The Whole World Fell into an Era of Beasts

Chapter 21: , Dangerous species!

   didn't get into the car either.

   Li Song finally let his neighbor Zhou Dan lead him there.

   Someone had a car, and it happened to be on the way, so I took him for a while.

   Along the way, Li Song kept staring at the car's central control panel in a daze.

   Zhou Dan asked: "What's wrong?"

   She is also weird, this central control screen is so beautiful?

   "Why don't you turn on autopilot?"

   Li Song said calmly: "It's rare to drive manually like you now."

   Li Song is right. Autonomous driving has been put into use in Bluestar for more than ten years. It is stable and convenient. The incidence of traffic accidents is much less. Almost every car has installations. People like Zhou Dan are indeed rare.

"do not you know?"

Zhou Dan looked like a primitive man: "Last month, the Chida autopilot system had a problem. There were several consecutive car accidents. One of the deceased was the son of the boss of the Ninghui Group. I've been on hot searches several times."

   "At that time, Ning Hui had already taken Chida to court, and he was in a state of exhaustion."

   "But I heard from colleagues in the bureau that this matter seems to be man-made... They have been investigating, and they seem to have some eyebrows..."

   Li Song turned his head silently and looked at the wasteful waiting outside the window.

   The car drove very steadily, at the same speed as Li Song ran over-if it weren't too fast, it was a bit shocking, he would really be ready to run past.

   got out of the car.

   After saying goodbye to Zhou Dan, Li Song only looked at the building in front of him.

This was an abandoned pig farm before. It was obviously renovated recently, but the effect is very limited. Even the sign above the farm has not had time to be replaced, with the words "Shanghai Fifth Pig Farm". .

   At this time, people are coming and going. Obviously, there are still few people like Li Song who hold the so-called elite and Ningquewu ideas.

   Everyone only knows how many people are and how powerful they are. Besides, even if you don’t adopt them, it’s good to come over and watch the excitement.

  A creature like this can only be seen in sci-fi movies before, where is it so real as it looks now.

When    approached, Li Song discovered that in front of the red door, there was a small sign with black lettering on a white background: [Wandering Yu Beast Rescue Agency].

A man sitting upright was responsible for registration. His eyes were sharp, and his eagle-like eyes swept over everyone. Li Song's heart moved slightly. This person is obviously not a new person. Although he can't see the level, he must not be 1. level.

   After registering honestly, Li Song walked inside.

   Up to now, all the factories have basically been put into use. Li Song saw that many people were busy, but their stature was stiff and windy.

   No one entertained.

   The entire factory has absorbed all the stray beasts from Shanghai, and the number is extremely large. Although the number has not been announced, it is expected to be no less than a few thousand, and no one can free up.

   Which Royal Beast do you like, just go ahead and register.

   is just a free gift.

   Of course, the premise is that you have no criminal record and can guarantee the breeding, and more importantly, whether Yu Beast is willing to go with you.

   To put it plainly, Yu Beast is not like a cat or dog. They have a certain degree of wisdom, not that you can take them away directly if you hold them up. If you don't want them, even if you force them back, it will be useless.

   After all, it is necessary to sign a contract.

   Entering the factory area, although the outside has not changed, the inside has been remodeled. The previous pigsty was divided into separate rooms with some mattresses and the like. There are basically four or five different beasts in a room, all in the juvenile stage, and they all look cute.

   has attracted many girls with love, and they can’t wait to take one home directly.

   Li Song looked over the rooms one by one, and he did see a lot of good seedlings.

   For example, in the room he saw right now, a gray kitten was tumbling lively on the mattress, looking very cute.

   But Li Song knew that after this [Thousand Shadow Leopards] grew up, the strength was almost the strongest batch below the lord level. The speed was extremely fast, the number was small, and there were hardly many groups, which was very difficult to tame.

   is similar to a unicorn, with better qualifications and a little luck, it is not too difficult to become a lord.

   But Li Song just take a look, he doesn’t lack a quick attacker now, he just wants to find someone who can cook with long hands...

   Moreover, these thousand shadow leopards are also extremely popular, and it is estimated that they will be taken away soon.

   There were already many people squatting inside to play with them.

   then looked down.

He did see a lot of precious beasts along the way, but unfortunately many people don’t know the goods, and the [Monster Illustrated Book] can only identify races. As for potential, future strength, and race rarity, they are all different. to show.

The first factory area was quickly finished. Among them, the most qualified one was a [Big-Eyed Dragon], with some thin dragon blood in its body, and the one-eyed one could radiate strong thought pressure after maturity, which is almost certain Can grow to the lord level.

However, it looks ugly, but it is still very popular. Most of them are men. After all, there is a "dragon" in the name. No matter how ugly this kind of beast looks, there are a lot of people who are willing to tame it, even as Own trump card.


   And this time.

  In the third factory area, in a separate room.

   An extremely strange-looking eight-legged spider is lying in the corner, about the size of a mill: it has eight slender legs, but these legs are not made of flesh and blood, but more like steel machinery;

   The whole body is shabby grayish yellow, but there is a silver baffle on the chest, just like the electric rear cabin of an airplane;

   There are some silver stone-sized spots around the body, printed on the body, the whole looks like a combination of machinery and flesh and blood;

   On the basketball-sized head, there were compound eyes, flashing with mechanical red light spots, and the mouthparts opened, and the small steel teeth were densely arranged, enough to shred all flesh and blood.

   On the whole, it looks like a war weapon full of steampunkism.

At this time, the red light in its eyes kept flashing, looking at the humans surrounding the transparent glass, a low hissing from the mouthparts, and a thin burst of black smoke from the small holes on the top of the head, revealing pungent gunpowder. odor.

   seems to attack at any time.

   It's just that its condition at this time is really not good. The eight mechanical legs seem to be rusted, with yellow rust printed on them. There were also several potholes in his body, but it was not blood that flowed out, but a black viscous liquid, like motor oil.

   There are also a few flickers and dimness in the compound eyes.

   was extremely weak and looked extremely miserable.

   Someone wanted to enter the factory like the previous factory, but they were directly blocked.

   On the wall next to it, there is a warning in big red letters

   "Dangerous species, please stay away!!!"

   The exclamation mark was also specifically sketched to make it look more dangerous.

   "What kind of beast is this?"

   "Why can't the monster illustration book be identified?"

   At this time, many people around have used the monster illustration book for identification, but on their system panel, they all displayed this:

  Monster:? ? ? ? (Insect five?)

   Level:? ? ? ?

   [This may be the first new species born in the world, it cannot be identified]

   "Five Worms?"

   "Why is there such a name for the Royal Beast race?"

   "This is too weird, right?"

  Although they said that, no one left here. On the contrary, more people surrounded them. After all, the temptation of a new species is too great!

   This is equivalent to a limited edition in a supercar, and it is even more difficult to give up.

   Someone couldn't bear to say: "Why did it hurt so badly? No one helped him treat it?"

   "If you let it go like this, you will die sooner or later, right?"

   "Who knows?"

   one person replied: "Did you not see that this house is not even cleaned up? There is not even a rice bowl."

   "I guess this monster is hurting people!"

   "Maybe it was placed here to make it die!"

  As soon as this remark came out, many people's eyes changed.

   looked at the monster's eyes more indifferently.

   "If that's the case, it really deserves it."

   "You see it still called!"

   "It seems to understand us?"

   "No way? How can there be such a high IQ!"

   and not far away.

   The two people are looking over there.

   "Atang, is this useful?"

   The middle-aged man looked at his nephew and asked helplessly: "This imperial beast is a dangerous species and is extremely aggressive. Haven't you already tamed a dragon?"

   "Uncle, don't worry."

   The young man named Atang said, "You may not believe it, my earth dragon dare not attack this monster at all!"

"how can that be?"

   The middle-aged man frowned: "When this earth dragon was here before, it was very majestic, and few dared to provoke it."

   Atang said helplessly: "This is the fact."

When he initially summoned this unidentifiable monster, he was ecstatic in his heart. Even people who have never gone to school should understand that when a thing is rare to a certain ~ Its price is absolutely expensive.

   When converted to species, it also represents powerful!

   But he didn't expect it at all. After working hard for several days, the monster still ignored him.

   There was no way, he took advantage of his uncle's relationship to settle the relationship with this earth dragon in advance, and finally successfully signed the contract.

   I originally thought that since the soft is not good, then the hard one, but when the majestic earth dragon saw the monster, it looked like a big golden retriever, and he didn't dare to breathe his breath!

   In the end, he cut off the worm's food. After he was hungry for a day, he found a few friends and beat the worm into serious injuries under six pairs, but even so, he still failed to sign the contract.

   He simply sent it here.

   and told my uncle that there was no food and water, so everyone was watching.

   The middle-aged man said: "Then you are useless like this."

   Atang smiled: "Have you heard of boiled eagles? I am boiled eagles now!"

   "It's cut off its food and water, it still has injuries on its body, and sooner or later it will not be able to hold it."

   "Moreover, this monster has a high IQ, so that so many people are watching every day, the dignity and arrogance in its heart will sooner or later disappear. I will tame it at this time, it will definitely be twice the result with half the effort!"

   The middle-aged man is still not optimistic, after all, Yu Beast is not an eagle.

   He shook his head: "What if he still doesn't give in?"

   "Then kill it."

   Atang had been prepared for a long time, and smiled coldly: "When the time comes, I will do it, maybe I can earn some experience."

   "This kind of monster that is difficult to sign a contract is a scourge to live."

   The middle-aged man nodded: "Also."

   And at this moment.

   At the gate of the three districts, a young man Shi Shiran walked in.


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