"Xia Hui, you are too impulsive. You must know that you are a member of the national football team, and your speech represents the image of the national team.

Tell me, what do your speeches on the Internet look like? "

"Coach Cai, it's not someone scolding our national football team, I'm really angry, so I refuted a few words.

How to say, only if they scold me, we can't fight back! "

"Yes, you can't retort. It's their business to scold them, but to respond to them, the nature is different.

In view of your swearing behavior online this time, the organization has decided to disqualify you from being selected for the World Preliminary National Football Team list. "

"What! Coach Cai, how can this happen? How can I disqualify me from participating in the World Preliminaries.

It's not Coach Cai, I'm for our team, why have I been disqualified from playing football? "

"This is the decision of the organization, you just obey. Also, I have deleted all those slanderous Weibo posts on the Internet, and then apologize to the public, otherwise you will no longer be eligible to stay in the national team in the future."

"Coach Cai, I..."

"Don't say it, that's it for today, I have to guide other people to train!"


Xia Hui's anger at netizens on the Internet eventually developed very seriously.

No, his qualifications for the World Preliminaries have been cancelled.

Not only that, but he will delete all those Weibo posts and apologize to the public.

Otherwise, his national team career will come to an end.

Hearing the result, Xia Hui definitely couldn't accept it.

He originally wanted to justify a few words, trying to save the current bad situation.

However, the national football coach Cai did not give him a chance.

In the end, Xia Hui had no choice but to delete those slanderous Weibo, and then posted an apology Weibo.

However, he was very unconvinced.

Why deal with him alone?

Moreover, he is also leading for the team, how can you deal with him like this!

Thinking of this, Xia Hui was furious.

However, he has no grudge against the team and the Football Association.

What he resents most now is Xu Mu, the initiator of this incident.

That's right, he hated Xu Mu.


Because of the connotation of the national football, the box office of "Shaolin Soccer" these days has risen instead of falling.

This made Xu Mu very surprised.

Although he was inexplicably involved in this storm this time, he got an unexpected harvest.

You say, can he not be surprised?

And Xu Mu's action once again fooled the directors of other movies.

good guy.

Can this movie be so hyped?

Tianyu's director Feng Shui had to admire Xu Mu after seeing Xu Mu's hype.

Sure enough, Director Li Hua reminded him that it made sense.

As far as this hype is concerned, who can you say can be compared?

Connotation of national football.

Who the average person could do such a thing?

I have to say, this guy is really brave.

The matter of netizens scolding the national football team did not end because Xia Hui apologized for deleting Weibo.

In the following days, netizens were still scolding the national football team.

no way.

Hate that iron is not steel!

Moreover, the final round of the World Preliminaries is getting closer and closer.

The big guy is getting more and more anxious in his heart.

If you lose one more game, you will definitely not be able to enter the World Cup!

Although everyone knows that this will be the result, but who is willing to see this result?

Now, many sports in China are stronger than those in foreign countries.

But the world's No. 1 sport is far behind foreign countries. Do you think everyone can't be impatient?

However, in order to take care of the national football team's emotions, netizens stopped scolding the national football team at the end of May.

At this moment, the Internet finally stopped a lot.


May 30.

Today is the day when the movie "Shaolin Soccer" is released.

And Xu Mu held a celebration banquet as usual.

Because this time it was basically a movie starring Hong Kong Island actors, so Xu Mu's celebration banquet was held in Shencheng.

That's right, in this case, everyone is closer and more convenient.

After all, except for the actors on Hong Kong Island, the rest of the crew members are mainlanders.

Of course, this time, Xu Mu had covered all the airfare and accommodation costs, and did not let them spend a penny.

And the staff of the crew also gave Xu Mu face very much, and came to participate in the celebration banquet one after another.

Because they knew that Director Xu would definitely give out big red envelopes this time.

And this is the purpose of their coming all the way.

This time, because the plot of the movie didn't come true, it didn't get more traffic in the middle of the release.

However, after the incident of the Connotation National Football Team, it still gained some traffic.

Therefore, the final box office is only more than 800 million.

However, the box office is pretty good.

The process of holding the celebration banquet was also very smooth, and there were no accidents.

At the end, everyone had a happy smile on their faces.


Everyone's red envelopes are bulging, do you think they can be unhappy?

After the celebration banquet, Manager Song of Penguin Video found Xu Mu.

That's right, Song Dongdong is now the manager.

"Director Xu, is it convenient to chat?"

"What's the matter, Manager Song?"

"Director Xu, do you have any plans for the next step?"

"Uh, I don't know that yet."

"have no idea?"

"That's right, but you should know by twelve o'clock."

When Xu Mu said these words, he suddenly found Song Dongdong's face blushing.

That's right, Song Dongdong's face suddenly turned red.

After discovering this situation, Xu Mu frowned slightly, he was surprised.


Why did the other party's face suddenly turn red?

"Director Xu, it's still an hour before twelve o'clock. Do we have to wait until then to continue discussing cooperation?"

When Song Dongdong said this, his expression was a little shy.

Coupled with her flushed face, how strange it is.

"Manager Song, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell? Why is your face so red?"

Xu Mu didn't know why the other party's face was so red, and he looked shy.

Subconsciously, he thought that the other party was not feeling well.

Maybe relatives are here.

"It's okay, Director Xu, where are we going to sit?"

Song Dongdong shook his head slightly, his face still blushing.

"Ah, it's so late, forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Xu Mu shook his head and rejected Song Dongdong's proposal.

After all, it's so late to talk about cooperation.

Can you tell me something tomorrow?

Moreover, the system reward will be issued in an hour.

Now, he really doesn't know what to make in the next movie.

"Ah, let's talk tomorrow?"

Xu Mu's words suddenly stunned Song Dongdong.

"Yeah, what's wrong, what's wrong?"

"Uh, this, okay, Director Xu, see you tomorrow."

After speaking, Song Dongdong hurried away with a disappointed expression.

Xu Mu scratched his head involuntarily after seeing the other party Xiao ran away.

Manager Song, what happened?

How do you feel, she was a little lost just now?


As soon as 12 o'clock arrived, the system issued the reward.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for completing the filming and release of the movie "Shaolin Soccer", the system rewards have been issued, please check."

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the movie script "God of Cookery"."

"Ding, congratulations on the player's football skills (God-level)."

After Xu Mu saw this reward from the system, he was very happy for the first time.

After all, this time gave him another movie of Star Lord.

It seems destined that he will carry out the nonsensical comedy to the end!

Then, he has to make money again.

After all, Xing Ye's movies will definitely not hit the streets.

Unless, Xu Mu's director level is not good.

However, when Xu Mu saw the reward of football skills, he was stunned.

What's the matter with the system rewarding him for this skill?

Could it be that you want him to play football?

Come on.

Playing football, there are too few people who scold him!

Therefore, Xu Mu didn't take the football skills rewarded by the system seriously.


May 31st.

Xu Mu and Song Dongdong made an appointment at a resort and were going to talk about cooperation.

Because there was no talk last night, this time Song Dongdong took the initiative to invite Xu Mu to a resort in Shencheng.

After all, when Song Dongdong is deep, it can be regarded as the friendship of the landlord.

"Director Xu, how are you, do you have a clue for the next movie?"

"That's right."

Song Dongdong frowned slightly when he heard Xu Mu's words.

It's really after twelve o'clock, and he can talk about cooperation.

So that means that last night that guy did it on purpose.

The reason why he said he didn't know until twelve o'clock was because he didn't want to talk to her about it at night.

It seemed that she misunderstood what the other party meant last night.

Thinking of this, Song Dongdong's face turned red again.

When Xu Mu saw that Song Dongdong's face suddenly turned red again, he was at a loss.

Why is your face red again?

Could it be that he is so charming that Manager Song sees that he can't hold back?

The cooperation will soon be over.

After all, everyone is so familiar with it.

Any process is familiar.

"Director Xu, this resort is very good. There are golf courses, basketball courts, football fields, swimming pools, etc. We can go to relax now."

After the cooperation and chat, Song Dongdong began to introduce the project of this resort and planned to experience it with Xu Mu.

"And the football field?"

After hearing the football field, Xu Mu subconsciously asked.

Because he got god-level football skills last night, he was a little curious and was going to try it.

Even if he doesn't play football, it's alright to try.

"Well, yes, why is Director Xu, you can play football?"

"Uh, no."

"Oh, then, let's go to the football field to see."


Song Dongdong was not surprised when Xu Mu said he couldn't play football.

After all ~www.readwn.com~ There are very few people who can play football in China.

Because children have to read, and there is no time to play football.

Soon, they came to the field.

Coincidentally, there is a group of people preparing to play football on the football field now, and it seems that there is still one person missing.

When they saw Xu Mu, their eyes lit up, and they came over and asked, "Brother, can you play football?"

"Will not."

"It doesn't matter, we are missing one person, how about you come to make up the number?"

"This is not good, I can't play football."

"It's okay, just for fun."

"That's fine."

Xu Mu originally planned to refuse, but he was really curious about how powerful the system's rewards were.

Therefore, he agreed to the invitation of the other party.

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