Early in the morning, at the gate of Konoha, two carriages are waiting there!

At this time, there were still dewdrops hanging from the surrounding trees, the sun had not yet risen completely, half blocked by the mountains in the distance, and there were almost twenty minutes left before the appointed time,

Wuyue is waiting here with Jiu Xinnai and the black-clad guard!

Jiu Xinnai was bored waiting, so she squatted under a tree and poked an ant nest she found with a small wooden stick.

The black-clothed guards followed her closely, protecting Jiu Xinnai without slackening for a moment!

Wuyue sat in the driver’s seat of the carriage, pointing his right hand at his head, taking advantage of this effort to think of something!

With the escort of Konoha, you should be able to reach Kirito Castle soon!

Wuyue was a little worried!

What he was worried about was Jiu Xinnai.

Jiu Shinnai insists on joining him, but what Wuyue is going to do is dangerous, and the Land of Rain is a battlefield and he has to be distracted to take care of Jiu Xinnai, so things are quite troublesome!

He glanced at Jiu Xinnai, don’t see that Jiu Xinnai is very well-behaved, but he is very stubborn in some things, and now he can only take one step at a time!

Time passed, and the sun was completely revealed!

Ten minutes before the assembly time, three Shinobi squads, nine figures appeared at Konoha’s door!

Wuyue looked quite presentable, and saw that the nine people were all wearing ninja costumes, wearing forehead pads, and the standard ninja bags were all carried around their waist, and everyone’s ninja bags seemed to be ready!

Wuyue jumped off the carriage and beckoned to Jiu Xinnai in the distance, “Hey ~ Jiu Xinnai, come back, we are ready to go!” ”

When Jiu Xinnai heard Wuyue’s call, why did he throw away the small wooden stick in his hand, get up and run towards the carriage, and the black-clothed guard followed behind him unhurriedly!

Everyone gathers!

“Hello Mr. Wuyue, we are all here, can we go?” Rope Tree asked first as the captain.

“Everyone came early, but since everyone has arrived, you can also leave now!” Wuyue scanned everyone’s faces, looking at this group of energetic ninjas, and couldn’t help but have a smile on his face, “There are a few points to make clear before you go, in addition to solving the troubles encountered along the way, you also need to be responsible for the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the entire team, of course, I can provide the necessary expenses along the way!” ”

Everyone nodded when they heard this, although they were responsible for food, clothing, housing and transportation, but this was within the scope of the task, and everyone also understood, although Nara Shikaku seemed to have some objections, but after the captain Rope Tree agreed, he stopped talking!

“Ah~ By the way, this is my personal guardian ninja, you can call him dark, he doesn’t like to talk, so you can treat him as if he doesn’t exist!” Wuyue seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and then said to everyone!

Hearing this, everyone else looked at it curiously, and followed Jiu Xinnai over with ‘dark’!

Jiu Xinnai trotted over, came to Wuyue’s side and stood still, looking at everyone, “Dad~ Are you leaving?” ”

“En” Wuyue nodded, picked up Jiu Xinnai and planned to get into the carriage, “Captain Rope Tree, since you lead the team, I won’t interfere, you look at the assignment, there are two carriages, you need two people to drive, the rest you look at it!” ”

After saying that, Wuyue hugged Jiu Xinnai and got into the carriage with Dark!

Rope Tree watched the three people get into the carriage and send a mouthful, but immediately corrected and began to assign tasks to everyone!

“You two girls will stay in the second carriage first!” Rope tree first to Mikoto and Inuzuka paws!

The two nodded when they heard this, after all, no one wanted to run on the ground, so the second daughter accepted the arrangement of the rope tree!

“As for the driver candidate?” Rope Tree pinched his chin and thought about who to drive, but he was not easy to assign for a while, and could only ask the opinions of a few people: “You guys see who is better to drive!” ”

Driving is actually not an easy task, but it is still a little better than running on land, so the remaining six people excluding the girls are still quite interested.

But I saw that Hiashi’s face was a little embarrassed: “I’ll forget it, I can’t drive!” “Everyone is not surprised when they hear this, Hiashi, as an important member of the Hyuga family, should not catch a carriage!

Rope Tree nodded, feeling a little glad in his heart, in fact, he would not catch the carriage!

Except for Naoki and Hiashi, the other five will drive the carriage, but at everyone’s suggestion, it was finally decided that Nara Shikahisa would drive the first carriage and Yamanaka Haichi would drive the second carriage!

The main reason for this arrangement is that the physical strength of the two is weak, and it is relatively more energy-saving to catch a carriage! Most of the other people are physical ninjas, so they are responsible for following the convoy escort!

The second daughter boarded the second carriage, and Shikahisa and Haichi also took the driver’s seat

“Mr. Wuyue, everything is ready, shall we go?” The rope tree pointed to the moonless in the carriage!

“Well, let’s go!”

After receiving the reply, the rope tree gave an order, and the carriage started to leave!

After the convoy set off, Hinata was at the front of the team according to the previous assignment, responsible for reconnaissance, while the oil girl Zhihui was in charge of the back of the palace at the end of the team.

Dingza and Rope Tree are guarding both sides of the convoy!

The posture of the strict formation was as if someone would raid, but as time passed, everyone woke up to the fact that this place was so close to Konoha, there was basically no danger, and they slowly relaxed!

It is boring to keep rushing, especially if you have to walk on land, people will also be tired, so several people will also take turns to take a break on the carriage!

The convoy moved forward smoothly, and Jiu Xinnai opened the curtain by the window and poked out his little head to look at the surrounding scenery!

“Captain Ropetree, come on!”

Wuyue felt that the speed of the convoy was a little slow, so he beckoned Rope Tree to come to the window and planned to give him a few words!

The rope tree was originally following the carriage, so hearing the call of the moonless came quickly!

“What are Mr. Wuyue’s orders?”

Wuyue poked his head out of the window, looked at the front and rear team and ordered the rope tree: “You and your teammates also get into the carriage, there is no danger around here, you speed up the carriage after you get on the carriage!” ”

“Okay~” Rope Tree thought for a while, then nodded in agreement, and then ordered Hinata and Oil Girl Zhihui to get into the second carriage, while Ding Za sat on the other side of the driver’s seat of the first carriage, and Rope Tree entered the Moonless carriage under the gaze of others!

The rope tree entered the carriage, found an empty seat and sat down, as the curtain closed, the rope tree instantly felt a little embarrassed, mainly because he and the three people in the carriage were not very familiar, and he was not very embarrassed to talk!

Jiu Xinnai blinked his big eyes and looked at everyone, and the car fell into calm for a while, and he could only hear the sound of the carriage accelerating!

ps: Fast forward a bit, the next two chapters will arrive directly, there will be no moths!

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