The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 188 188. Don’t miss any opportunity

After lunch that day, Scott and Jacob came to the empty classroom again.

This time, Scott deliberately chose an empty classroom without tables and chairs.

"To be honest, I'm also curious."

Scott looked at Jacob and said.

"For a normal little wizard like you, I wonder if my magic fluctuations can lead your magic to resonate. If successful, what will be the result."

Jacob smiled and said, "It won't be worse than it is now."

Scott reminded him, "You have to be prepared. Even the best result is just to make your magic fluctuations more active."

Scott knew very well that doing so would neither enhance Jacob's magic nor improve his talent.

There are many factors that can affect a wizard's spell, and the activeness of magic fluctuations is only one of the less influential aspects.

Jacob nodded.

"I want to try!" he said, "Please, Scott."

"Then try it."

Scott took out his wand and pressed it against Jacob's heart.

"Open your mind." He said, "You must trust me completely to succeed."


Jacob nodded again.

"It's started."

The hem of Scott's robe began to flutter, and the tip of his wand lit up slightly.


With a muffled sound, Jacob was knocked back several steps, staggering and sitting on the ground.


Scott put down his hand holding the wand and frowned slightly.

"Are you okay?"

He walked in front of Jacob.

"You didn't open your mind, I can feel that your magic is resisting my magic."

"I'm fine."

Jacob slowly got up.

He was pale and covered his heart with his hand.

"I'm not injured, just a little painful."

He smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, I don't disbelieve you..."

Scott made a gesture to shut him up.

"It's your subconscious that's controlling it." Scott said, "It's not something you can control easily."

"Try again." Jacob put down his hand, "Try again."

But Scott frowned.

"I'm afraid not." He said, "If you are not sure, forget it. This will hurt you."

"It doesn't matter!"

Jacob took out a bottle of potion from his pocket and poured it into his mouth.

He then put the empty potion bottle in his pocket and wiped his mouth with his hand.

"One more time." He looked at Scott, "Please!"

Scott stared into his eyes.


After a while, Scott compromised.

"One more time."

He raised his wand against Jacob's heart again.

The magic light shone again.

This time Scott was more careful.

Under his control, his magic fluctuations started from weak and slowly increased.

At this time, Jacob had closed his eyes.

As time passed, Scott could sense that Jacob's magic fluctuations began to slowly increase under the guidance of his own magic.

It seemed like there was a chance?

But before he could get happy, at the moment when the frequency of their magic fluctuations was closest, something unexpected happened again.

At this moment, Jacob's magic began to reject Scott's magic again.

But his magic power was far less powerful than Scott's, so he was repelled again.

With another muffled sound, Jacob fell to the ground again, holding his chest.

Scott put away his wand and looked down at him.

"I think it's better to forget it." He said.

Jacob's expression at this moment was very depressed.

Scott continued: "To be honest, if I were in your position, I wouldn't be able to open my heart to others."


Jacob wanted to say something, but suddenly heaved a few times.

He quickly took out another bottle of potion and poured it into his mouth.

"If this goes on, it's not worth getting hurt." Scott said.


Jacob exhaled and stood up again.

"For the last time."

He looked at Scott pleadingly.

"...You really are." Scott was a little helpless.

"I know that even if this method succeeds, it won't make me much stronger."

Jacob lowered his head and said softly.

"Besides, I don't have the strong sense of insecurity I had before. But, I'm still unwilling to be just an ordinary wizard."

He raised his head and looked at Scott again.

"I want to achieve something, I want to learn more magic, I don't want to miss any opportunity."

Scott looked at his eyes and always felt that he saw something familiar in his eyes.

He had seen such ambition in the mirror.

"For the last time." He said to Jacob seriously, "If it doesn't work this time, I won't use this method on you."

Jacob nodded, "Okay!"

Scott raised his wand again.

The tip of the wand lit up again, Scott closed his eyes, relying entirely on perception.

The two people's magic power came into contact, and Scott's suppressed magic power fluctuations slowly released, guiding Jacob's magic power.

As the frequency of Jacob's magic power fluctuations gradually increased, Scott invested more of his mind.

Very good.

There was no rejection this time.

Jacob's magic power began to become more and more active with Scott's magic power fluctuations.

Soon, Scott opened his eyes.

At this time, the light on the tip of his wand was getting brighter and brighter, and the robes of both of them fluttered like flags in the wind.

Jacob closed his eyes and his expression was empty.

Of course, there was no scene like Neville's magic riot.

Scott was surprised at this moment.

He didn't expect that this kid could really do this.

Just like he said to Jacob just now, if it were him, he would never open his heart to anyone.

After a while, as Jacob's magic fluctuation frequency had stabilized, Scott withdrew his hand holding the wand.

In his perception, Jacob's magic fluctuation frequency dropped a little at this moment, but soon stabilized again.


Scott breathed a sigh of relief.

Such a result is still higher than the boy's original magic fluctuation frequency.

This shows that doing so is still effective.

However, Scott thinks that this kind of weird thing has only happened twice.

After all, not everyone can accept others to use a spell against their hearts and open their hearts to them at the same time.

After a while, Jacob opened his eyes.

"How is it?" Scott asked him curiously, "Do you feel any difference?"

Jacob shook his head, took out his wand, and pointed it at the empty space.

"Flames are blazing!"

Flames burst out from his wand.

At this moment, his eyes lit up.

"Thank you, Scott!"

He said excitedly.

"I can feel that the spell is smoother now!"

"Is it really that obvious?" Scott was skeptical.

"Of course..." Jacob smiled and said, "Only a little bit, but I think it's worth it!"

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