The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 182 182. Phenomenon similar to magic riot

Scott's sudden move seemed to frighten everyone else.

Especially Neville, his eyes widened and he looked at Scott in horror.


Harry and Ron were also dumbfounded at this moment.

"It's really yours, Scott." Fred said with a smile, "Now you are going to be miserable."

"Our little brother will not let you go!" George said happily.

"Okay, everyone, just be quiet."

Scott turned and smiled at them, and several of them immediately shut up.

He nodded with satisfaction and tapped Neville's heart with his wand.

"Calm down, Neville."

His tone softened.

"Trust me and follow my instructions."

Neville looked up at Scott. He seemed to understand something, and his eyes slowly calmed down.

"Close your eyes," Scott said softly.

Neville closed his eyes obediently.

Scott asked in a gentle tone: "You like plants very much, don't you, Neville?"

"Yeah." Neville responded softly.

"So, what is your favorite plant?" Scott asked again.

Neville thought for a moment before replying: "Rue."

"Rue?" Scott said in an admiring tone, "It can dispel many toxins and is a very useful herb."

Neville couldn't help but smile.

"Clear your mind, Neville."

Scott waved his wand gently.

"Imagine you are a rue seed buried in the dark soil."

A faint glow of magic shrouded Neville, and Neville's expression gradually changed with Scott's voice.

He still closed his eyes tightly, but frowned.

At the same time, his body was a little curled up, as if he was being oppressed by something.

"Slowly, you worked hard to break the soil..."

Scott then continued to speak in a seductive tone.

"You are growing up day by day..."

Neville's expression changed accordingly.

"Under the moonlight, the dew on your leaves reflects the silver light..."

Scott consciously intensified the fluctuations in his magic power.

Then, the hem of his robe floated up, and the wand in his hand was pressed against Neville's chest again.

"When you really grow up, you will bloom... But you can't bloom, only green leaves... The other rue are laughing at you... You are different from them..."

Neville looked frustrated.

Then, the robe on his body moved.

Scott kept talking, "You have grown up a little, but you find that you are just living in a flower pot in a greenhouse..."

Neville's body twisted uncomfortably.

"Life in a greenhouse is really safe. You are protected by layers of protection and don't have to accept the wind and rain from the outside world."

Scott said in an exclamatory tone.

"But you don't want to be like this... This is not the real world. You think that hiding in a place like this may be the reason why you can't bloom. You want to be in touch with the sun, rain and dew of nature..."

Neville had a somewhat anxious look on his face again.

"what else can we do?"

Scott continued.

"Then just grow up...continue to grow up..."

Neville made a struggling gesture.

"Grow up, keep growing up."

Scott said softly.

"As time goes by, you grow bigger and bigger, taller than everyone else... You become more and more different from the rue around you... At this time, the owner of the greenhouse comes..."

Scott suddenly changed his tone.

"Why is there an oak sapling here?" he said, pretending to be confused.

"That's when you realize that you are not a rue, but an oak tree!"

Scott said in an exclamation tone.

"You are a tall oak tree. How can you grow in a low greenhouse or take root in a small flower pot?"

His voice grew louder.

"Oak trees should grow in forests and take root in the earth. If you want to become a towering tree, you must break free from this prison!"

The tip of the wand in Scott's hand lit up with the radiance of magic, and the clothes and hair of both him and Neville were moving automatically.

"Grow, oak tree, let your towering trunk and well-developed root system break through the constraints of greenhouses and flower pots, and let the sunshine and raindrops come into close contact with you!"

The light on the tip of Scott's wand grew brighter and brighter, and Neville struggled harder.

"Did you hear it? The sound of the flowerpot cracking! Did you hear it? The sound of the greenhouse glass breaking! You will become a tall oak tree that will not fall down in the strong wind!"


Neville suddenly opened his mouth and howled unconsciously.

Afterwards, the tables and chairs in the entire classroom began to float slowly, and the curtains fluttered continuously, hitting the glass windows.

"This...this is..."

Scott heard Harry's shocked voice.

"...Is it a magic riot?"

Ron's voice was also full of disbelief.

At this time, Scott withdrew his wand and the hem of his robe fell.

He took a step back and looked with burning eyes at Neville, who was also floating up.

"This is not a real magic riot." He said, "It's just that Neville's magic power fluctuations are active at an unprecedented frequency, causing a phenomenon similar to a magic power riot."

"you made it!"

Luna walked to Scott and said happily.

"The oak tree took root in his heart, grew bigger and bigger, and drove away the magical creature that spread fear!"

Scott nodded.

"That's good." He said happily, "It seems that the result is really good."

Luna said regretfully: "It's a pity that the magical animal died after leaving his mind."

"Yeah." Scott agreed casually.

"It's amazing!" Eddie rushed to Scott, "How did you do it, Scott!"

"I'll explain it later." Scott still looked at Neville.

"Oh, is Neville going to become a genius now?"

Fred also looked at Neville, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Do it for me too! Scott!"

George shouted.

"I want it too!"

Fred raised his hand quickly.

Scott glanced at them and spread his hands helplessly, "I can't do this. The hearts of both of you have been opened for a long time, filled with uncontrolled wandering balls!"

Just then, Neville suddenly opened his eyes.


He panicked and fell to the ground with the tables and chairs in the classroom, making a loud noise.

"Oh no!" Fred said, "The professor may be attracted now!"

"Let's move first."

Scott looked down at Neville sitting on the floor.

"How do you feel, Neville?" he asked, "Are you okay?"

"I... I'm fine." Neville quickly got up, "I don't know what happened, but I feel good."

"Let's go, let's leave here before the professor gets here." Scott took the lead and walked towards the classroom door.

"Oh, by the way."

He turned his head and looked at Hermione who was frozen in place.

"Sorry." Then he waved his wand, "Stop the curse!"

The petrification curse on Hermione was immediately lifted.

She stared at Scott with red eyes, her lips trembling with anger.


At this time, the twins had already opened the classroom door and slipped out.

Scott didn't have time to say anything more, and called Neville and Luna to leave the classroom together.

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