
Hanging up the phone, Xu Mu felt depressed for a while because of this.

However, his mood soon adjusted.

What's the shady thing about him?

He did not participate in any shady.

After thinking about this, Xu Mu no longer struggled.

"Cooking Competition" has been dominating the headlines since it was revealed that there are shady news.

After all, this show is so hot right now.

The ratings have already taken off in place.

Moreover, there is also a hot Xu Mu in the show.

You say, when this negative news appears, can the Internet not be lively?

Also, after the negative news of the "Cooking Competition" program, it was good news for other competing programs.

At the same time, it is also a good opportunity.

That's right, great opportunity!

Therefore, under the promotion of some people, the news that "Cooking Competition" was exposed to the dark side became even hotter!


the next day.

The news about the shady news came out last night. After a night of fermentation, people all over the country heard about it.

That attention, directly rubbing upwards.

Put it this way.

The top five hot searches add up, and none of them have received as much attention as the shady incident of "Cooking Competition".

Because this is negative news, and it has a big impact.

Some relevant departments even got involved in the investigation after learning about it.

This time, the Internet is even more lively!


"Damn it, the relevant departments have already conducted an investigation, so there won't be a real shady story, right?"

"I can't, this show has never been shady before, how is it possible?"

"It was impossible before, but that doesn't mean it is impossible now. After all, there is Xu Mu in the show now.

Tell me, how could he be so good at cooking as a director?

Moreover, the other chefs participating in the show are all top chefs in the world.

So, I think there must be a shady scene here! "

"No, wasn't it rumored on the Internet that Xu Mu's cooking is more delicious than that of a five-star hotel chef? How could it be fake?"

"Who knows, maybe the program team doesn't want Xu Mu to be eliminated."

"I don't care if it's shady or not, I just want to know, if it's really shady, will Xu Mu be invited in for tea?"

"Good guy, when you look upstairs, you're a true fan."


After the relevant departments intervened in the investigation, netizens had different views on the fact that the show was shady.

Before, most people did not believe that there was a shady scene in "Cooking Competition".

But now that the relevant departments have intervened, everyone has begun to suspect.

There is no way, now that things have happened to this point, it is difficult to think about it.

However, at a time when the whole people were at a loss, some fans of Xu Mu also started to show off.

That's right, they all wanted to know if there was a real shady scene, would Xu Mu be invited into the bureau for tea.

And the appearance of this comment made many netizens happy.

What kind of true love is this? !

Things fermented for a long time.

However, after the relevant departments intervened in the investigation, they did not find that there was a shady situation in the program.

Immediately, they issued an announcement.

At this time, the "Cooking Competition" program team also issued a statement, stating that there is no shady scene in their program.

Moreover, when they issued the statement, they also put the notice of the relevant departments on it.

In addition, the "Cooking Competition" program team also announced a new rule.

That's right, they are going to randomly select ten lucky viewers from the Internet to become public judges.

Ten viewers will be selected for each episode of the program to ensure the fairness of the program.

As soon as the news came out, coupled with the investigation results of the relevant departments, netizens were immediately stunned.

Is there really no shady?

Because of the inspection notice from the relevant departments and the new rules of the "Cooking Competition" program group.

For a time, many netizens temporarily believed that the show was indeed not shady.

For a time, public opinion turned again.

"I knew that the show was definitely not shady. With Director Xu there, it was definitely a show of conscience."

"Yeah, I knew Xu Mu would never cheat, I trust his cooking skills!"

"Yes, everyone knows who Xu is. He is a Wing Chun master, a consultant to the Criminal Investigation Bureau, a professor of the National Academy of Archaeology, and a world-class football player.

You say, how could he not cook? "

"My dear, the upstairs is just God's words. To be honest, I think what you said is nonsense."


After the investigation results of the relevant departments came out, netizens also came out to support the "Cooking Competition" program and Xu Mu.

No way, that's how people are.

After the reversal of public opinion on the Internet, the attention has not decreased.

So, this shady time is not a bad thing.

Of course, although the investigation results of the relevant departments came out, there are still some hard-mouthed people who don't believe it.

Some people even expressed doubts.

"You say that Xu Mu is very good at cooking, how do I know if it's true?

Although the show is not fake, who knows if the referee deliberately favors Xu Mu?

Moreover, who can guarantee that the selected public judges are not the trust of the program team?

More importantly, what Xu Mu cooks is home-cooked every time.

You say, no matter how delicious a home-cooked dish is, how can it be delicious?

If he has the ability, he can cook a more difficult dish.

Otherwise, I still don't believe in Xu Mu's strength! "

After questioning what netizen Xu Mu said, the others were stunned again.

It seems to be the case!

Three episodes of the show, Xu Mu seems to be cooking home-cooked food.

However, he wins every time.

This is indeed a bit strange.

Of course, although they didn't doubt Xu Mu's cooking skills, it always seemed uncomfortable.

Soon, this news was on the top of the hot search.

The "Cooking Competition" program team also noticed the news and immediately reported it to director Han Yan.

After Han Yan learned about this, he also fell into contemplation.

When it was reported on the Internet that there was a shady scene in their program group, he was not worried at all.

After all, he knows what's going on with his show.

However, it is very strange that some people on the Internet are questioning Xu Mu's question.

He only cooks home cooking.

To be honest, Han Yan hadn't paid attention to this point before.

After all, it's not an important point.

But it's different now. Someone has deliberately magnified this point.

Moreover, this one is also on the hot search now.

You say, can Han Yan not care now?

After thinking for a while, Han Yan took out his mobile phone and called Xu Mu: "Director Xu, are you busy?"

"Okay, what's wrong with Director Han?"

"You should know about the Internet, right?"

"Understood, didn't the relevant departments and programs make a statement? Why hasn't the matter ended yet?"

"Yes, there is a hot search on the Internet now questioning those home-cooked dishes you make.

This is actually nothing, but I think we can use this point to operate a little bit.

Therefore, we still need Director Xu to cooperate with you. "

"You want me to cook something else?"

Xu Mu is so smart, as soon as he heard Han Yan say this, he immediately guessed what the other party meant.

"That's right, Director Xu, as expected of Director Xu, he's really smart!" Han Yan on the other end of the phone said with a very excited smile.

Moreover, the traces of flattery are quite obvious.

"That's fine, I'll think about it."

Xu Mu saw that the director of the show was so proud of himself, and he couldn't let the other party down, right.

Immediately, he agreed without much thought.

After all, it was a small thing for him.

Master cooking, that's no joke.

The reason why he didn't do any big dishes a few times before was because he didn't want to be too troublesome.

Since Han Yan said hello in person this time, Xu Mu must give each other a face.

"Then thank Director Xu!"

"You're welcome, everything should be done."


Hanging up the phone, Han Yan was completely relieved.

Now, just waiting for the fourth episode to start airing.

After Xu Mu hung up the phone, he continued to prepare for the shooting of the new movie.

Now, professionals are reaching out to foreign actors.

Regarding this issue, Xu Mu still has to communicate with the other party at any time.

After all, it's all about the paycheck.

Foreign actors are different from domestic actors, and the remuneration is not good to keep the price down.


November 9th.

The fourth episode of "Cooking Competition" finally started with a lot of attention.

"Good evening, everyone. Welcome to the fourth issue of "Cooking Competition". I am the host Xing Ke."

"Because of some rumors some time ago, our show has been questioned a lot.

Fortunately, after the investigation by the relevant departments, we were given justice.

Of course, in order to let everyone know about our program closely and reflect the fairness of our program, we specially invited ten public judges for this program. "

"Now, let me introduce them to you..."

"Okay, after introducing the judges, let's take a look at who the remaining six masters are..."

"Having said so much, everyone can't wait to see the performances of the chefs.

Then I announce that the game officially begins. "

Following the host Xing Ke's speech, the fourth episode of the show finally started.

After hearing the host's words, the six chefs also went to their seats and got busy.


"Director Han, you may not be able to say it, our ratings have exceeded 6%!"

"What! What did you just say?"

Shortly after the show started, the staff watching the ratings said to Han Yan with a trembling voice.

At this time, Han Yan was also staring at the screen, so he didn't look back for the first time.

However, when he heard that the ratings exceeded 6 points, he was stunned.

Immediately, he slowly turned his head to look at the staff, and his face was full of disbelief.

Even his voice trembled a little.

"Director Han, our show has broken 6 ratings!"

The staff repeated the words just now, and the volume increased a little.

This time, Han Yan heard it clearly.

Immediately, his eyes widened.

Did the ratings break 6?

This time, it broke the highest viewing record?

At this moment, Han Yan was completely stunned!



"Hey, you said, can Xu Mu make the cut this time?"

"That must be possible!"

"By the way, what do you think Director Xu will cook this time, will it still be home-cooked?"

"I don't know, but I'll find out later."

"I don't know if Director Xu is still thinking about what to cook this time. If that's the case, it would be too arrogant!"

"Look, the host Xing Ke is going to interview Xu Mu, and I'll know what Xu Mu is going to cook later!"

At this time, the host Xing Ke swayed to Xu Mu's side.

Xing Ke glanced at Xu Mu, and asked worriedly, "Director Xu, have you decided what to cook this time? Are you still thinking about what to cook?"

"Oh, this time, I figured it out in advance." Xu Mu looked up at Xing Ke and replied with a smile.

After Xing Ke heard Xu Mu's answer, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he finally had a new trick.

"So Director Xu, what are you going to cook this time?" After calming down, Xing Ke asked with great anticipation.

"Well, this time I'm going to be the Four Treasures of Baipa."

"Four Treasures in White? Are you talking about the dish that was uploaded on the Internet?"

"Yes." Xu Mu nodded and admitted.

He had cooked the dish of the Four Treasures in White before at the celebration banquet.

It is also because of this dish that his cooking skills were exposed.

As a result, he was also invited by Han Yan to participate in the show.

When Xu Mu said that he was going to grill the Four Treasures, the eyes of the audience watching the live broadcast also lit up.

Because they also know the relationship between this dish and Xu Mu.

After all, Xu Mu's debut dish in the culinary world was this dish of "Four Treasures".

Moreover, this dish is different from home-cooked dishes, and the method and difficulty are much higher.

The key, it is also a traditional famous dish.

Therefore, this time Xu Mu's cooking level has risen immediately.

In addition, the audience also had other understandings about Xu Mu's choice to make this dish.

"The Four Treasures in White? Isn't that the dish that was first rumored to be Xu Mu's excellent cooking skills?"

"Yeah, it is said that Director Xu cooks this dish even better than a chef in a five-star hotel."

"Good guy, Director Xu won't cook home-cooked food this time?"

"I knew that Director Xu would definitely not let those sunspots on the Internet go. Heizi said that Director Xu would only cook home-cooked food, and now Director Xu immediately slapped him in the face.

As far as I know, White Grilled Four Treasures is a famous dish with high difficulty.

Most people don't say it, they just haven't heard it. "

"Amazing my Director Xu!"


After Xu Mu said what to do next, the audience was immediately excited.

After all, Heizi said not long ago that Xu Mu would only cook home-cooked food, and there must be a shady scene in the show.

Now, Xu Mu is about to prepare for the slap in the face. UU reading www.

You say, can they not be excited?

At the same time, Han Yan in the studio was also excited after hearing Xu Mu's words.

After all, Xu Mu didn't cook home-cooked dishes for his own sake.

Moreover, there is another reason why Han Yan is excited, and that is the ratings.

Because, he found that the ratings continued to rise after Xu Mu said what he was going to do.

That is to say, now his program is constantly creating new viewing records.

You say, can he not be excited?

To create a new clean-up record, something that was unthinkable before, has now actually happened.

The key is that the record is still being set.

More importantly, this is the fourth episode of the show!

If it's the last episode, God knows how high the ratings will be!

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