The Whole World Does Not Believe That I Am the Director

Chapter 253: No way, it's so delicious!

"Do you know what Xu Mu's new movie is going to do?"

"I do not know."

"If you know, you can tell me as soon as possible, and I will definitely pay you a lot of money."

"no problem."

Xu Mu shines brightly on the show "Cooking Competition".

For a time, he has become a resident figure in the headlines.

As a result, everyone is very concerned about his news.

Even after the news of his new movie came out, many people wondered what Xu Mu's new movie was.

After all, this is also a gossip.

However, unlike in the past, Xu Mu did not announce any news about the new movie on the Internet this time.

Therefore, everyone's curiosity was aroused by Xu Mu.

For a time, many reporters and paparazzi were inquiring about Xu Mu's new movie.

Because they know, whoever finds out the news first.

Well, he will definitely get horrible traffic.


The media are busy looking for news about Xu Mu's new movie, and Xu Mu is also busy preparing for the movie.

The film crew is almost ready, but the actors still need to continue to communicate.

After all, this time the film was shot overseas.

Also, there are many scenes in the movie that require a lot of extras.

More importantly, the ship in the movie is not easy to handle.

The most important thing is that Xu Mu also estimated the investment for this film, starting at least 500 million.

Therefore, the preparations for Xu Mu's new film are very busy.


In the blink of an eye, it was November.

Qiuhu's remaining prestige gradually dissipated after coming to November.

When you go out in the morning, you already need to put on a sweater.

However, although the weather has turned cooler, the media world is as hot as ever.

Because they haven't dug up the news of Xu Mu's new movie.

That's right.

The entire media world is in action, but just can't dig out any news.

Of course, there is a reason why they can't dig out the news.

After Penguin Video found that everyone had a strong interest in Xu Mu's new film, they immediately unified their tone and did not reveal any news.

After all, this is an excellent publicity opportunity.

And movies are also related to the interests of their company.

Therefore, only some high-level executives of Penguin Video know about Xu Mu's new film cooperation.

They will definitely not reveal any news on their side.

As for Xu Mu, after receiving a call from Song Dongdong some time ago, he hasn't disclosed much news about the new movie.

After all, he is not a fool.

He knows that if he doesn't disclose it now, everyone will be more curious.

That movie promotion, don't he need to worry about it!

How could he let such a good thing go?


November 2nd.

The third episode of "Cooking Competition" will be broadcast live.

Ten minutes before the live broadcast of the show, director Han Yan said to everyone in the microphone: "All departments have checked one last time, and the show will start live ten minutes later."



After Han Yan finished speaking, there was a reply from the staff in his ear.

After instructing the staff at the show, Han Yan turned to look at the staff in the guide studio and said, "Pay attention to the ratings, and let me know if there is any situation."

"Okay, Director Han."

After explaining all this, Han Yan looked at the busy people on the screen with anticipation in his eyes.

He didn't know how high the ratings of this show would be.

But he had a hunch that the ratings of this episode should still exceed the previous episode.

Before the show started, the TV station had already counted the popularity of "Cooking Competition" and Xu Mu.

I don't know if I don't know the statistics, but I'm startled by the statistics.

It can be said that the hottest program on the entire network is "Cooking Competition", and related topics have exceeded 100,000+.

And the most popular star on the entire network is Xu Mu, and related topics have exceeded one million.

Therefore, Han Yan is very confident in this show at the moment.



"The show will be broadcast live soon, so excited!"

"Yeah, I can see Xu Mu pretending again, I'm really looking forward to it!"

"You said, what will Xu Mu cook this time?"

"I don't know, but according to Xu Dao's urination, it's probably a simple home-cooked dish."

"No, now that the competition is so fierce, other chefs will probably have to show their skills at home. Will Director Xu still be so willful?"

"Who knows, anyway, I think Director Xu must be pretending again."

"This is a good use of words!"


A few minutes before the live broadcast of the show, the audience who entered the live broadcast room in advance had already started a heated discussion.

And the focus of the discussion of the big guys is what dishes Xu Mu will cook, and he will not continue to pretend.

Here, few people worry that Xu Mu will be eliminated.

Because everyone has already seen Xu Mu's cooking skills.

Therefore, everyone has confidence in Xu Mu.


on the field.

"Hello everyone, everyone, welcome to watch the third issue of "Cooking Competition" on time. I am the host Xing Ke."

"Tonight's game is an eight-in-six game, which means we will be out of the top six tonight."

"Who will advance, let's wait and see."

"Okay, let me introduce the most important guests first.

That's right, it's Mr. Good Kitchen, our show sponsor.


"Okay, after introducing the heavyweight guests, let's get to know the eight chefs competing tonight. They are..."

"Not much to say, tonight's game officially begins."

After the host Xing Ke Datong advertised and spoke, tonight's show officially started.

The photographer also gave Xu Mu the camera after the host finished speaking.

This is also what director Han Yan requested.

After all, the flow password of the show is him.

Give him some more shots, that's for sure.

After giving Xu Mu some close-ups, the photographer also gave other chefs some shots.

It's just that their camera time doesn't add up as much as Xu Mu.

No way, who made them the supporting characters of the show!

After the show started, host Xing Ke also came to Xu Mu's side to prepare for an interview.

"Director Xu, may I ask you, what are you going to cook in this episode? It's not like you haven't thought about it yet, okay?"

With the last experience, when Xing Ke interviewed Xu Mu this time, in order to prevent embarrassment, he directly asked Xu Mu's answer to the question last time tentatively.

"Yes, I haven't made up my mind yet." Xu Mu nodded lightly.

To be honest, he is really busy these days.

Not to mention preparing for a new movie, I still hide from those media paparazzi.

You say, how does he have time to study what dishes are going to be prepared for the competition?

Because of the previous experience, Xing Ke didn't have too many surprises this time.

"Well, then I wish Director Xu a smooth promotion this time."

"Okay thank you."

After Xing Ke finished interviewing Xu Mu, he did not continue to interview him.

Because she saw Xu Mu thinking about what to cook, so she was going to interview some other chefs.

After all, after Xu Mu thought about it, how could she still have time to interview other people.


"I knew that Director Xu definitely didn't think about what to cook in advance. After all, the pretense must be prettier, otherwise it wouldn't be Director Xu!"

"I don't know why, but Director Xu is different this time. He seems to be more arrogant."

"How to say?"

"During the live broadcast of the archaeological team before, Director Xu was very modest, but this time he showed quite arrogance, and he didn't need to prepare in advance.

This confidence is nothing like before. "

"Damn, that's it!"

"By the way, do you think Director Xu will use kung fu to cook this time?"

"It should be."


After the audience in the live broadcast room saw that Xu Mu hadn't planned what to cook in advance, everyone immediately showed a look like I knew it would be like this.

Sure enough, they all guessed that Xu Mu would do this.

For a time, the barrage in the live broadcast room also flew straight.


on the field.

"Master Cui, what are you going to cook this time?"

Xing Ke took the microphone and walked to Master Cui's side of Huaiyang Building, and then interviewed.

"Oh, what I'm going to do this time is West Lake vinegar fish."

After hearing the host's interview, Master Cui of Huaiyang Building replied with a smile.

Because he is a little fat, he looks extra friendly when he smiles.

"Oh, yes. Master Cui, how many points do you think you can get this time?"

"Hey, it's hard to say. But, it should be no problem to advance."

"Oh, then I'm looking forward to Master Cui's performance."

Xing Ke doesn't care much about what Chef Cui cooks, she cares about the other party's answer.

And the other party's answer made her very satisfied.

Because of this answer, it is quite confident.

And this answer will also attract some attention from the audience.

After all, everyone who is too high-profile will talk about it.

When the host Xing Ke went back and forth to Xu Mu's side, Xu Mu was already preparing the ingredients.

Xing Ke could see that Xu Mu was putting a piece of hind leg meat on the cutting board and cutting it into strips.

Seeing this, Xing Ke's eyes lit up, she knew that Xu Mu had already thought of what to cook, and then she asked impatiently, "Director Xu, what are you planning to cook?"



"That's right."

Xu Mu didn't look up, he cut the shredded pork while answering Xing Ke's question.

And Xing Ke knew what Xu Mu was going to do.

No matter how prepared she was, she was still surprised by Xu Mu's answer.

Live croquettes, is this suitable?

The meatballs here in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are also meatballs.

If it sounds better, there is a dish with a very good name, and that is braised lion head.

And this lion head is a meatball.

Xing Ke was a little surprised because croquettes, to be honest, were not a dish at all.

True, it's not a complete dish.

Generally, after the meatballs are fried, they have to undergo secondary processing to present a complete dish.

And what Xu Mu has to do today is just croquettes.

Strictly speaking, it can only be regarded as a semi-finished product.

So Xing Ke was a little surprised.

After Xu Mu cut the shredded pork, he immediately picked up a kitchen knife.



As the kitchen knife and the chopping board continued to collide, there was a bang bang sound.

When Xing Ke saw Xu Mu's action, she knew that the other party was chopping stuffing.

Now the stuffing for meatballs is usually made by machine.

Although there were tools on site, Xu Mu was useless here.

Involuntarily, Xing Ke asked curiously, "Director Xu, there is a meat grinder here, why don't you use it?"

"The machine is not as good as the human." Xu Mu still didn't look at Xing Ke's answer.

Moreover, when answering the question, the kitchen knife in Xu Mu's hand was getting faster and faster.

Even Xing Ke felt that he saw an afterimage.


"Fuck, why does Director Xu feel a little different about the stuffing?"

"Nonsense, Director Xu knows kung fu, can this stuffing be the same as ordinary people?"

"Damn it, am I blinded, I seem to see afterimages!"

"It's not that your eyes are blurred, it's the afterimage, mainly because Director Xu's speed is too fast."

"Good guy, I call it good guy. The speed at which this kitchen knife chops stuffing is simply amazing!"

"Nonsense, all martial arts in the world are strong and unbreakable, so they can't break down quickly. Director Xu is the master of Wing Chun, this is a trivial matter for him."

"Sure enough, I knew Xu Mu was not easy!"


No one in the live broadcast room was not shocked when they saw the speed at which Xu Mu chopped stuffing.

After all, this speed is fast, and the afterimage has been seen.

You say, can they not be shocked?


"Director Han, the program ratings have exceeded 4.5%!"

"What! So fast?"


Originally, Han Yan was watching Xu Mu slicing stuffing intently, but when he heard the staff report the ratings data, he turned his head in shock.

Because the show has just started not long ago, the ratings are already 4.5%.

Breaking through the ratings of the last episode of the show is a matter of minutes!

Moreover, Han Yan also has a hunch that the ratings of this episode will reach a new level.

That's why he was so excited when he heard the staff report the ratings.


on the field.

After Xu Muxing's operation, the stuffing work was successfully completed.

Next, it's time for seasoning.

Pour the glutinous rice made in advance into the meat filling, and then Xu Mu will add chopped green onion, salt, chicken essence and other seasonings, and then stir it up.

At this time, a lot of salad oil has also been poured into the pot.

Just waiting for the oil temperature to come up, Xu Mu can fry the **** directly.

Seasoning is a crucial step for meatballs.

Because the quality of the is the key to determining whether the meatballs are delicious.

After the seasoning is done, the oil temperature has also come up.

Afterwards, Xu Mu directly picked up a lump of the stirred minced meat and held it in his hand, then squeezed out a round ball and put it into the pot.

After the **** were placed in contact with the hot oil, there was also a sizzling sound in the pot.

Along with it, there is the aroma of croquettes.

Croquettes are different from other things, and their aroma is more diffuse and wider.

Before long, the whole studio was filled with the smell of croquettes.

Whether it was the audience, the judges, or the host Xing Ke, they swallowed several throats unconsciously.

No way, it's so delicious!

Even the viewers watching the live broadcast in front of the screen swallowed their saliva unconsciously after seeing this scene.

This Nima, the croquettes are too tempting!

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