Soon after, the news that Wuyue led the Mist Shinobi to defeat the Sand Shinobu was placed on the table of the leaders of the other forces!

The three generations of Kazekage, when they knew the news, they were undoubtedly angry, and then the loss table sent by Chiyo made him even more annoyed, on the surface, it seemed that only one of their camp was attacked by Mist Shinobi led by Wuyue, but in fact, the middle-level ninjas in the main camp had been exhausted because of the enemy’s strange methods!

The three generations of wind shadows have not been able to transfer more people to the battlefield, and finally after discussion with the village high-level, the last three generations of wind shadows had to issue an order to withdraw from the battlefield, because they have no dawn of victory in the battlefield of the country of rain, and the village of sand ninja can not withstand too much loss, although for the face of the sand ninja village insists on participating in the battlefield of the country of rain, but if you lose too many ninjas here, but give up the book to the end!

On Iwa Shinobu’s side, when Onoki received this news, there was no surprise, since he knew that Muzuki was going to lead the Mist Shinobu into the battlefield of the Land of Rain, he knew that a random family alone could not defeat the Mist Shinobu led by Wu Yue, so the fiasco of the Shinobu was expected, but Onoki didn’t care much, he cared about the next movement of the Mist Shinobu.

Especially under the leadership of Wuyue, the fog ninja, sometimes have to admit that the strength of a ninja can determine the outcome of the war, in the early years, Senjukuma Mama, Uchiha Madara, and now Mugetsu, and even Hanzo are such ninjas.

In fact, Onoki no longer has the initial interest in the battlefield of the Rain Country, at the beginning it was just a temptation to seek development in economic issues, and the all-out war in the Land of Rain was caused by the attitude of the rain Shinobu, and it can even be said that the attitude of Hanzo made the three major countries feel provocative, so there was the first war between the three major countries against the rain Shinobu!

But no one expected that Hanzo was born in the sky, and in the end, the three major countries had to fight for face, this was only the original intention at the beginning, but now for Onoki, even if he wins the war in the Land of Rain, it is tasteless, because Iwa Shinobu has already obtained a better harvest than the victory in the War of the Land of Rain, that is, the victory over Yun Shinobu, even the three generations of Thunder Shadow died in the territory of the Land of Earth, is there a stronger harvest than this!

You must know that the sacrifice of a village’s shadow will cause great turmoil, so in recent years, the high-level of each village has not approved of their respective shadows, personally participating in the war, only commanding in the back, this time the death of the three generations of thunder shadows, bringing them Iwa Shinobi Village and even the entire country of earth is a huge reputation, so the battlefield of the country of rain has been tasteless!

Onoki also knows that it is very difficult to kill a thunder shadow, and it is a pipe dream to want more gains, so after receiving the news of Shinobu’s withdrawal from the Land of Rain, the idea of giving up the battlefield of the Land of Rain also arose in his heart, but he needed an opportunity!

And this opportunity, Onoki also thought about it, since Iwa Shinobu and Mist Shinobu have reached a tacit agreement in private, then using Mist Shinobu’s hand to leave the battlefield is undoubtedly the best result, think of it, do it, Onoki sent letters to the person in charge of Wuyue and Iwa Shinobu who was in the Land of Rain, I believe that the two will know how to do it when they receive the letter!

After receiving Onoki’s letter, the first reaction after reading it was that it felt very absurd, the meaning of Onoki’s letter was very simple, fight a wonderful war, and then they won a small victory in Kirito, and Iwa Shinobu retreated from the battlefield of the Land of Rain and took the initiative to hand over the victory to Mist Shinobu.

Then Wuyue had to admire Onoki’s choice, with the current situation of Iwa Shinobu, unless Onoki personally dispatched, otherwise in the case of Konoha and them joining forces, basically could not win the war, but could Onoki be dispatched? If it was placed in the past, it was okay, but since the death of the third generation of Thunder Shadow, it is basically impossible.

Then the remaining question is how to leave the battlefield of the Land of Rain with minimal losses, and here Muzuki has to admire that Onoki can actually come up with the idea of fighting a fake war, and also intends to give the victory to them Kiri Shinobu, which makes Muzuki have to accept this sweet fruit.

Subsequently, the person in charge of Muzuki and Iwa Shinobu secretly planned the details of the fake war, although it is fake but not too fake, so it still needs to be considered, even if the details are formulated, the fact of fighting a fake war, only Wuyue, Onoki, and the person in charge three people designated, no one else is clear!

So when Muzuki formulated the policy of attacking Iwa Shinobu, many people thought that he was dizzy, of course, it was just that the people on Konoha’s side thought so, and the Mist Shinobu side did not have any doubts about Muzuki’s intentions, Kato had already broken more than once, and said to Muzuki, hoping that he could cooperate with Konoha to launch an attack on Yu Shinobu, but they were ignored by Mugetsu!

If you don’t play a good fake game, you have to gnaw the difficult bone of Yuren, and Wuyue said that she is not stupid.

In this way, Mist Shinobu and Konoha had a disagreement in the next action, and Muzuki insisted on taking Mist Shinobu to attack Iwa Shinobu’s territory, while Konoha wanted to attack Yu Shinobu with Kiri Shinobu, so the two broke up unhappily!

Sarutobi ordered Tsunade and Kato to take their subordinate ninjas back to Konoha’s main camp, and leave Kirito Shinobu to act on his own!

The station of the Mist Shinobi, originally proposed camp, has now become the base camp of the Mist Shinobu in the Land of Rain, and almost everywhere has been built, at this time, a large number of Konoha ninjas outside the station have left one after another under the command of Broken, intending to return to the main camp of Konoha!

At the gate of the station, Muzuki and Ichigan-ninja are here to see them off, of course, Mugetsu does not have that idle kung fu to send Kato Broken, and those Konoha ninjas, he and Teruku Nozomi they came to send Tsunade alone, Tsunade used his bold and unpretentious personality during this period of time to win the friendship of many people in Kirito, especially Teruku Nozomi and Tsunade are very close, and when Kirito and Konoha have a gap because of differences, Tsunade is the most uncomfortable!

Even when I was sent off at this time, I couldn’t forget it!

The other Konoha ninjas left for a distance, while Tsunade was still standing at the door of the station, “Brother Wuyue, don’t care, Sarutobi-sensei has his own considerations, and you also have your own ideas, so it’s understandable to have differences, but Brother Mugetsu, don’t have a gap with us Konoha because of this!” Saying that, Tsunade pursed his lips a little hesitantly, but still said firmly: “Moreover, although I don’t understand, I think Brother Wuyue must have your own considerations before making a decision!” ”

Wuyue looked at Tsunade who spoke earnestly, and there was a dreamy feeling in his heart, he insisted on attacking Iwa Shinobu even some of his subordinates did not understand much, but Tsunade actually believed him so blindly, it really made Wuyue feel a lot of pressure!

Terukuki stepped forward, gave Wuyue a blank look, and took Tsunade’s hand: “Kozuna, you don’t have to worry that those are all political considerations, there is no problem, at least it will not affect our personal relationship, you hurry up, no matter how late it is, you won’t be able to catch up with the big army!” ”

Tsunade nodded when she heard this, and took a deep look at the few people who came out to send her, especially Wuyue, and then turned and left!

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