Uzumaki Yuki really died very humiliated!

Uzumaki Yuki’s original intention was to bring everyone from Moon to death!

The eight rooms underground, although it is a place to place important things, but the eight rooms are also the array of eight doors of Dun Jia, and the room that Uzumaki Yukijin entered is where the door of death is, Uzumaki Yuki really knows that they will definitely pursue him without moon, so he deliberately entered the door of death, and then he quickly prepared everything inside, and because he was not sure if the door of death could solve the moon, he also used forbidden techniques, traded half of his soul, and cast the ‘contract of death’ to summon the god of death!

Then Uzumaki Yuki really planned to open the Hundred Ghosts Night Walking Array again, releasing all the evil ghosts that were sealed in the masks on the walls of the room, but the God of Death suddenly sucked away the other half of Uzumaki Yukyo’s soul, causing Uzumaki Yukijin to die suddenly, the Hundred Ghosts Night Walking Array could not be opened, and even the eight-door Dun Jia Array, which had already begun to operate, stopped!

Uzumaki Yukijin is also a generation master, and he led them into a trap without a month, and he was about to succeed for a while, but in the end, he couldn’t beat luck and ended up dying because of an accident!

Of course, Wuyue didn’t know these things, but if he knew, he would definitely be extremely happy, because the death formation of the eight gates of Dun Jia plus the Hundred Ghosts Night Walking Array plus the God of Death, even if he didn’t know the effect, just listening to the name, it was simply not a way to live!

Since the Grim Reaper left, there had been no more accidents, and Wuyue led his men to search the eight rooms starting from the room they were in.

All the ghost masks placed in the room of the Dead Gate were ghosts, and Wuyue didn’t have much research on them, and they didn’t understand what ghosts and gods were, so they left this room after seeing them roughly!

Because he was worried that there were traps in other rooms, Wuyue divided seven water bodies to test them one by one, but there seemed to be no problem, and these rooms actually did not have any defenses and traps.

Then several people roughly checked, the other seven rooms, three of which were placed, ninjutsu scrolls, sealing scrolls, formation enchantment scrolls, these three kinds of scrolls. Among the other three, one placed a large amount of money, one placed strategic materials, one placed the confidential documents of the Vortex Ninja Village, and the last room placed a large number of old books and ancient books, Wuyue just took a general look and felt that these old books and ancient books should be the ancient books of Yin and Yang Art handed down before the era of the Six Dao Immortals.

Wuyue was a little excited, the things in these eight rooms, even if they only got one room, it was worth the trip, let alone all of them!

In addition to the many ghost masks in the first room, and the old books and ancient books in the last room, which have not found any effect for the time being, the things in the other rooms are divided according to their preciousness, ninjutsu scrolls, sealing scrolls, and formation enchantment scrolls, which are the most valuable.

Wuyue had already exited the room with the four of them at this time, and came to the place where everyone came down at the beginning, looking up in the direction of the stairs rising, but looking at the past, it was dark!

There was silence in the darkness, but the five of Wuyue still heard a sound that slowly changed from far away, and after listening for a while, Wuyue smiled, and he could hear that it was the sound of ice crystals freezing rapidly!

Not long after, in front of the five people, a staircase made of ice crystals extended, followed by jade and all the other dark parts!

After Jade came down with all the dark parts, he half-knelt around Wuyue.

“Lord Mizukage, the ninjas of the Uzumaki Ninja Village have all been solved, and the mission is completed!”

“Good, good~ everyone is doing well!” After hearing the words and praising everyone, Wuyue began to think about the aftermath, the ninjas of the Vortex Ninja Village have all perished, and you don’t need to think about it to know that the next days of the Vortex Country will not be good!

But these have nothing to do with Wuyue anymore, now what needs to be considered is the things in the eight rooms, and the next action!

Wuyue thought for a while and directly ordered everyone: “You guys are divided into two teams next, Jade you are responsible for one team to take everything that can be taken away from the next eight rooms, use the sealing scrolls to put them away, and send them back to the big ship, and then you will guard these things on the ship and be foolproof!” ”

No expression could be seen on the jade-colored face covered by the mask, “It’s ~ Lord Mizukage!” ”

“The other team is led by me, lurking in the Vortex Ninja Village for the next two days to see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net, and by the way, pay attention to the next developments in the Vortex Ninja Village!” After Wuyue finished speaking, he signaled everyone to start acting!

Jade began to take a part of the dark part and began to converge the things in the eight rooms, fortunately, he had prepared to bring a large number of sealing scrolls before coming, but there was still one thing that everyone could not take away, that is, the altar in the room of the door of death!

Jade walked out of the room and asked Wuyue, who was assigning tasks to the other team, “Lord Mizukage, there is no way to close the altar in room one, does this altar need to be taken away!” ”

Wuyue pondered for a moment when he heard this, and gave a solution: “The altar can not be taken away, but you take someone to give me a complete copy of the style of the altar on the drawing, and then this altar will be destroyed!” ”

“Yes~” Jade led the order to draw the drawings!

After Jade left, Wuyue continued to assign tasks to everyone!

“Just said that all the ninjas in the Vortex Ninja Village have disappeared, the village will definitely be in chaos, it will be much easier for you to lurk in the Vortex Ninja Village, but you still have to remember that you must not attract anyone’s attention, let alone expose your identity, this place will be our stronghold until we leave in two days!”

After Wuyue finished speaking, after seeing everyone nodding to show that he understood, he looked at the progress of the jade and took a team of people under him to leave first!

“Let’s go back to the ground first, find a suitable identity and lurk!” After Wuyue said to them, he took the lead in stepping on the ladder made of ice crystals!

At this time, it was already past six o’clock in the morning, and the rising sun was already hanging in the sky!

Wuyue appeared outside the office building with a group of masks and dark clothes in black!

Although it was a bright morning, but Wuyue looked at it, it may be a psychological effect, he felt that the Vortex Ninja Village seemed to have a dead and silent feeling, shook his head to remove some distractions from his heart, sorted out his mentality and ordered everyone!

“Now that my technique is still there, everyone in the Vortex Ninja Village is estimated to be still sleeping, you guys hurry up and change your clothes and then lurk down, as for how to lurk, you don’t need to teach me!”

After getting Wuyue’s instructions, all the dark parts scattered and left, leaving Wuyue standing alone and waiting for Jade to complete their task!

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