The wife of the villains, returning to death to change her mind.

Lesson 119 Circumstances surrounding the Holy Maiden

The day after I finished my work at the Adventurer's Union, I was lecturing in the lecture room of St. Ark's College, the sorcerer's educational institution in the Holy Land.

"... so until now, people who have magic power but have no attributes but are considered incompetent are more likely to have another power." Do you have any questions so far? ”

I don't want people to think that I'm a duchess who comes from another country and has an intimidating personality.

Besides, since you have borne the country for a while, you need to go home with a good impression.

I don't have any problems, but there are noble daughters who marry in this holy country.

I'm sorry to hear that Istward's noble daughters are only of high moral character and have such a reputation.

I was in a position to represent the lady of the country, and if I did something bad, I could end up doing that, so I needed to pay close attention to that area.

Well, even so, there was a limit.

I was going to do my best not to overdo it.

In front of my eyes, the attributes of those sitting in the lecture room and those standing up from their seats were quite varied, and they were not simply the students of St. Ark College.

Of course, the professors of the college, in addition to the church officials and their apprentices, there are also other ordinary people and the like.

As a result, there were quite a few people in the less spacious lecture room, and I wanted to hold my head and wonder if there was a bigger room.

According to what Simon, the dean of the college, had told me in advance, there were not many listeners, but this was a different story.

Is it because you gathered people and worked hard after that, as you declared in the Dean's office?

If so, I thought I'd have to thank you.

Looking at the situation of the people who gathered in the lecture room while thinking about such things, there were people who raised their hands slightly, so I named them in turn and answered the question.

Most of the questions were only asked in the early days of Istvor, and I was able to answer them with ease because I answered them many times.

However, I was a little puzzled about the last question I asked.

"... um, you..."

My name is Anna Reiglaf.

There was no other girl but Sylvie's daughter, who was said to be the next Saintess.

It was surprising that she was here to listen to this lecture.

Sylvie wasn't as bad as I thought she was, but I didn't think she was going to let me listen to my lectures anyway.

That's why I thought it was necessary to think about how to make contact...

Anyway, first of all, it's a question.

Well, Anna, let me ask you a question.

"... yes. Um... you know that there is a Saintess in this country, in the Holy Land, right?"

"Of course. Is that...?"

"The Duchess of Farrens is an expert on special attribute magic, but do you think that the power of the Holy Maiden... has anything to do with special attribute magic?"

Of course, I am surprised at this question.

However, the content itself is what I had in mind.

I came here because I wanted to look into it in the first place.

That's exactly what Anna is talking about, and if you can get her permission, I'd like you to look into it right away... but I don't think that's possible.

Besides, isn't it bad for Anna to hear this in the first place?

Thinking so, I saw the reaction of the people in the lecture room, but it was not so unexpected.

However, I think it would be a little bad to say that there is a clear relationship here.

In this Holy Nation, the Holy Maiden is very special.

Because it is the symbolic existence of the country, and its source is only the power of [Purification] that they are supposed to have.

However, I didn't think it was good to say that it was completely irrelevant, or to say that it didn't attract Anna's interest.

So, even though I think it's a little vague, I say.

"... I've never seen the power of the Holy Maiden with my own eyes, so I can't say anything about it." I've heard about it in the literature and stories... If you have heard this lecture, you will understand that special attribute magic is a very wide attribute... If you say it without fear of misunderstanding, any kind of power is possible. In that sense, it is difficult to say that no one possesses the special attribute magic power similar to [Purification]. "

I know it is a subtle way of saying things like something caught in the back teeth.

However, it was a bad idea to affirm it here anymore.

In my words, Anna had a face that seemed to hear something more, but soon after, other people,

"Well, if you can do anything... can you imagine that the [Basijk of Mind Power], which is described in the [Holy Book of Guidance] as being able to change the weight of an object freely, also possessed special attribute magic power?"

Asked, I thought it was a good time to stagger, so I got on with it.

"Yeah, about that..."

Now Anna seemed to have given up asking more questions, bowed her head lightly and sat down.

I was relieved to think that I managed to get through this situation.


"... well, I mean, those people who came to that lecture, they're all positive about what you think."

After the lecture, Simon, the dean of St. Ark College, was called to the dean's office.

That's what he told me after he checked that there were no people around.

"So, even if Anna said something like that at that moment, it wasn't particularly funny?"

"That's how it is." As you know, the existence of a saintly woman is equal to God in this country. Well, it's not actually a god, but there are a lot of people who treat it that way. "

"Yeah... that's why they say it's a problem to doubt its power."

"That's right, I'm not allowed to point out that it's just magic." In fact, the person who feels it is magic..... "

"I know that, too." But that's not a good way to make it clear in a public place. "

"Yes, so there was someone who asked good questions to avoid asking further questions."

"... I see, that's yours?"

"Oh, that's right." I knew your lecture was going to ripple right into this country. It was helpful to prepare that it would be better to include that kind of thing as well. "

"I'm convinced... but talking like that, Simon." Do you want to understand that the power of the Sage is sorcery? "

This time, I heard that the client who asked me to investigate whether Anna's power was special attribute magic power was Simon.

Simon answers this question by saying:

Well, I'm a researcher, too.

I said that and nodded, but I don't know whether it is the client or not.

Researcher, it's kind of like fighting for a living.

In fact, in the future, he would be the head of the Order of the Holy Knight.

Right now, I'm the dean of this St. Ark Academy, but in the first place, I'm supposed to be the person on your side.

Simon smiled bitterly at my words,

"Well, I certainly don't like rough times... but you know what I mean?"

It's unusual to not know when you see that body size.

In fact, Simon's body shape is musculoskeletal, and I don't even feel like I know why he's doing it.

"I know what you're trying to say, but... it wouldn't be strange if there were such a guy."

"That's true." There are also professors at Istward's college. "

Then don't doubt it.

"That's right..."

Because I know the future, I can't help but look at it that way.

However, it is unexpectedly known at the moment that there are many parts of the future that have not been determined, so I felt that this view may not be good.

From now on, I want to incorporate a little more unbiased gaze.

But there are still things that are bothering me.

“Is it really just curiosity as a researcher that makes you wonder what the power of the saint is?”

Simon said that, but I felt suspicious about it.

If that's all, it didn't seem necessary to narrow down the human attributes that come to that lecture.

I don't want to let those who hold the Holy Maiden in holiness hear the story of special attribute magic power as much as possible.

I feel that intention.

Isn't it possible to say that so many people were full, and that even if they were asked to do more, they would not be able to enter?

That's what I thought.

Simon laughed at me like that,

"You're sharp inside, aren't you?" After all, does the lady sing? "

I'll tell you that.

"Simon, you..."

"That's right, I'm not just saying it out of curiosity." I don't think the situation at the top of this country is very good. "

That was a rather problematic statement.

I was surprised,

"... can I have that conversation with you? Besides, in this place. I don't know who's listening.”

That's what I said.

Indeed, this is the dean's office, and we may have confirmed that there are no sign of anyone.

But I figured there'd be a way to listen.

But Simon said it.

"There is a bug-proof and soundproof magic tool in the next room." You don't seem to be able to detect it easily, do you? That's about the size of him. That's why it's okay. "

"... it's true."

I was told that when I sensed the magic power emitted by the surrounding area very carefully, there was indeed a sign of a magic tool running in the next room.

It must have been made by quite a magical artisan.

I couldn't sense its existence either.

I'm not a panacea either, so that's what happens.

If it was something that would harm me, I would have noticed it immediately, even if it was a magic tool with such high secrecy, but that's not the case...

I remembered that I should train my Detection System a little more.

Because even if there is no direct harm, it can be cut off from the outside world.

"After all, I still have a long way to go..."

"Well, let's keep talking..."

"So? You really think it's better if the saintly maiden isn't up there...?"

"I don't know if you mean it or not. In the first place, if you look at other countries, that distortion is obvious, right? The Head of State can do it alone. Otherwise, what should I do if my opinion is broken as to which way to go?"

"...... aren't we going to have a discussion about that?"

I think it's something that's not in your mind, while I'm saying it.

The Pope and the Holy Maiden face each other in the same direction.

In fact, in the future, it was shown externally as such.

But reality is different.

Looking back at history, the Pope and the Holy Maiden have broken down their opinions many times.

In such a case, a power struggle is waged, and those who are defeated are replaced.

We're going to be dragged down.

However, such a situation would not be very good for the country as a whole.

The Holy Nation is the epicenter of the Church, and the Church is a religious organization that has its roots all over the world. Therefore, even if organizations within the Holy Nation struggle in this way, other countries will not do much, but originally, if it is in such a situation of civil unrest, even if it is attacked by other countries, I cannot complain.

I mean, we've only been lucky.

That's what Simon meant.

In fact, Simon shook his head to the side of my words,

"You can't talk about it." I wouldn't fight in the first place if I could. "

"I'm not fighting right now, so isn't that okay?"

"Do you really think I'm not fighting?"

"... you're wrong."

I don't think the Holy Nation has been particularly aggressive this time of year.

At least that's what it looked like before.

But from Simon's eyes, I couldn't say that.

Simon answers my nod.

“No, I'm rather struggling.”

Why on earth?

"It's about the saintly woman."

"Saintess... what's wrong with you?" Simon, does that mean that your very existence is a problem for the country? "

"In a sense... what is the role of the Holy Maiden?"

"That would... cleanse the land called the [Sanctuary]." with that power..... "

“Yes, but do you know that its power is actually shady year after year?”

Simon was surprised at this dialogue.

Because it was a story I had never heard before and I have never heard of.

Is it true?

"I don't know if it's true." Until now... perhaps, with the power of the saints until three generations ago, it would have been enough to purify the sanctuary approximately once every ten years. "

"... is that so? But I remember hearing that the Holy Lady has been traveling around the country ever since then..."

Historically, saints have traveled basically around the country.

And the sanctuary, and the rest of the land, wielded its purifying power.

Purification, if used in the sanctuary, exerts a special effect that can pay off the stagnation of the land, but when used in a normal place, it exerts effects such as paying off the air that is the seed of disease and healing wounds that do not normally heal.

Therefore, there is a history that the saint maiden has always been busy traveling around various lands.

"Sure, that's true." However, in the past, they used to travel more around cities, towns, and villages than around sanctuaries. Not now. I'm going around the sanctuary more often. "


"It's easy to guess, isn't it? Because the power of the Holy Maiden is diminishing."

"Logically, that's all I can think of, but why?" Why would you do that? "

"That's it. I won't struggle if I know that." You can drag the Holy Maiden down and make the head of this country the only one under the Pope. I don't want to tell the saintly lady to disappear. We need to cleanse the sanctuary. It is troublesome if you are not there. However, we should already take away the power to talk about the country. Although it is rarely exercised, it is. "

"On that pretext, I want to prove that the power of the Holy Maiden is diminished."

"Yes, and I'm not the only one who thinks so." Half of the cardinals are the same. "

If I'm told this far, I know it already.

"In other words, this time I was called to this country..."

"Well, there's a camp that should be called the Episcopalians, including me." How about that, can you do it? "

"What exactly are you doing?"

I asked for confirmation.

Simon answers this.

"First of all, I want you to prove that Anna, the daughter of Saintess Silvi, does not have the power of a Saintess." There is no need to publish it separately. That's a terrible story. "

Unexpectedly, I cared about Anna when I was trying to fight for power.

Is that all right?

Of course, I don't even want to treat a child like that as a pawn, so it's better that way, but I was wondering because I understood that I could win a power struggle by treating everything as a pawn.

Simon nodded to my question,

"Yeah. I'm the dean of this college, too." It is not my intention to cast too dark a shadow on the future of my students. "

"... as an educator?"

"Yes, I don't mind if you don't believe me."

"Well, I don't care which one." I don't think it's a good idea to involve the child too much, so it's better. ”

But you're willing to prove to Anna that she has no power over the Holy Maiden, right?

"I see... strictly speaking, what I'm going to do is prove that Anna has special attribute magic power." If so, I don't think the power of the Holy Maiden is inhabited... but it's actually a difficult story. "

What's that?

Have you heard the lecture outline?

Yeah, that's a bit of a mess.

"I think you'll understand, but if you affirm Anna's last question, the power of the Holy Maiden will also be a special attribute magic power." In other words, there is special attribute magic power. Equal, Anna doesn't have the power of a goddess. "

"Well, that's what happens." However, from the perspective of the saints, the fact that Anna has special attribute magic power should only mean that she has no power... but that the power of the saints is not magic. So, you'll need to do well around here, but you don't have to worry about it. "

Well then, all I have to do is prove that Anna has special attribute magic power.

That's right.

"But in order to do that, I have to get along with her first..."

"I know. If we don't have contact, we won't even be able to let them inspect us." But in that lecture, Anna was interested in you. "

"That's why I don't know if you'll come near me." There are a lot of children who want to ask the professor, but they are troublesome, so they don't know. You know that, don't you? "

This is a story that can be understood as an educator by a person with experience in teaching.

Simon nodded bitterly.

"I've had experience with that too... okay, got it." Somehow we'll make contact... so you can get along better. And after that, I'll leave it to you, okay? "

"Yeah, it's easy to find out."

It wasn't easy, and I needed a special magic tool.

However, in my case, if you use appraisal magic to find out whether there is special attribute magic power, you can also find out what kind of special attribute magic power it is.

If you want to know in detail, there is no way you can do it without your consent, so you need to reduce the sense of distance here.

Also, I can understand them if I use magic, but Simon is looking for [Proof].

Now that I know about it by magic, it doesn't become [Proof].

Therefore, you must submit the results by examining with a well-recognized magic tool, and in order to apply it, you must become friendly with the person and investigate based on your consent.

The magic tool itself is much smaller than the one I used in Istvor in the early days, and it can be brought to this country, so there is no problem.

Well, even if I said it was miniaturized, it wasn't something that I could still carry lightly with my hand.

"Alright, I'll take care of it, Elaine." I'll contact you later to find out how to make contact. "

"Yeah, I got it."


"Um... you're Anna?"

When I suddenly raised my face, there was an unknown face.

However, I remember being introduced the other day.

They are international students from the neighboring kingdom of Istward.

Among them, a boy with silver hair...... indeed, his name was Sieghardt Farrens...... but I suddenly spoke to Anna, and he tilted his head and said, "What's the matter?"

"Oh, I'm sorry all of a sudden."

No, but what?

"That's right, it's for a reason... look, just now, there was a briefing session on labyrinth exploration training, right?"

Sieghardt was talking about the class described earlier by the professor.

It is called "Labyrinth Exploration Practice", and it is obligatory for all students of this St. Ark College to do it.

However, since there is danger, it is said that the strength has been accumulated. However, this year, it was explained that it was decided to do it for relatively young people.

I was surprised, but I was a little excited for me because I was told that the safety was well ensured because a solid and capable teacher could help me, and that it would be a good experience for students who could use magic.

But what's wrong with that?

If you haven't grasped the situation yet, you should have told me that of the three overseas students, there was only one girl... Irina...

The Labyrinth Exploration Practice was meant to be a group of four students, right?

Um, yeah.

"There were three of us, so I was talking to the professor about what to do with the other one... so, Anna-san, I was thinking maybe you should do it."

Huh, why?

"It seems that all the other students have already decided on a team..."

"Really? Oh... I guess that's because I wasn't brought to the academy by my mothers until the other day...?"

When I was told, I thought of a reason.

It would have been decided in the absence of me.

I felt a little lonely.

I had quite a few close friends, and if I were to team up with them, they would be.

But I also know that we can't add people who aren't there, and people who aren't sure when they're coming back, to those teams.

That's why I thought I was shattered.

It was just right there, and the international students came and there was enough room for one person.

That's what ships are all about, isn't it?

When I think about it, I nod to the international students.

"Well, if that's the case, yeah." I'd be glad if you put me in everyone's team. "

"Really? I'm glad... I was worried you'd turn me down." Ah, it's Sieghardt. So, this way... "

"I'm Irina. The last one....."

“It's Brood. Of these three, I'm the most common-sense person, so if you have any concerns, just let me know and I'll be fine.”

"Hey, Brood, you..."

"Oh, my God, Zeke. I know it's true."

Irina smiled and said to the two people who suddenly started to argue, as I was making my eyes black and white.

"... why is it so early for a boy to quarrel like this?" It's strange, isn't it? "

"I don't have many boyfriends..."

"Oh, is that so?" Even though it's so cute

”I'm not that cute... I'm not as pretty as Irina...”

"It's not like that." Anna has a mysterious atmosphere. I'm kind of scared that the boys have a great sense of intimidation..... "

Huh? Irina-san, I don't think that's kind of you.

"Isn't that right? Hmm..."

What's the matter?

Um, I just wanted to ask you a favor.


"I want you to call me Irina." I'll call you Anna, too. "

"Huh!? But..."

I just got to know you, but I thought it was okay.

However, Irina came to a great distance,

What, Anna's afraid of me, too?

I've been saying, so I thought I couldn't cut it off by the boulder,

”No, that's not true... Irina”

"Ah, you called me!"... good. See you, Irina. I'll take care of you from now on.

"Um, yeah..."

When I was talking like that, the two boys got into a fight.

"Ah, what, are you getting along now?" It's too early for a girl like that... "

"Anna, you can abandon us." I'm talking about Zeke, I'm talking about Brood. "

"... is that okay?"

When I asked, Irina, not the two of us, answered.

"Fine. I'm doing the same."

This brings Brood,

"Why would Irina answer that...?"

and tilted her neck, but as Irina turned her gaze, she began to whistle in an unexpected direction.

I see, I'm convinced that this is what it's like to feel so intimidated that you're scared.

Then I nodded,

"All right, Zeke, Brood."

"Oh, that's not bad." I'm not used to it.

"You don't have to get used to it right away." We're going to the labyrinth together. "

"That's true, too..."

While listening to Siegfried and Brood, I thought it would be nice.

Suddenly, I had more friends, and it felt strange.

Besides, diving into a labyrinth.

However, the anxiety I was feeling at this point became a little lighter.

I felt that way.

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