounded.

  Why are these people so dedicated?

   "Team Zhou, can I talk to them briefly and then let them leave?"

   Xu Mu is a little bit reluctant to wait for these people here after all.

   After all, he didn't commit any crimes. It's not a good thing that these reporters have been waiting here.

   "Yes." Team Zhou glanced at the reporters at the door, then nodded gently.

   After getting the permission of Team Zhou, Xu Mu came to the gate of the Criminal Investigation Bureau.

   After seeing Xu Mu coming out, the reporters hurriedly surrounded him.

   "Director Xu, Director Xu, have you been released, are you really fine?"

   "Yes, Director Xu, it looks like it should be okay, but why were you brought here by the police when you returned to China?"

   "Director Xu, can you tell me what happened?"


   As soon as Xu Mu arrived at the gate, the reporters around immediately began to ask questions.

   You have a question, I have a question, Xu Mu who asked me didn't know which question to answer first.

   "Ahem, guys, please be quiet, let me speak slowly.

   Here, let me declare first that I did not commit any crimes or did anything bad. The reason why I was brought here by a comrade from the Criminal Investigation Bureau when I got off the plane was because something happened.

   As for the specifics, this is not convenient to disclose. So you should go back to sleep and don’t get stuck here anymore. Really, if I really commit a crime, how can I talk to you here? "

   After everyone was quiet, Xu Mu immediately explained, and finally opened his arm to show that he really did not commit a crime.

   "Director Xu, can you tell me about the police bringing you here?"

   "Yes, Director Xu, what are you talking about?"


   Xu Mu's answer convinced everyone that he did not commit a crime, but he did not let them leave.

   After all, the curiosity of journalists is not so easy to deal with.

   "Uh, this is not convenient to disclose. By the way, I'm still busy, so I will leave first."

   After speaking, Xu Mu entered the Criminal Investigation Bureau before everyone could react.

   "Director Xu, Director Xu, tell me!"

   Behind him, a group of reporters kept asking questions without giving up.

   After Xu Mu entered, the rest of the reporters couldn't help but discuss.

   "Hey, why do you think the police brought Xu Mu here?"

   "I don't know, Xu Mu's appearance shouldn't have committed any crime! And I found out that Lawyer Zhang Yida had also left before, so I guess there was nothing wrong."

   "But why did Xu Mu come here?"

   "Yes, why!"


   After entering the house, the people from the Criminal Investigation Bureau were still busy.

   Now I found the first crime scene of the second and third victims, and the case is a big step forward.

   Now as long as you find Xie Jing's boyfriend, you can know the truth of the case.

   After the truth is revealed, Xu Mu can go home and sleep peacefully.

   Soon, Xie Jing's boyfriend was found and brought back to the game.

   However, the results of the interrogation made everyone a little disappointed.

   Because Xie Jing’s boyfriend is not a murderer at all.

   After hearing the news, everyone felt very disappointed.

   I have been busy for so long, but I have been busy for nothing.

  The key is that when I get here, the clue is broken.

   At this moment, whether it is Team Zhou or other people, everyone's heart is very heavy, and the atmosphere in the Criminal Investigation Bureau was once suppressed.

   "Team Zhou, if this clue is broken, try this."

   After reading the file again, Xu Mu proposed a new direction~www.readwn.com~what, you say. "Team Zhou suddenly raised its head, staring sharply at Xu Mu and said.

"You can find a network company to assist in the investigation. Originally, users who were almost online 24 hours a day and had not logged in recently. Then I visited various communities and found a living alone with a height of 1.77 meters, a weight of 90 kilograms, a cat, and a gearshift car. Man. Finally, I visited various tobacco sales points. I had been buying cigarettes before, but there were no people who met the above requirements recently."

   "What about the range?"

   "Scope? The investigation will be conducted within a radius of two kilometers with the second crime scene as the center. If not, continue to expand the scope."

   "Okay, have you all heard, act quickly if you hear it!"

   This time, after Xu Mu gave his analysis, Team Zhou did not continue to ask questions, but directly arranged for everyone to take action.

   After all, there are less than five hours left.

   "By the way, Team Zhou, I have to go to the scene where I discovered the first crime. I don't know if I can let Xiao Wu go with me?"

   Xu Mu suddenly thought of something, and then mentioned it.

   "No problem, I will let Xiao Wu accompany you, and I will be responsible for searching for the person you just put forward."

   As for Xu Mu's request, Team Zhou agreed without even thinking about it.

   Because in his heart, what Xu Mu just analyzed now is not only correct, but also correct.

   These are the same general directions as he thought, but he is not as precise as Xu Mu.

   Either the time is too late or he can solve the case on his own.

   It's a pity that there is not much time left for him.

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