After many years, Wuyue once again used the immortal mode, and after years of cultivation, the shortcomings of using the immortal mode for a long time and automatic hydration were also overcome by Wuyue.

And this time using the immortal mode, just to find out, whether the spot exists!

Originally, Wuyue also had other means of perception, but after thinking about it, he finally felt that he could use the immortal mode to perceive.

The main reason is that the perception means of the immortal mode will not be discovered.

The perception principle of the immortal mode is to perceive life with the help of natural energy, and natural energy is everywhere, so there will be no traces at all!

At this time, after turning on the immortal mode, a picture different from the sight appeared in Wuyue’s mind!

Within the huge perception range of Wuyue, everyone was presented in the form of life energy bodies, and within Wuyue’s perception, there were a total of twelve life energy reactions except himself!

Nine located not far from the carriage, are the nine Shinobi belonging to Konoha, and there is also one beside him, it is Jiu Shinnai!

But there are two more, but they are located more than ten meters underground of everyone, one of them is full of vigorous vitality, while the other person’s vitality is like a candle about to burn out.

Wuyue immediately opened his eyes, his eyes were shining, ‘It seems that Uchiha is here’ Wuyue determined in his heart, and at the same time had a doubt, “Who is the other one full of vigorous vitality?” ’

But without waiting for him to think about it, the person who was full of vigorous vitality actually moved towards the ground quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared next to the nine people of Xia Shinobi, motionless!

Outside, the nine of them had almost packed their bags, and in a place around them that they couldn’t detect, a human face suddenly appeared above the main trunk of a large tree!

This person is Bai Jue, not long ago after opening the immortal mode perception in Wuyue, Uchiha Madara suddenly woke up from his contemplation, Madara Because of the lack of life, Uchiha Madara has been difficult to fall asleep recently, can only close his eyes and think about things by the way!

Then he was awakened by a sudden feeling in his heart, it was a feeling of being spied on, Madara immediately perceived, there was nothing unusual, but Madara still ordered Bai Jue to go out and check it out!

So Bai Jue only appeared here at this time, Bai Jue frowned and looked at the people who packed up and prepared to leave: “Ah shh~ ah boo, it seems that it was really discovered, otherwise this group of children would not be in such a hurry to leave!” Saying that, Bai Jue divided a doppelganger, and let the doppelganger go to report the situation to Madara!

The doppelganger returns soon, and if nothing else, Madara orders him to solve the group and not let any news leak out!

Bai Jue looked at the nine people who were dazed and planned to leave, and revealed a bloodthirsty smile!

When Bai Jue was about to make a move, Wuyue only noticed that it was not good, before Bai Jue stayed in place to observe in Wuyue’s perception did not change, but then suddenly the whole person was full of malice, Wuyue planned to wait for the enemy to attack and reappear, but he didn’t know that even if Bai Jue didn’t leave the place, his attack had already been launched!

The gentle wind carries white spores that are imperceptible to the naked eye, drifting towards the nine people, this is the art of spore, as long as the spores attach to the person’s body, they will quickly absorb the chakra of the possessed person and form a doppelganger until they kill each other!

Bai Jue seemed to see the way a group of people were absorbed into Chakra and died terrifyingly!

But it backfired, and at the moment when the spores fell on the oil woman Zhihui, they were immediately discovered by the parasites on his body, and then naturally discovered by the oil woman Zhihui!

The spores are ready to absorb the Chakra of the oil girl Zhihui, and are instantly devoured by countless parasites, which can absorb the spores of Chakra, and meet the parasites that feed on Chakra, and the parasites win!

Why did the oil girl Zhihui warn everyone: “Everyone be careful, just now something strange appeared on my body, intending to absorb my Chakra, and then be solved by my bugs!” ”

As soon as his words fell, the other eight people immediately felt their chakras slowly disappear, and then white swells appeared on their bodies and gradually wrapped around them!

“Ah~ what is this thing, so disgusting!” Mikoto pulled the white swelling on her body with difficulty!

Lu Jiu felt the fast-passing Chakra and said: “It’s not good, Chakra was sucked away by this thing, Zhihui quickly think of a way!” ”

“Occult Parasite” “Occult Worm Jade”

Oil Woman Zhihui quickly sealed and released these two secret techniques, a large number of parasites were released by him, connected like black clouds, and then all the parasites attached to other people, covering other people’s bodies, and then Oil Woman Zhihui gave the parasite an order to eat only white matter, and then the white spore technique was eaten away little by little!

The moment all the spores died, Bai Jue sensed it, he used the art of mayflies, shuttled underground, and then around everyone, he surfaced his body, and immediately saw several people wrapped in the art of insect jade, and his face suddenly turned ugly, “Bastard, actually ~ actually eaten by insects!” ”

Oil Girl Zhihui discovered for the first time, this strange man who was still half in the soil, heard the words in his mouth, and immediately determined the identity of the white enemy!

Immediately released the “Secret Technique Insect Jade”, I saw that the parasites on the other eight people immediately gathered together and flew towards Bai Jue, and these eight people were also liberated with the departure of the parasites, and the eight people did not care about the terrifying experience just now, quickly identified the enemy, and put up a formation!

The battle is on the verge!

Bai Jue looked at the large insect cloud flying towards him in disgust, and immediately separated three doppelgangers around him, only to see that under the control of the three doppelgangers Bai Jue, they rapidly expanded and mutated, and pieces of cordyceps-shaped plants grew on their bodies!

Bai Jue, on the other hand, retreated into the land using the Floating Technique!

Sooner or later, patches of parasites crashed into large swathes of cordyceps, and were devoured by the preyceps.

When the cordyceps catcher appeared, the oil girl Zhihui felt a very uncomfortable feeling, it was transmitted to him by the bugs, and when he found this situation, he immediately withdrew the parasites, but it was inevitable that there were still many parasites that were eaten by the cordyceps, which made the face of the oil woman Zhihui become very ugly!

“Everyone be careful, the enemy can move freely through the land!” Nara Shikahisa reminded!

For a while, everyone looked around vigilantly, such a big movement, Jiu Xinnai in the carriage noticed it, Wuyue who turned on the immortal mode must have found it a long time ago, but he didn’t go out at the first time, he was still looking at the opportunity, to see if the rope tree they could defeat Bai Jue and force Madara to personally strike.

Although Wuyue knew that it was unlikely, he could still give it a try, of course, if everyone was in danger, he would definitely make a move!

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