Brude was listening while thinking about chewing on my story.

He seemed convinced about the basics.

However, it seems certain that there is still a little bit of bone grasping, and I will mention it.

"Do you understand why we have to put these kids in college and have them learn here?

"Yes, or it will be a big deal. So....."

"That's what it is. But you're not convinced yet. Because it's about your brother. Isn't it?

"... yes"

After all, it seemed to him that his brother had fallen into trouble.

You must be a good brother.

However, from such a brother, there is still something that is not convincing to my brother's failure.

I'll talk about this.

"I know how you feel. But I want you to remember what I just said."


"Yes, about the stability of general class sorcerers. That's why training in a calm environment will grow in the early years."


"I mean, it's time for your brother not to go to college yet, but to train at his parents' house. Sure, I was able to use a lot of magic, but I'd better stretch it a little more at home. That sort of thing."

"Should I study at home rather than at college?

"That's right. Of course, I've fallen off this exam because I didn't meet the acceptance criteria, but as far as I can see, your brother is still growing. And I think it's better to train at home. That's why falling this time won't be negative."


"Yes. And next year, with enough strength, enrollment in the Academy should open the way for the future... That said, if you don't meet the pass mark at all, you'll have to drop it next year... Is your brother a child who won't make any effort for a year?

I know that this would be a way to sell a little fight.

However, Brude is not the type of person who gets depressed in this way, and because of his trust in his brother, it led to something like this.

So I was sure it would be okay.

In fact, Brood,

"No, my brother will do his best. And next year, I'm better at magic than I am this year!

That's what I said.

In response to that,

"I'm relieved to hear that. Then you'll be senpai next year. Keep up the good work so that you can be such a senpai as to keep your breasts up for your brother."


The expression of Brood nodded and said so, and there was no more darkness or discontent.

This will be all right.

I thought so.

In fact, after the practical class, Brood went to the Special Magic Holders and apologized honestly with his head down.

I was wrong.

I said I'm sorry I hit eight.

It would be good if this ended the relationship between students.

It's just...

"There's still one thing I have to do."

"... what do you think of that?

In the reception room given to the junior department manager, I asked a couple of aristocrats sitting on the sofa in a relaxed tone.

I blurred my personal name and conveyed the problem.

In my words, one of the couple, the husband,

"Yes, no... well, it's between the kids, and I'm just admiring Mrs. Farrence's remarkable success..."

That's what I said.

"That's it. I am very pleased to receive your compliments. But... I heard a bit of trouble. Thank you. The beginning of this problem seemed to be when one of the students said to the student in question that the special magician class had been cheated."

"That's... that. It's a big problem. Special Magic Holders are dangerous if they are not secured and educated as soon as found. We should continue to secure the strength for the future....."

One of the others said so.

I strongly agree with this,

"Absolutely! Again, parents should have a deep understanding of my thoughts and that of the dean. However, I don't think so, but there's no one here who breathed this dialogue into the child... right? Of course, I'm sure there's no one who dares to breathe such a strange idea into a child who doesn't know anything. Of course, I don't think this will ever happen again."

I was satisfied to see everyone in the room shook their necks vertically like a toy.

"... then I don't mind. However, I hope you understand that if something like this happens in the future, I will have to deal with the boulder. Children are not guilty. I'm still five or six years old. You can change your mind as much as you want. Therefore, in such cases, the parent will be more responsible. Can you remember that?

As if it were a death sentence, the toys once again shook their necks vertically as if they were sweating cold.

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