The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 186 186. Trying on the Ravenclaw Tiara

"Try it first."

Scott said to Professor Flitwick.

"See if this crown is as magical as the legend says."

"Let me try?"

Professor Flitwick stopped circling the desk and looked at Scott.

"Of course." Scott said with a smile, "You are the most suitable candidate."

"Then I will try."

Professor Flitwick climbed up the chair swiftly, stretched out his hands to hold the crown and put it on his head.


His hands touched the wizard hat on his head.

"I forgot to take off my hat!"

He put down the crown again and raised his hand to take off the hat.

Then, he held the crown again, with a solemn expression on his face, and slowly put it on his head.


He widened his eyes and exclaimed.

"How is it, Professor." Scott asked curiously.

"Very wonderful."

Professor Flitwick murmured.

"Very wonderful."

He suddenly picked up the quill on the table, quickly pulled out a piece of parchment and began to write.

"Oh, sorry, Scott!"

He said as he wrote.

"The crown seems to have made my mind several times more active, and I can think of the knowledge I have learned flexibly!"

His voice became lower and lower.

"The difficult problems that I didn't understand before, now I suddenly understand them! I must record them!"

Is the effect really obvious?

Scott looked at Professor Flitwick in surprise.

According to him, the crown should increase the speed and flexibility of thinking, as well as memory.

In this way, it can indeed be said that wisdom has increased.

At this time, Professor Flitwick quickly filled the entire parchment.

"Great!" He said happily, "This problem has troubled me for several years!"

"Congratulations, professor." Scott said.


Professor Flitwick suddenly frowned.

"I have to take off the crown."

He held the crown with both hands again and put it back on the table.

"What's wrong, professor?" Scott asked curiously.

"I understand its use."

Professor Flitwick looked at the crown and answered.

"Using the crown comes at a price. The more complex the problem you use it to help you think, the easier it is to get mentally exhausted."

"Is that so?"

Scott thought this was more reasonable.

"This is already good."

He said.

"In this way, the crown can not only help us think at critical moments, but also prevent us from abusing it."

"You're right."

Professor Flitwick laughed again.

He stretched out his hand to call Scott.

"Come here, Scott!" he said loudly, "You have made the greatest contribution to the recovery of the crown. You should also try to wear it!"

"My honor."

Scott walked to the desk and also held the crown in both hands to take a closer look.

To be honest, this eagle-shaped crown is inlaid with large, sparkling sapphires, and the style is very gorgeous and beautiful. It is not suitable for men to wear.

"Put it on and feel it." Professor Flitwick urged.

Scott put aside irrelevant thoughts and raised his hand to put the crown on his head.

In an instant, he felt a cool breath slowly enveloping his brain.

This refreshing feeling is somewhat indescribable.

Then, Scott felt his mind was more active than ever before.

He began to think about a course he was still working on recently, combination spellcasting.

Then, the knowledge he had learned before automatically emerged from his mind.

His mind integrated these useful knowledge at a very fast speed, and soon, one difficulty after another began to break through.

Scott didn't raise his hand to take off the crown until he felt a little headache.

He silently estimated that this moment of thinking was equivalent to the results of his serious study for several days.

Of course, this also requires the learning process to be smooth and not be stuck by any difficult problems.

"It's really amazing."

He put the crown back.

"This is a bit scary." He murmured, "I have to say that this crown is too tempting for us Ravenclaws."

"I think so too."

Professor Flitwick nodded in agreement with what he said.

"So I have to think carefully about how to use the crown."

Scott said bluntly: "You really should formulate an effective system, otherwise..."

He smiled.

"Excuse me, Ravenclaw can be crazy."

Professor Flitwick glanced at him and laughed.

"Of course I know, Scott." He said, "I am also a Ravenclaw. To be honest, I have to use most of my perseverance to suppress my greed."

Scott said, "You are already a Ravenclaw with a high sense of morality."

Professor Flitwick shook his head and sighed, "Oh, you are always so thorough. Sometimes I don't think you are really a 14-year-old child, Scott."

"Maybe it's family reasons." Scott answered naturally, "You know, our family background is a bit complicated."

Professor Flitwick nodded in agreement.

He said to Scott in a casual tone: "Sometimes I am glad for one thing, that is, Ravenclaws basically have no desire for power."

Hearing him say this, Scott laughed immediately.

"It seems you have thought about this question too?" Professor Flitwick said, "If Ravenclaws are as keen on power as Slytherins... that would be terrible."

He shook his head again.

"It's not that I look down on Slytherins." He said softly, "It's really... Ravenclaws can play more tricks than Slytherins."

Scott couldn't help laughing.

He didn't know the Slytherins of the past.

But the active Slytherins now seem to have been brainwashed by the "pure blood supremacy" theory, and each of them is a little too "straightforward".

The most cunning contemporary Slytherin Scott has ever seen is Snape.

But he thinks Snape is not actually a very cunning person.

And the truly cunning Slytherin should be like Medea.

Until now, Scott's understanding of her is still as vague as through the clouds.

Scott chatted with Professor Flitwick for a while, practiced spells again, and then returned to the Ravenclaw Tower through the secret passage in the office.

Before leaving, Professor Flitwick asked Scott not to talk about the crown when he returned, and to announce it after he had considered it. Scott agreed.

After entering the common room, Scott was stopped by Jacob.

He walked to the sofa in the corner of the common room and sat down, looking at Jacob sitting opposite.

"Good evening, Scott."

"Good evening."

Scott looked up and observed Jacob.

"You have changed a little." He said.

"Thank you."

Jacob became more lively than before.

"I thought about what you said for a long time." He said, "You are right. When I looked around with a different perspective, I immediately got a different feedback."

Scott nodded.

Jacob continued, "I was too insecure before."

At this point, he laughed at himself.

"I have reacquainted myself with my classmates. After all, there are not so many bad guys."

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