Labyrinth Exploration Training will continue for a while to come.

However, it is not good to pack too many roots in one practice session.

In the first place, let the children who are only seven or eight years old exchange their lives.

It was definitely quite a burden to think about, and I should have done it the first time by looking at the labyrinth a little bit.

I went to battle with the monsters because Sieg and the others had a lot of extra time, and the other students were pulling out pretty early.

Actually, there were some other teams nearby at first.

However, everyone was frightened and the leading faculty decided that it was no longer possible and pulled off.

The Siegs, who have been spending so much time exploring, are quite anomalous.

But that's the end of it.

"Come on, guys. It's time to go back." It's about time. "

When I say that, Zeke,

"Huh, that's enough already? But I haven't found the next monster yet...."

That's what I said, and I went on to say that Brood,

"That's right. I'm looking for Anna, so I'm just a little more..."

I'll tell you.

"Well, I heard them talking about it..."

“No, we'll have the next lesson, won't we? It's not acceptable to fall asleep in an exhausted state. Anyway, Anna, you're here on behalf of Istvor."


And, unusually, Zeke has been trying to solicit, but Anna,

"I'm fine, let's go back."

I'll tell you.

This is Zeke.

"... is that okay?"

Anna nodded and replied as she asked.

"Yes. It was a pity I wasn't very active in the battle just now... but this isn't my last exploration." Isn't that right? "

The last question was addressed to me, so I nodded and answered.

“Yes, of course, because this party will be fixed for a while. The Istvorians won't be able to stay in this country forever, but in the meantime."

After that, I will consult with Simon, the dean of the college.

I had an unexpected problem with which team Anna was being integrated.

Because there are many changes in how she is treated in the future.

Now it is regarded as the next Saintess, but it was a mistake. What position would it be in if it became?

I still don't know that.

However, as much as possible, I would like to be able to show Anna a good option.

As a teacher and a parent, I don't want her to walk the dark path.

I feel that there is a contradiction in what she is doing for that reason, but if she did not have the power as a Saintess, she would also be involved in the management of the Sanctuary , so I cannot give up on this.

However, at the previous time, the Holy Nation seemed to be able to manage the [Sanctuary] without bending over... Did something happen that I didn't know existed?

Well, there are plenty of stories that I couldn't have known, even though I used all my power to gather information from all over the world.

It is not strange to think of the interior of the Holy Land as one of them.

Especially since it is the greatest secret of the Holy Nation for the details of the Holy Maiden.

It was strange that I was involved in so many things this time.

Anyway, after hearing Anna's words, Zeke seemed to be convinced at the end.

"... All right, if Anna says so." Dr. Elaine, that's why you can come back. "

That's what I said.


If there is one strange thing, I think it can be said that many things overlap.

When I think about myself, the first wonder is that time has gone back, but the various events that followed are also very strange.

Perhaps the biggest of these was the acquaintance with the Dragon Man Clan.

I remember that I was ten years old, but it has been time since then, so I can grow up even more now.

However, since the body as a dragon was composed of magic power, the size might not change.

I've been thinking about it a few times in Istward,

"... I can't believe we're meeting in this place."

In front of me was a black-haired, black-eyed boy who looked familiar.

What I'm wearing is an unexpectedly St. Ark College uniform.

This boy's name is Jill.

The real name will be longer, but it is only named because the Dragon Man Clan's sobriety or because they do not want humans to know its origins very much.

"... I was also surprised. Why are you here, Elaine?"

That doesn't mean you came here after me anyway.

"That's right. However, I suddenly felt [Dragon Qi] nearby." If I got a little closer, you'd be here. "

"It's not like I'm flying from somewhere nearby... right?" I'm wearing this college uniform. "

The dragon's senses are said to be very messy.

And the Dragon Man tribe that inherits that characteristic is also said to be the same, which is why it is possible that people nearby are talking about something that I came to meet because I happened to find when I was flying in the sky of a neighbouring country.

But in response to my question with that meaning, Jill shook her head to the side,

"I can't tell you how much it costs me... but this time it's different." If that's the case, then you're right and you can't explain why you're wearing a uniform. "

I turned around and showed them my uniform.

It's basically a pair of lacquered trousers, a shirt, and a black robe worn by a magician.

Both eyes and hair look good on Jill, who has a darker color than dark.

However, my age... hasn't changed since then.

Naturally, he is now in the shape of a human, but he is still about ten years old...... He only looked a little older than Zeke.

The Demon race is said to have a very long lifespan, but is that the cause?

"Anyway, that's all right now..."

"Sure is." Can I ask you something? Why are you in this holy country in such a uniform? "

"You don't mind if I tell you that I'm with you." But I will not be allowed to tell the people of the Holy Land about my existence. "

That's how Jill pierced me with a nail.

To put it simply, the Holy Nation has the idea of excluding the demon race, including the dragon race, as the enemy of humanity.

In other words, if we find out that Jill is here, it's not strange that he's attacking the country.

I wonder if I should praise Jill for her kindness as she jumps into such a place.

Well, when he took the human figure compared to other demons, he was almost indistinguishable from a Puppet like us.

Other than what it looked like... the amount of magic power, physical abilities, and so on were clearly different, but the concealment seemed to be almost perfect.

From my point of view, I can feel that I have quite a lot of magic power... but this is the future of the past, where I've spent decades mastering such technology. Well, I have that kind of experience, so it's impossible for a normal magician.

Even a mighty sorcerer with experience would be tough.

It may be possible to become a Curaine, but this country is sometimes populist and there should be no ancient nobility.

That's why I don't think it's a problem.

Thinking about it, I tell Jill.

"I have nothing to gain by telling the Holy Nation of your existence." Don't worry, I won't tell you. "

"... yes. You are the one who understands the story after all"

"Really? I'll take it as a compliment." So, why are you here? ”

"It's easy. I'm here to find my brothers and sisters... No, they were my brothers and sisters."


My countrymen are of the same race.

In other words, he was a demon.

No way, the Dragon Man Clan?

"That's pretty bad first..."

After all, I was involved in a battle with Jill and the Azure Dragon before, but if I exerted enough power in the city, I could easily destroy one city at a time.

I don't have that kind of feelings in the Holy Land, so I can't say that it's okay to flee to my own country at worst, but I know that it will collapse into boulders, so it's bad to leave and go home.

Jill smiled bitterly as she noticed my gaze.

"It's good to be relieved. I'm not a Dragon Man. It's just a black demon."

"I'm just saying... but you're a very powerful race, aren't you?"

"Oh, you know that well, don't you? There shouldn't be much contact with the Pu people....."

In fact, at the moment, I don't ask many names of black demons among the demon race that I have been in contact with.

The reason for this is simple, because they are very careful on top of their superior position in the demon kingdom.

The point is, don't go to another country and do anything stupid that would put you at risk.

"And yet..."

I tell Jill.

“I've read about it in the literature. It looked like... a species with bat-like feathers on its black complexion."

"That's right. My physical abilities are high and my magic is strong." Although it is not one step closer to our Dragon Man race, it is probably not so easy to compete with the average Puppet race. "

"Why is such a person in the Holy Land...?"

We demons don't come to the Holy Land for much of a purpose.


"One is the [Holy Maiden], and the other is... the [Sanctuary]"

Neither was a very good answer.

Both are very important to humans.

By purifying the sanctuary, the peace of the world is preserved.

That's what they say.

So I ask.

"... what do you want to do here...?"

"I have to ask myself about that." But either way, it's the same thing. "

"What do you mean?"

I don't know what it means, I ask.

If you think about it... I don't know anything about [Saintess] or [Sanctuary].

They are... why it matters, why it must be protected, and why it is necessary to purify.

About that, I... "

No, really, I don't know (...)?

Something important happened to me... "

No, I need to talk to Jill first.

My question to you is, Jill looks weird.

"... hmm? Maybe you don't know?" Nothing? "

and asks.

... at least you can answer me now...

"... I don't know. I know it's said that if you don't cleanse the [Sanctuary], the monsters will be activated, and that this will keep the world at peace."

That's all.

But this is not enough.

I haven't had any doubts so far... but when I spoke to Jill, I understood that the feeling wasn't right.

But that's all.

Jill mocked me like that.

"Hah... hahaha! I see! You don't know the Pu people...! That's amazing!"

That's what I said.

Those eyes are like stupid things to look at, and they make my heart want a little more.

It even felt like I was coming back from the previous time.

However, Jill soon returned to her serious face,

"... no, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make a fool of myself. I just... solved the mystery."

"Mystery? What the hell do you know...?"

"Regarding the [Sanctuary] seal, and the [Holy Maiden] has an important role to play... but I can't talk about it in detail from my mouth"


"I can't even talk about it anymore. But the seal must not be lifted. And yet that one....."

"That's the Black Demon Clan I was talking about earlier, right?" Could it be that the black demon tribe came to solve the seal? "

"Probably so." He was particularly radical. "

"I have to stop...!"

"Exactly. And that's why I came... but I couldn't find it." I was at this academy thinking that if I wandered around the Holy Maiden , I would show my face eventually. "

I can finally see why he was here at St. Ark's College.

"But there's something that bothers me..."

"How do you get clothes and schoolbooks?"

"There are quite a few fine works in my country."

The fine work, in other words, is a spy, but I wanted to hear his exact position in the demon country where such things can be used on my jaw, but I felt like it would be troublesome if I asked, so I decided not to stick it in here.

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