The Whole World Does Not Believe That I Am the Director

Chapter 154: it's not finished yet

Latest website: Hollywood.

"Director James, congratulations on your new movie on the first day of its release in China and has achieved good box office results."

"Thank you, thank you Steven. Your previous movie box office was also very good!"

"It seems that this time you are going to win the No. 1 box office ranking of China Spring Festival stalls again. Congratulations, Director James."

"No, Director Stephen, you are wrong, this time is not necessarily the number one at the box office of my movie."

"What! Director James, what did you say?"

"China has a good movie this time. Its first day's box office was not as high as mine, but the next day's box office was the same as mine. Moreover, its row volume was 7 points less than mine."

"What! How could this be?"

"Therefore, the number one at the box office is dangerous this time. However, I will not be defeated so easily. I have already contacted Jennifer and the others, and I am going to China for another promotion."


After learning that "Outer Space" won the first-day box office championship in China, Director Stephen of Mildew expressed his congratulations to Director James as soon as possible.

Moreover, he also thinks that this time the top box office will definitely be the film directed by James.

However, what he didn't expect was that the next day's box office of the film directed by James was actually the same as a Chinese movie.

This situation has never happened before.

So, when he heard the news, Director Stephen was shocked.

However, director James did not sit still, he has already begun to take action.

Because this box office champion's throne must be his.

In this way, if he has new movies to be released in China in the future, the attention will definitely be higher.


The box office results on the second day of the Spring Festival file once again shocked everyone, including Xu Mu.

They didn't expect that the box office of "Detective Chinatown" was the same as that of Hollywood blockbusters.

What is this concept?

Is Huaxia Movies about to take off?

Therefore, on the third day of the Chinese New Year, there were more news about "Detective Chinatown" on the Internet.

To the top ten most searched, five of them are about "Detective Chinatown".

After all, this is a historic moment.

Moreover, many people are beginning to look forward to whether Xu Mu's movies will surpass Hollywood movies.

With such a huge heat, the headline of Queen Xu Fei finally gave way to Detective Chinatown.

For a time, whether online or offline, news about Xu Mu's new movie was everywhere.

"Fuck, fuck, have you seen it, Xu Muxin's movie box office on the second day actually has as much as Hollywood blockbusters, can you believe it?"

"I saw it, now "Detective Chinatown" is on the headlines, can you not see it! And I also heard that "Detective Chinatown" is not as high as Hollywood blockbusters. So the next day, it was actually "Detective Chinatown". "The Case" is even better."

"My director Xu is great, and sure enough he will get good results in the movies he is good at."

"To be honest, the movie "Detective Chinatown" is really good. It is funny and brainstorming. It's not surprising to have this result."

"Oh, you said, whose box office will be higher today?"

"According to the current situation, it should be "Detective Chinatown"."

"You haven't read the news. The starring team of "Outer Sky" is coming to China, and Jennifer will also come to promote the film in person. Therefore, it is not necessarily the one who will die."

"Fuck, Jennifer is coming, that's an international superstar!"


The popularity of "Detective Chinatown" has triggered waves of discussions among netizens.

The box office on the third day has also become the focus of attention.

After all, whether the box office can surpass Hollywood blockbusters, it depends on today.

It is very difficult to beat Hollywood blockbusters.

You said, can you not pay attention?

Because of the excellent box office results, the theaters also adjusted the schedule of "Detective Chinatown" again.

Now, the production volume of "Detective Chinatown" has reached 25%.

That's right, its schedule has been on the same level as Hollywood blockbusters!

It can be said that Xu Mu's movies and Hollywood blockbusters stand on the same starting line.

This also added a new layer of suspense to the box office battle on the third day.

Given the same number of films, can Xu Mu's new film surpass Hollywood blockbusters?


On the third day of the Lunar New Year, Xu Mu still accompanies his parents to go out for New Year's greetings.

No way, there were already a lot of relatives in his family, not to mention that he is so famous now that he has more relatives.

And Xu Mu, in order to make his parents happy, he can only honestly follow them to pay a New Year greeting.

However, he still pays attention to the news on the Internet.

It's just that he is not concerned about the box office battles, but the related topics and popularity of his films.

After all, the higher the topic and the heat, the higher the box office of his movie.

The higher the box office of the movie, the more he earns.

Moreover, he is also very satisfied with the current results, so he has no plans to continue to spend money on promotion.

After all, this heat is enough now.


Xu Mu did not continue to promote the movie here, but the Hollywood blockbuster has already acted.

Knowing that the box office of the next day's movie was the same as that of a movie in China, Director James came to China with the starring "Outer Space" overnight.

When the news that Jennifer came to China, all her fans went crazy.

After all, Jennifer is a Hollywood superstar who is well-known internationally, let alone in China.

Even, some Chinese fans flew to the magic capital from all over the country by plane in order to be able to see Jennifer.

Yes, they just wanted to see Jennifer!

Moreover, not only that, even some local tyrant fans spend a lot of money on Hollywood blockbusters for one movie and one movie theater.

In short, whether it is ordinary fans or local fans, they all contribute their own strength for Jennifer.

Therefore, the attendance rate of the Hollywood blockbuster "Outer Space" once surpassed that of "Detective Chinatown."

Therefore, it is still a bit difficult for "Detective Chinatown" to exceed the box office of Hollywood blockbusters on the third day.

However, there is no other way. Hollywood superstars have come to China for publicity.

Based on the appeal of others, this result is inevitable.

The news of Jennifer's visit to China, with constant fermentation, soon came to the second place in the hot search.

There is even a faint tendency to make headlines.

After all, compared with Jennifer's coming to China, the news that the box office of "Detective Chinatown" is on par with Hollywood blockbusters is indeed a bit weak.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the news of Jennifer to come to China to make headlines.

The popularity of the Hollywood blockbuster "Outer Space" has soared again.


Yanjing, a residence.

Chen Ya looked at the new news constantly appearing on the Internet, and his mood went up and down.

The new film directed by Li Hua is no longer qualified to compete with Xu Mu.

After all, the box office gap is too big.

Moreover, there is a huge gap between the number of films discharged and the attendance rate.

No matter how much director Li Hua threw, he couldn't catch up.

Even if it is a fake box office, it may not be comparable to "Detective Chinatown."

Not only that, he didn't expect that the box office of "Detective Chinatown" the next day would be the same as that of a Hollywood blockbuster.

Seeing this result, Chen Ya felt both complicated and heavy.

Because, according to the current situation, Xu Mu's movie box office is likely to surpass Hollywood blockbusters.

You said, Chen Ya could not feel heavy after seeing this result?

However, when he saw the news that Jennifer came to China to promote the film, a smile appeared on his face.

Because he knew that the box office of "Detective Chinatown" could not surpass that of "Outer Space".

After all, Jennifer’s appeal is terrifying.

At least, it's too much than Xu Muqiang.

Therefore, although today's box office battle is a fierce battle, the result is already doomed.

That's Xu Mu's movie box office, which can't surpass Hollywood blockbusters.


At one o'clock at night, the movie network data is updated.

As soon as the data was updated, Chen Ya checked it out.

When he saw the Hollywood blockbuster "Outer Space", the number one movie box office on the third day of the new year, his face also showed a bright smile.

That smile was as if his own movie had achieved such a high box office.

Sure enough, Xu Mu's movie box office still failed to surpass Hollywood blockbusters.

Seeing this result, Chen Ya can finally sleep in peace.

In addition to Chen Ya, many insiders and netizens who are concerned about the box office dispute also saw the box office data on the third day of the Spring Festival stall.

When they saw that the box office of Hollywood blockbusters was higher than that of Xu Mu's movies, they couldn't help sighing.

Sure enough, is there still no way to beat Hollywood blockbusters?

Even the actress Xu Fei, Penguin Video Song Dongdong, and the actors of "Detective Chinatown" saw this result and suddenly felt a sense of loss.

They thought that "Detective Chinatown" could surpass Hollywood blockbusters at the box office on the third day.

But who would have thought that Hollywood superstar Jennifer would personally come to China to promote it.

And now, "Outer Space" has sold millions more than "Detective Chinatown" at the box office.

You say, can they not lose?

However, unlike everyone's mood, when Xu Mu saw this result, he was happy.

Because the box office of "Detective Chinatown" on the third day of the Spring Festival file was as high as 68 million.

That's right, it was 9 million more than the box office the next day.

What's more exaggerated is that as long as the box office exceeds 30 million tomorrow, Xu Mu's investment will be earned back.

Every subsequent day at the box office, I made a profit.

You say, can he be unhappy?

As for whether it is the top box office on the third day, does that still matter?

After reading the box office data on the third day, Xu Mu didn't even fall asleep for a long time with excitement.

Of course, not only Xu Mu didn't fall asleep, but even the netizens who had been expecting that "Detective Chinatown" could exceed the box office of Hollywood blockbusters.

Why can't Xu Mu's movie box office surpass Hollywood blockbusters?

After all, they finally saw hope.

One time surpassed the hope of Hollywood blockbusters.

But the result was not satisfactory.

"Hey, I thought the box office of "Detective Chinatown" would surpass that of Hollywood blockbusters on the third day, but I didn't expect it to."

"Sure enough, Hollywood blockbusters are Hollywood blockbusters."

"Yes, this is the best opportunity, but it's a pity."

"It is indeed the best opportunity. After all, the Hollywood blockbusters released this time are not the best batch. What a pity!"

"Hey, I don't know when will the box office of our Chinese movies surpass Hollywood blockbusters!"

"Didn't there be more than before?"

"I mean normalization. UU reads instead of accidentally."

"Don't be too pessimistic. Have you forgotten who the director of "Detective Chinatown" is?"

"Xu Mubai, everyone knows what's wrong?"

"Huh, since you know, do you think something is missing?"

"What's missing?"

"I know I know, is that what you are talking about?"

"Yes, that's it. So, do you think this is over?

No, it's not over yet.

No, it hasn't started yet, just wait for a good show. "

"Wait, what are you talking about, why can't I understand a word?"

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