In the face of the attacks of Hanzo and the pepperfish, Tsunade is in a hurry, especially the pepperfish, the fate of the toad after being bitten by the pepperfish is still vividly remembered, and Tsunade does not know whether the poison of the pepperfish does not work on the slug, but at this time it is too late to hide, so he can only attack hard!

The slugs at the feet of the three Tsunade and the pepperfish at Hanzo’s feet were the first to face each other, the slugs bulged with both cheeks, and a mouthful of green acid spit towards the pepperfish, and the pepperfish dodged the acid with Hanzo’s flexibility, and then bit into the slug’s body, and with the venom injection, the pepperfish just wanted to be proud.

I saw that the place where the slugs were bitten, suddenly separated out and turned into a purple little slug, fell to the ground and died, seeing this situation, the three people who stayed on the back of the slugs were relieved, it seems that the slugs are not afraid of the poison of the pepperfish!

At the same time, Hanzo’s attack also arrived, and the scythe injected into Chakra was thrown out by Hanzo, and the bonus with chains formed a wide range of attacks, sweeping towards the three.

“Control the slugs to scatter,” Wugetsu said to Tsunade!

Tsunade was stunned, ‘How did Wuyue know the slug’s ability’, but she didn’t have time to think, and directly followed Wuyue’s orders and ordered the slugs to disperse!

The huge slugs instantly turned into countless small slugs and scattered, forming a ‘Little Slug’, and the three people who were originally standing on the back of the slugs also fell into the ‘Little Slugs Sea’, but because of this, Hanzo’s attack failed!

“Huh~ sticky so disgusting” Zi Lai also struggled to surface the ‘ocean’ composed of small slugs, feeling the sticky liquid on his body, and said with a disgusting expression!

And the big snake pill on the other side is also uncomfortable!

However, Tsunade, who was wearing a water suit, did not react!

In this way, under the guidance of Wuyue, the two sides saw each other, although the three of Tsunade were weaker than Hanzo, but Hanzo could not take advantage of anything for a while, but the Chakra of Jiraiya Orochimaru and Tsunade was consumed very quickly.

Among them, Tsunade’s Chakra consumed the fastest, at the beginning, the water escape, and the psychic art were very consuming Chakra, and after the next scorching battle, Chakra was left with little.

And Orochimaru and Jiraiya, who are the main attackers of ninjutsu, are no better!

However, time has dragged on for a long time, and Hanzo is gradually anxious!

At this time, the two psychic beasts, the pepperfish and the slug, are also missing, the slugs returned to the wet bone forest because the chakra provided by Tsunade was used, and the pepperfish was hidden underground again because of some injuries during the battle!

It was Zi Lai Ye who injured the pepperfish, and the corresponding Zi Lai was not very comfortable at this time, and the strenuous exercise made the pepper fish poison in his body attack, and he was being supported by the big snake pill.

But at this time, Wuyue’s physical body is very close to here, Wuyue can already clearly perceive the existence of the physical body, he moved slightly in his heart and discussed with Tsunade, and his soul temporarily took over Tsunade’s body, and Ziraiya and the big snake pill immediately noticed the change in Tsunade, and knew that it was to change Wuyue to control!

After Tsunade let go of his mind and let Muzuki take over, Wuyue sensed the natural energy for the first time, and at this time Hanzo also began the final attack, and Wuyue knew that it would be good as long as he carried this wave, so he couldn’t adjust the ratio between natural energy and Tsunade Chakra!

Directly and rudely mixed natural energy into Tsunade’s chakra, and then read part of Tsunade’s memory, found an S-level water ninjutsu ‘Water Dragon Biting Burst’ developed by the second-generation Hokage and released it!

At the same time, Hanzo’s attack also appeared, it was an S-class fire ninjutsu, although I don’t know why Hanzo would use an S-class fire dun instead of a water dun, but it was undoubtedly an S-class fire dun, showing a crimson red giant fire dragon towards the three of Tsunade!

But at the same time, on the ground under Hanzo’s feet, a sharp rock-like water stream appeared and shot towards Hanzo, Hanzo, who still had spare strength, immediately jumped into the air to avoid the attack, but the water dragon biting technique had just begun, and I saw that a super large range of water vortex appeared on the ground and it was spreading, and at the same time as the water vortex spread, the center of the vortex continuously launched countless rising water currents, rapidly impacting the enemy, and even Hanzo’s S-level fire ninjutsu was affected!

Hanzo fell in the air while struggling to avoid the impact of the water current, but the attack was far from over, those water currents gathered in the air, gathered into a huge water dragon and launched a deadly attack below, instantly biting off Hanzo’s fire dragon, the dragon’s mouth was wide open, and the aftermath swallowed towards Hanzo without abating!

However, halfway through the water dragon, suddenly the natural energy inside rioted, and the whole collapse scattered, but the scattered water stream attacked towards Hanzo even more violently!

The fire dragon, which had been partially cut off, was easily intercepted by Orochimaru and Tsunade when it came to the three, while Hanzo, who was attacked, disappeared into the water, and his life and death were unknown.

And on the side of the venue where several people were fighting, Wuyue’s flesh, and the jade-colored light also felt that the water suit on Tsunade’s body disappeared directly, and Wuyue’s soul also flew out of Tsunade’s body and flew towards his body!

The perspective changed, and after Wuyue returned to his body, he immediately ordered Jade Se: “Soon~ freezing, that water!” ”

What Wuyue said was actually that the water dragon had bitten the water left by ninjutsu before, and Jade Se did as he was told, quickly sealed, and pressed his hands on the ground to perform the ninjutsu “Ice Escape Ice Burial”

The ice was generated in the jade-colored hand, quickly spreading from the ground towards that water, and as soon as it touched the area, it was covered by the ice and frozen!

Then Muzuki simply told the two to pass by, let the two of them go to finish up, see if they could find Hanzo, and then he himself quickly came to the three of Tsunade, and as soon as the three of Tsunade saw Mugetsu, they completely relaxed and collapsed!

Tsunade, who was lying on the ground, suddenly thought of what had just happened, because of the emergency Tsunade did not react, and now that it was safe, he remembered that when the moonless soul stayed in her body, he checked her memory without authorization, if it weren’t for the fact that she had also learned a little spiritual art, she still couldn’t find it, but Tsunade had no experience in dealing with this kind of thing, so she had to pretend that nothing had happened!

Wuyue looked at the three people who had relaxed, smiled, condensed three balls, water made by Yangshui Duan Chakra, and waved it to the three people’s mouths.

The three of Tsunade looked at the familiar powder-blue water mass, smiled one by one, and opened their mouths to swallow!

In an instant, the tired bodies of the three people, and the mountain pepper fish toxin accumulated in their bodies, all left them, and even their physical strength recovered a lot, and they immediately stood up and thanked Wuyue!

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