The second condition given by Onoki is that the two villages watch over each other, but Wuyue is not too moved!

Watching and helping each other is also divided into specific matters, and if interests are involved, this kind of commitment is completely useless, better than boredom!

The most exciting thing for Wuyue is the task interconnection, the concept of task interconnection was first proposed by Wuyue, the concept of task interconnection is that some tasks of the village communicate with other villages, Wuyue in the first few years of becoming the water shadow, found that of all the tasks taken by the Mist Ninja Village, some of the tasks involved the energy and events of most ninjas, and these tasks are those cross-village and even transnational tasks!

Wuyue finally came up with a way, for example, a caravan hired ninjas in the village of Mist Ninja to escort them to the territory of the Land of Fire, then in the territory of the Land of Water, the Mist Shinobu would be responsible, and when they arrived in the territory of the Land of Fire, it would be handed over to the ninja of Konoha, and the reward for the final task would be distributed according to the amount of tasks on both sides!

This approach seems to thin the mission money, but it frees up the labor of the ninja, the ninja of the Mist Ninja Village must be very convenient to do the mission in the country of water, and once in other big countries, then the energy and time required for the mission will increase exponentially, but you can’t give up this transnational mission for this reason, so the mission interoperability came into being, and the first joint implementation was the Mist Ninja Village and Konoha Village!

It is because some of the tasks are interconnected, and the ninjas of the two countries inevitably have some exchanges when handing over, so the relationship between the two villages is relatively harmonious, and since the implementation of the task interconnection, the mission fee of the Mist Ninja Village has not only not decreased, but has risen, and even the ninjas in the village are very satisfied with the task exchange, because they do not want to leave the country of water and run far to do tasks!

And now Onoki wants to communicate with them on a mission, it seems that Onoki sees the sweetness of the cooperation between Kiri Shinobu and Konoha, and Mugetsu is also happy to carry out such cooperation, so he agreed to Onoki’s request with a wave of the pen and personally replied to a letter!

As for Yunyin Village’s request for help, then I can only be sorry, and Wuyue prevaricated on the grounds that he needed to assist Konoha Battlefield first.

Wuyue stretched his waist, intending to continue to look at the following documents, and then found that there were none, Wuyue turned over and found that there were only these three documents, Wuyue’s face showed joy, while sorting out the completed documents, he said in a messy manner: “Hey ~ I originally wanted to pick a lamp night battle, there is no chance to perform!” ”

If Terukuki heard this sentence here at this time, he would definitely hold a large handful of documents and throw them into Wuyuebao’s face.

Wuyue sealed the reply to the three documents, wrapped it in an oilcloth again, channeled the big catfish again and put it in its mouth, letting it pass to the Mist Shinobi Village!

After doing all this, Wuyue hurriedly packed up and went to rest, and the next day he had to get up early and leave with Jiu Xinnai!

A peaceful night, when the sky is not dawn, Wuyue got up again, because of Yangshui escape, Wuyue was in good spirits even if he only slept for a while, he dressed and came to Jiu Xinnai’s room to find that Jiu Xinnai was still sleeping sweetly!

Wuyue just wanted to wake her up, but suddenly thought of an idea, and a bad smile appeared on her face!

Soon after, Wuyue jumped out of the back window of the inn and, with the help of the cover of night, left Kikyo Castle!

In the morning, a woman dressed in battle armor led by the rope tree went to the outside of Wuyue’s room!

“Sister, this is Lord Wuyue’s room, are you sure you went to see Lord Wuyue like this?” Rope Tree looked at Tsunade dressed up like this and asked!

Tsunade gave him a blank look, “After getting your news, the old man immediately asked me who was closest to here to come from the battlefield, let me be sure to find out the intention of Mizukage to appear in Kikyo City, by the way, ask me what happened, and only gave me a day, I still have to rush back to the battlefield, although I lead the medical force but it is not very idle, okay, then there is so much effort to wash ah, besides, you think I don’t want to wash properly?” ”

Rope Tree said such a sentence, Tsunade replied so much like a machine gun, Rope Tree immediately closed his mouth and honestly retreated behind Tsunade!

Tsunade took a breath, stepped forward and knocked on the door, and then there was no response for a long time!

The two siblings looked at each other, “Old sister, didn’t you say that Lord Water Shadow didn’t hear it!” Rope Tree guessed!

Tsunade did not speak when he heard this, but closed his eyes and perceived, there was no Chakra reaction in the house at all, Tsunade immediately pushed open the door of the room and walked in with the rope tree, the rope tree looked around and replied to Tsunade: “Sister, there is no one, did Lord Wuyue go out for a walk?” ”

Tsunade was so angry, she rushed here all night to see Wuyue, but she pounced on the empty man and left early, she heard the innocent words of Ropeki, and suddenly found a place to vent her anger!

“Have you ever gone for a walk so early? There is no ninja common sense at all, nothing is left in the house, and you take everything with you for a walk! “While saying that, I also rewarded the rope tree with a fat beating!

Finally, Tsunade carried the rope tree with a blue nose and a swollen face, and went to find the other eight people, intending to ask them about their experiences along the way and Wuyue to see if they could find anything!

And at this time, Wuyue has already crossed the border of Konoha and entered the territory of the Land of Rain, and the reason why it is so fast is because after he left Kikyo City, he found a large river connecting the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain, and after hydration, he entered the river, followed the rushing river, and it didn’t take long to reach the junction of the two countries!

The reason why he didn’t go deep into the Land of Rain along the river is because Wuyue has his own considerations, and it is still prudent not to find out the situation in the Land of Rain for the time being!

At this time, Wuyue is walking on the street of a village on the border of the Land of Rain, at this time the sky is drizzling, Wuyue really likes the weather in the Land of Rain, it rains every day, and here Wuyue’s combat effectiveness can be increased by at least ten percent, but at this time, the empty village makes it difficult for Wuyue!

Although he is not a road idiot, it is indeed difficult to determine his orientation in an unfamiliar environment, and no one in this village can find anyone to ask for directions, Wuyue casually found a house to break in, first avoid the rain!

Although he prefers rain, but has been standing in the rain to calculate what’s the matter, after entering the house, Wuyue looked at it, and found that the things in the house had been cleaned up, it seems that the owner of the house did not leave in a hurry, he should be ready to leave in advance!

This belongs to the occupied area of Konoha, Konoha will not do this, then Hanzo did it, but he actually thought of letting the people leave, which is a good leader!

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